It Will Be Me

It Will Be Me


Gif not mine. Credits to owner.

"You what?"

Chanyeol tried to hear what his best friend was trying to say over the phone.

"I said, we broke it off. The marriage is over and I'm not in a relationship with her anymore."

Chanyeol shook his head, putting a hand on his forehead, "Where did she go? What did she say? What are you going to do now?"

"Chanyeol, I don't need to hear this from you right now. I'm having a bad night as it is." 

"A bad night? You're having a bad night? The girl that loved you for fifteen year finally let you go. Do you think she's having a splendid time?" Chanyeol questioned.

Luhan's sigh was heard from the other side of the line, "I need time right now. I don't know what just happened okay? She just broke it off randomly and I don't know what to do. Stop pressuring me."

"Where did she go?"

"Shouldn't you be worried about me right now?" Luhan asked on the other line.

Chanyeol didn't say a word. It was true he was worried about Luhan as well, but he was more worried about her.

"Listen, I have to think this through. This happened so quick and so sudden that I don't know what to say."

"When did she leave?" 

Luhan laughed on the other line, "And yet you're still worried about her."

"Luhan, I'm being serious right now. When did she leave?" Chanyeol asked.

"She left like an hour ago. She isn't picking up her phone, if that's what you're asking." 

"Okay, I'll call you back later." Chanyeol said, taking the phone away from his ear.


Chanyeol put the phone near his ear to hear Luhan speak, "Why are you so worried about her? She's the one who broke it off. I need time to think and I called you first because I wanted you to hear me out and comfort me. What is she to you?"

Chanyeol gritted his teeth, feeling his hands roll up to his fist, "I said I'll call you back later."

With that, Chanyeol hung up the phone, putting it inside his back pocket. Looking at the time, he rushes out the door of his house. His mind was out of control. He didn't know what to do or say but to look for her. Luhan said she didn't pick up her phone so Chanyeol knew for a fact she won't pick up his calls either.

Chanyeol stopped, brushing his hair between his fingers. Where could she have gone? He tried to look near Luhan's place. He knew for a fact that if she was heartbroken, she couldn't have gone far. He was sure that she would be near the building, knowing she had no strength to go forward.

Aimlessly, looking around, he felt a vibrate on his pocket. Stopping, he checked his phone to see a text message. Praying to himself that it was her, he swallowed hard when it was Luhan.

Are you really in love with her?

Chanyeol ignored the message, running around. He tried to yell her name, but he knew she would never respond. Why was she doing this to him? Why was she making him worry?

Putting his hand on his forehead, he breathes hard, trying to catch his breath. He was worried sick and she wouldn't have known a thing. Running aimlessly, he began to shake, knowing the day was growing darker.

He wanted to find her before the day turned dark and he was worried. If she was at her house, he would worry less, but knowing she was stubborn, she was outside. Unlocking his phone, he decides to call her, knowing even if she didn't pick up, he would try and miraculously she would.

Hearing the go through, he turns his head to the side to find her when he stops. He heard a familiar ringtone near and he looked at where it was coming from. At the bus station, she was sitting there, putting her hair down and her phone in her hands. The phone was rinnging crazily and she didn't bother to look at it.

Slowly walking up to her, he places a hand on her head. She jerks her head immediately, looking up at him. Her eyes were red and her face was swollen. Her hair was all over her face. 


Chanyeol grew angry when he saw her, feeling the anger rise to his face, making his face hot.

"Where were you? Do you know how worried I was? What are you doing here in the cold by yourself at night? Don't you know how dangerous this place is? At least call me and let me know where you are!" Chanyeol yelled when she looked to the side.

"Chanyeol, please. People are staring." She said, trying to calm him down.

"Do you think that's what's important right now? I was worried sick about you and you didn't even call me. Do you you know how long I've been looking for you?" He asked, biting his lips. He took off his jacet and placed it over her shoulders, pulling it over her, "You're going to catch a cold. At least be healthy."

She glanced up at him, "Thanks. I didn't know you would be so worried about me."

Chanyeol crouched down in front of her, looking up at her. "I was worried sick. I was looking for you all this time and I was scared you were in trouble."

She smiled at him, "You know I'm strong enough to handle everything."

"This is you being strong? Outside Luhan's place in the cold? Waiting outside the bus station? Is that what you call being strong? Look at you crying in the streets, this isn't like you."

She wiped her tears, "I guess you heard what happened."

Chanyeol his lips, "Are you okay?" 

She put her head down, gently shaking it from side to side, "Honestly, no."

He swallowