The Anxious

Two's Company, Three's a Crowd

8.30pm –  Tao’s Room

Now that everyone was in the room, the only person who could show them the way to Xiumin’s happened to be out of breath as he had already met with him 20 minutes earlier.


‘Why the hell did you go over there if you are going to go over now?!’ questioned Sehun as he zipped up his purple hoody over his white vest.


‘He just wanted to tell me something, ok?!’ Baekhyun replied, having enough of Sehun’s and the others questions. ‘Are you coming or what?!’


Closing the door slowly behind them they quietly made their way down and swiftly out the entrance and ran towards the bus stop on the other side of the road. Not waiting long, they climbed onto the next bus towards Xiumin’s apartment. The bus was strangely silent for having all the boys on it at the same time. Sitting at the back of the bus Tao could sense Lay’s increasing panic as he fidgeted and looked out the window, the others however didn’t.


Tao, resting his head on Lay’s shoulder began to whisper ‘we won’t get caught, don’t worry.’


‘Me, worried about getting caught. As if. I got caught with the principles daughter, and even then I wasn’t worrying.’ Lay replied, still fidgeting.


‘Then what’s wrong?’


There was a long pause as Lay was thinking of a way to say it. Tao grabbed his hand trying to make it stop annoying him as it fidgeted. Looking up, Tao’s eyes connected to Lay’s dewy ones, spilling at the edges.


‘I don’t want to lose my best friend.’


At those words Tao grasped Lay’s shoulder and pulled him into a tight hug. ‘Don’t worry, I am sure Xiumin will help,’ Tao whispered softly to Lay giving him a reassuring squeeze.



Once arriving at Xiumin’s apartment Baekhyun took out his set of keys and unlocked the door before letting the others in and ordering them to ‘take off your shoes or you die.’ Following Baekhyun into what they presumed to be Xiumin’s living room they were met by their sleeping teacher huddled up on the sofa with a pair of pale purple skinny jeans on and a tight fitting t-shirt, something of which the others were not expecting to see from him. Hushing the others Baekhyun sneaked over to the sleeping figure and unexpectedly jumped on him earning a moan to slip out of Xiumin’s mouth followed by ‘ you I was sleeping.’


‘Ha you wish,’ countered Baekhyun receiving an eye roll from the elder as he push the other over as he sat up.


‘So…guys make yourself at home,’ Xiumin said, a slight worrying panic creeping into his voice. Comforting the older and trying to make him less anxious about the situation Baekhyun turned Xiumin’s face towards his and planted a soft unexpected kiss as the receiver’s face which instantly turned a pale shade of pink.


‘Hey guys, I am all for that lovey dovey stuff,’ began Sehun ‘but can we sort out Lay’s life pronto because he looks like he is going to have a meltdown any second and also Luhan promised a hard-core make out session with me if I came here,’ Sehun finished bluntly, as Luhan chocked at his boyfriends honesty.


‘Sehun-ah why did you have to say that!’ shouted Luhan as he stared at the younger, trying to figure out why the hell he was dating such an idiot.


‘You always say honesty is the best policy,’ Sehun winked knowing that he had won this battle.


Trying to gain the two quarrelling lovebirds attention Xiumin threw a pillow at the couple sitting across from him, ‘if you want to make out, just use one of the spare bed rooms, not in front of everyone, please,’ desperation and hilarity seeping into his voice as the others looks at him like he is crazy. Seriously a teacher practically saying, ‘yeah go for it.’


‘What?’ he questioned as the others stared in disbelief, ‘you two obviously love each other, am I not the one to get in between true love,’ Xiumin honestly finished smiling at the cute couple gawking at their teachers reaction.


‘Best. Teacher. Ever.’ Sehun stated placing his hands in the air and reaching over to high five the elder.


After getting comfortable in Xiumin’s rather large apartment filled with cushions and all things cute they began to get down to business concerning Kris.


‘Before we get started I think you should know something about me,’ Xiumin began looking at his new friends worry etched over his face. ‘I haven’t told anyone other than Baekhyun and still I don’t really like telling people about my past.’ Baekhyun cuddled up the Xiumin as the elder began talking whilst patting his like Baekie’s head.

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Chapter 5: Update! Update!