Truth or Dare

Two's Company, Three's a Crowd

The next couple of days came as a shock to Tao as his fears had vanished as he started to enjoy his time away in Korea. Although there was one thing Tao couldn’t quite understand, Kris. Since the first day, Tao had been taken by Lay everywhere, but Kris didn’t have the same reaction. Why is Kris being like this Tao thought? Was it something he had done to upset him? Or did he think he was taking his best friend away from him?

It was the end of the day when Tao plucked up the courage to ask Lay about the strange distant behavior of Kris.

‘Is Kris alright?’ Tao spoke breaking Lay’s conversation about how hungry he is.

‘Why do you ask?’ Lay replied instantly with a twinge in his voice. Tao couldn’t help but find it slightly enduring the way Lay spoke to him. It was like Lay wanted something from him.

‘I just find that he doesn’t like me, like I have done something wrong or is he always like that?’ Tao spoke honestly looking away from Lay as they made their way down a back ally towards the school dorms which only those who live away from the school.

‘I wouldn’t worry about Kris, everyone has their problems. Just sometimes they affect others without them knowing.’ This statement shocked Tao, causing him to feel bad by asking Lay and not the true problem, Kris. Getting the hint, Tao spoke no more about Kris.


Making it back to their dorms Tao got out of his school uniform and collapsed on his bed wearing nothing but his boxers. Looking up to the ceiling he couldn’t help but think of Kris and what he had done to upset him. Lay said he has problems, were they personal problems or was it something Lay said to get him of his scent?

Breaking his line of thought he heard a knock on the door followed by ‘you coming to dinner or are you too much of a rebel to eat?

‘You can always come in instead of waiting out there like a fool, you know’ Tao replied as he reached for his t-shirt still laying his tired body on the bed.

Walking in, Lay couldn’t believe his luck. A half- Tao on a bed was like a dream to him. Standing there he didn’t know what to do or look at as Tao got up and searched for his jeans.

‘A-a-are you ready yet?’ Lay said thinking to himself ‘did I just ing stutter?’

‘Yep, I am all set’ as Tao pushed Lay by his waist out of his room shutting the door behind.

Down in the food hall they met up with Luhan and Baekhyun from their Maths class. Attached to Luhan’s arm was a funny looking boy with colourful hair who kept whispering things into Luhan’s ear, occasionally getting an elbow in his ribs. Along from Luhan sat a very hyperactive Baekhyun texting away on his phone giggling occasionally.

‘He has a thing going on with Xiumin’ Lay whispered in Tao’s ear, ‘it has been going on for about 5 months now. They sneak off through free periods and apparently just hang out. Baekhyun says they haven’t done anything but I don’t believe him.’

‘Really? Like how does he get away with that? Surely they are going to be caught?’ replied Tao, trying not to attract Baekhyun’s attention.

‘They are both really sneaky. One time in class the Head Teacher was there and they still weren’t caught passing notes to each other.  Apparently, when Baekhyun finishes school, they are going to move away together. I find it sweet actually; I wish I had someone like that.’

‘To be honest, if I was dating someone I would prefer it to be all out in the open,’ Tao replied picking away at his half eaten meal.

 It was not long until everyone had finished and congregated in Luhan’s room to spend the rest of the evening. It was no surprise that Sehun tagged along like a little lost puppy even though he was two years below everyone else. However, Sehun had that presence that made him seem a lot older than he really is when he isn’t all over Luhan. As it was a Friday Kris came over to stay the night as a guest. He managed to sneak some drinks in under his coat and by 9pm nearly everyone was tipsy except Luhan as he felt like he would end up looking a mess for his ‘little wolf’ Sehun. Some of the things Luhan said to Sehun made Tao cringe at but others he was just jealous. It was not long until the games started.

Truth or Dare

Tao had always hated playing Truth or Dare back in China but didn’t object to it here as he thought he may seem like a chicken for not playing, and also maybe because he would also have a reason for saying things as he is tipsy.

It was Luhan’s turn


‘Would you ever consider getting surgery to your face to make you look more like a man? Because I am pretty sure that Sehun believes you are a girl!’ Baekhyun joked with a serious glaze over his comedic face.

‘I DON’T LOOK LIKE A GIRL BAEKHYUN! WHY DOES EVERYONE SAY THAT! Sehun do I look like a girl?!’ Luhan stated asking a blank looking Sehun who was avoiding all eye contact with his boyfriend. ‘ANSWER ME!’ he screeched taking Sehun by his chin to face his own.

‘No!...well…actually the more angry you get….the more you look like a girl,’ replied Sehun with a smirk on his face, receiving a pinch on his arm by Luhan.

Next was Tao.

‘Dare please,’ Tao decided thinking that this was the safest option.

‘Ok,’ replied Sehun ‘what about…..tell someone in this room what you truly think of them.’

‘’ though Tao ‘why did I have to get given this.’ Thoughts swam through his head trying to think of something to say. However the alcohol took over and before he knew it he was saying exactly what he didn’t want to say.

‘Kris what the is your problem? Like why are you so cold towards me?’ Tao began ‘is it something I have done or is it just your crappy personality? I really want to be your friend but you just seem to ignore every single thing I do.’

The room fell silent. Tao couldn’t believe what he had done. He sat there, close to tears, avoiding everyone’s eyes that were staring right at him, drilling holes into him.

‘You really think I don’t like you do you?’ Kris broke the silence with a laugh Tao had never heard from him before. In fact he had never heard Kris laugh ever before. ‘I don’t hate you Tao, I admire you.’

Before Tao had a chance to ask why it was Baekhyun’s turn, and then Sehun’s and then Luhan’s and a few more rounds it was Kris’s turn.

It was noticeable that every turn Kris would always pick dare. Did he really have something to hide?

‘Kiss the hottest person in the room,’ Baekhyun seductively said as he began to twist his hair between his fingers.

‘Well it is defiantly not you,’ Kris joked making Baekhyun turn away in a huff.

Once again everyone was silent, waiting for the response of Kris who was sitting with his head facing the floor thinking of who to kiss. If it was Tao’s decision he would have protested against the kissing challenge and asked for another dare. However, Kris was the opposite. He wanted to do the dare.

A minute later and Kris finally coughed, getting the attention of the others, making them move into a tighter, smaller circle. Kris was looking forward know and everyone was on edge waiting for Kris to make the move.

After a long moment of time the kiss was over. Heat flashed into the boy’s face that was both unprepared and speechless. ‘Did this really just happen?’ thought the boy. ‘Did he really just choose me over everyone else in the room?’

‘Tao. Tao! Are you alright? You look like you are going to faint’ spoke a panicked Luhan handing Tao a glass of water.

‘You must have taken his breath away Kris!’ joked Baekhyun patting Kris’s shoulder as a way of congratulations.

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Chapter 5: Update! Update!