

For Misha! <3

Prompt: Suho, despite everyone else’s impression, is possessive of Kris; Kris goes out drinking with his friends one night, and when he returns, Suho locks Kris in the house and throws out the key.

Notes: Vampire au! In this vampire au, vampires are basically humanoid creatures that live extremely long lives and drink blood for sustenance. They are not affected by sunlight, garlic, or silver. They do possess incredible strength and speed, and some vampires (in this case, both Yifan and Junmyeon) have the ability to do magic.

…Because I didn’t want to make this chaptered with a long- introduction to vampires and how Junmyeon and Yifan met, etc. Sorry misha~ I think that it’s also painfully obvious that I’ve never experienced many of the things that Yifan and Junmyeon have in this work, but I still hope that the writing is enjoyable, understandable, and somewhat relatable.

Warnings: Mentions of mature themes towards the end. But I didn't think it deserved an M rating...someone should give me feedback on this.

And on to the story!




Yifan closed the door to his apartment hallway and stumbled forward as he tried to take off his shoes; he felt pleasantly buzzed, and just light-headed enough to be a little off-balance. He smiled dreamily at the picture of his mate and him hanging on the wall above the shoe rack.

Kim Junmyeon. Yifan felt his fangs begin to elongate as saliva filled his mouth; just the mere thought of Junmyeon filled him with bloodlust and desire.

Suddenly, though, he faltered. Junmyeon wasn’t going to be very happy with him when he came back; he’d promised Junmyeon time and time again that he wouldn’t go “drinking” with their other vampire friends (as in going to clubs and drinking their fill of human blood), but here he’d gone again. Yifan carefully tasted the air on his tongue, and relaxed when he didn’t detect the scent of his mate. It seemed as if his little escapade for tonight would go undetected.

He stumbled up the stairs, his fingertips tingling pleasantly as they brushed against the walls, due to his heightened sensitivity from all the blood he’d taken. When he finally reached his room, Yifan didn’t even bother to change out of his clothing as he fell on the bed. He burrowed underneath the soft blankets, sleep claiming his mind as the moon began to sink below the horizon outside.


Yifan woke up to a familiar scent. “Junmyeon?”

“Yifan.” Junmyeon was sitting in the window seat, his back against the glass as he smiled at Yifan.

“What’re you doing over there?” Come ‘ere,” Yifan slurred, and beckoned his mate with his finger.

“Oh no. I don’t think so.” Junmyeon’s smile suddenly turned icy cold, and Yifan felt a shiver run down his spine, bringing his mind to full alertness.

“Why not?”

Junmyeon’s eyebrows furrowed in a disapproving look. “You went out drinking last night.”

Oh . “Uh…”

“’Uh’ is quite right.” Junmyeon pushed himself up off the window seat and folded his arms. “Do you even have an excuse this time?”

“No.” Yifan groaned internally as he stretched in bed, and then threw the covers to the side. He’d been hoping for a hug, but it looked like Junmyeon wasn’t going to give him one. He yawned and padded over to their shared closet, ignoring the look Junmyeon was giving him. He carelessly dropped his clothes from the previous night on the floor as he changed into slacks and a collared shirt. He bent down and picked up his dirty clothes, and then looked at Junmyeon, raising an eyebrow when he noticed his mate’s casual attire.

“Don’t you have work today?” Yifan walked to the bedroom door and put his hand on the handle.


“Why not?” Yifan tried to turn the handle, only to find that it wouldn’t budge. “Babe, where’s the inside key for the door?’

A cold gust of air swept Yifan’s bangs, and he turned around in surprise. “Junmyeon?”

Junmyeon snapped his arm back and threw the glittering key out the window before slamming it shut and turning back to face Yifan.

“Are you nuts?” Yifan stared at his mate in shock. “We have work today!”

“No, we don’t.” Junmyeon stepped away from the window and sat down on the edge of their bed. “I called in sick for both of us. We’re going to stay here and talk.”

Yifan sighed deeply and stepped away from the door; Junmyeon had no doubt sealed the door as well, and Junmyeon was by far too good at hiding his magic from Yifan, even though Yifan had a good two thousand years on him. But then again, some vampires had talents in different areas—for example, Junmyeon was a skilled magic user, but Yifan was the stronger, faster vampire of the two.

“What do you want to talk about, sweetheart?”

Junmyeon pursed his lips in annoyance. “Stop calling me pet names. And sit down next to me.”

Yifan appeared at his side in a flash, his eyes narrowed in annoyance as he looked over at Junmyeon.

Junmyeon sighed deeply and began picking at the sheets with his fingers. “Yifan…is it really so much to ask?”

Yifan growled low in his throat, but didn’t say anything.

“Do you know how it feels? To see you come home, reeking of other vampires and human blood? Seeing your body marked by someone else?” Junmyeon sniffled sadly.

Yifan felt a pang of regret, seeing his younger lover like this, but the regret vanished in the next instant when Junmyeon suddenly stood up.

“Maybe I should go drinking on my own. With my friends, who you don’t trust. And then I can come back and you can see how you like it—“

In a split second, Junmyeon found himself lying on the ground with Yifan hovering on top of him, his eyes flashing.

Junmyeon didn’t make any protest, and simply gave him a sad look. “See? Just the thought of me, going on my own, and getting marked by someone else makes you like this. Just because I seem angelic, and sweet and kind and all that that you and other people say about me doesn’t mean that I don’t have feelings, and that I don’t feel the same way about you, Yifan.”

Yifan sighed deeply. “Junmyeon, it isn’t that we say. It’s true that you are caring to the people around you.”

“Don’t change the subject, Yifan,” Junmyeon snapped. “This isn’t about me; it’s about you. Is it really so difficult for you to just bring me along when you decide to go drinking? Are you that ashamed of me?”

Yifan only hesitated for a heartbeat, but it was already too late. Suddenly, Junmyeon was no longer on the floor beneath him, and instead his mate was hovering by the door.

“You are, aren’t you?”

Yifan stared at Junmyeon, aghast at the tears in Junmyeon’s eyes. “Junmyeon! I’m not—“

Yifan found himself speaking to the open door, creaking slightly as it swung open to the staircase. Yifan immediately gave chase, but by the time he got to the front door, Junmyeon was long gone.


Yifan spent the entire day searching for his mate. Their enormous strength and speed meant that Junmyeon could be anywhere in the city, and Yifan felt a huge surge of relief when he finally found his mate nursing a blood cocktail by the bar in a supernatural night club.

Yifan gently brushed away the vampires that were lining up to talk to his pretty mate, and took the seat beside him at the bar. “Junmyeon.”

Junmyeon flinched. “Y-Yifan.”

Yifan didn’t waste any time on false pretenses. Instead, he simply took Junmyeon’s drink out of his hand and set to the side, and then carefully covered Junmyeon’s smaller hands with his own. “Junmyeon, I’m not ashamed of you. Alright? You’re beautiful, you’re kind, you care about the people around you, you’re intelligent, you’re hardworking. What is there to be ashamed of about you? If I could, I would always keep you with me, and I would always show you off to the world.

It’s true, I don’t take you drinking with me when I go out because I’m not sure that I want my friends to meet you. But it’s not because I’m ashamed of you—it’s not that at all. I’m just not sure how they’ll respond to you and treat you, and I want you to be treated well and be with people you’re comfortable with. Do you understand?”

Junmyeon sighed and reached back for his drink. “But that’s my point Yifan—maybe it started off with you just going off on your own most nights and coming back covered in foreign scents. But now, even though you’re a thousand years older than me, you treat me like a child, like something that has to be protected.”

Yifan growled low in his throat at his mate’s words. “I don’t want someone to take advantage of you, like that person who lied to you and said that you were mates, only to leave you for someone else. I saw the firsthand effects of the devastation that person wreaked on you; after all, I had to woo you for half a century, didn’t I? And even now, after twenty years of living together, you still have these insecurities. Of course I want to protect you, because even if Chen happened so long ago, you’re still hurt by that. You’re still emotionally vulnerable.” Yifan moved one of his hands away from Junmyeon’s hand, and placed it over Junmyeon’s chest instead. “I want to protect you. What’s wrong with that?”

Yifan could see the insecurity swirling in Junmyeon’s eyes. In addition to being tricked and taken advantage of someone in his past, Yifan also knew that Junmyeon was greatly intimidated by their age difference, as Yifan’s maturity and actions were often very different from Junmyeon’s. He could see Junmyeon’s fear of betrayal, along with the rest of the complex worries that he carried on his shoulders clear as day, and he hated it.

Yifan wanted Junmyeon to be happy. That was the first thing he thought of when he woke up for the day, and the last thing he thought of before he drifted off to sleep. Junmyeon’s welfare and his happiness were always at the forefront of his mind, and he knew that Junmyeon did the exact same thing for him.

When the swirling storm of emotions didn’t leave Junmyeon’s eyes, Yifan sighed and yanked Junmyeon forward into his lap.

Junmyeon yelped and put his hands on to Yifan’s shoulders to steady himself. “Yifan!”

“What?” Yifan murmured his words against the soft skin of Junmyeon’s neck.

“W-wait.” Junmyeon tried to push him away when he smelt a sudden change in Yifan’s scent. “Yifan, not here, plea—mmph!”

Yifan’s fangs pierced Junmyeon’s artery, and he savored in the sweet taste of the blood Junmyeon had consumed today, along with the taste of his mate’s skin. “You taste delicious.”

Junmyeon made a strangled noise, and then pushed Yifan away. “Yifan!”

Yifan chuckled and allowed Junmyeon to hop back into his own seat. “Junmyeon.”

Junmyeon gave him a wary look and folded his arms. “We are not going to have and forget about this issue, Yifan.”

“We can get to the later,” Yifan agreed easily. “Junmyeon, if I promise to take you out with my friends and I the next time I go drinking, will you believe me?”

“You couldn’t keep your promise to not go in the first place. Why should I trust that?”

“I’m older than you, and my body is going through a phase where I need to feed more. It wasn’t something that could be avoided. However, next time, and every time after that, you’ll come with me. Alright? You can meet my friends. You can decide for yourself whether you want to go after that.”

Junmyeon scoffed and turned his head to the side, exposing the bite marks Yifan had given him. “That sounds hardly fair. Sure, I get to go with you, but what if I don’t like your friends? Then what?”

“Then we’ll go together. Just the two of us.”

Junmyeon gave him an appraising look. “…Fine. I accept.”

“Excellent.” Yifan picked up Junmyeon’s cocktail and downed the rest of the drink in a smooth gulp. “Let’s go, then.”

“Ok.” Junmyeon slipped off his stool and grabbed Yifan’s hand as they threaded their way through the crowded club.

Sure, Yifan showed off how possessive he was. He bit Junmyeon in public, he made sure to scare off anyone who seemed remotely interested in his mate, and he would always have an arm slung around Junmyeon’s shoulders when they were together.

However, Junmyeon was possessive too. In public, if Yifan didn’t have an arm around him, then Junmyeon would find a way to maintain skin contact, and Junmyeon always gave him sly brushes and touches as they walked past each other. However, his possessiveness also came out in a different way when he and Yifan were alone.

Junmyeon hated seeing any marks on Yifan that he hadn’t put there himself. He hated the scent of others on his body. He felt lonely and nervous, frightened that Yifan would find someone else while he was in the thronging crowds of the club. Sometimes, the emotions would build up and they would fight like they had today.

But then, they would always work it out. That night, Yifan made slow love to Junmyeon, highlighting everything he loved about his mate and trying to get his mate to love himself for who he was. They woke up the next morning in a pleasurable haze, and later that week, instead of heading out at night on his own, he took Junmyeon with him where they enjoyed taking blood from humans, and then feeding off each other.

Time flew by. There were more arguments, more misunderstandings, but with those conflicts came greater understanding, and Junmyeon came to completely trust Yifan over time. A thousand years later, when Junmyeon went through a phase where he needed more blood than usual, he made sure to take Yifan with him whenever he went out to feed. Over time, Yifan’s possessive streak slowly lessened.

However, if anything, Junmyeon’s seemed to grow more. He became more confident, holding Yifan’s hand under a table, putting a hand on his shoulder, intertwining their fingers together when they went out into the city, or wrapping an arm around his waist as they wandered through time.

But now, the possessiveness was different. When Yifan looked into Junmyeon’s face, he no longer saw fear, distrust, or betrayal in Junmyeon’s eyes. Instead, all he saw was love and compassion, and Yifan figured…

Hey, why not? After all, he had a near eternity to change Junmyeon’s possessive touches if things got a little out of hand, and Junmyeon went overboard.

The End

a/n: Urgh. Not really sure how I feel about the ending. I’m not really sure if this was quite what you were looking for, Misha, but I had fun writing this so I hope you like it~ This is actually my first vampire au for exo. Obviously, this wasn’t really developed or anything but I hope you guys could still enjoy it! Please leave me feedback to let me know how I can improve, and excuse the extreme cheesiness and fluff that is this work. I’m also half asleep while writing this so…there might have been a few typos. I’ll go back and fix them soon!




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2450 streak #1
Chapter 1: it's cute how they have eternity to work on their issues... the amount of time Jun needed to get over his insecurities, the amount of time Yifan needed to realize that while Jun needed taking care of, he wasn't as fragile as before, the time both of them needed to work on themselves and better their relationship as mates... ah so precious!
Chapter 1: Gah this was perfect!
muthiaulfam #3
Chapter 1: Aw possessive Kris is always be my favourite, but possessive Suho? It's a new for e and now I am completely fallen for this!
Chapter 1: Loved this :)
LollipopLuhan #5
Chapter 1: DAEBAK!!!!! Love it :)
ayanesakura #6
eRnah_hanRe07 #7
Chapter 1: ..' wwaaahhhhhh..
..' nice story, keep it up... :)
Kyuhyunadia #8
Chapter 1: Why I didnt see this story before omg... I love how you wrote junmyeon possessiveness toward kris in more private way and well possessive mean jealousy and that means love. And kris possessiveness are mangaish. And I love how you make this story flew perfectly... you should wrie moreeee ^^ hwaiting ^^
Chapter 1: I've used to read about Kris possiveness. But Joonmyeon possiveness is cute too. Haha.
This is my first time reading Krisho something supernatural like this and I like it. Because usually I don't like it. Its quite boring. But no to this story. This story are too chessy and I love it.
Thank you for the story authornim ^-^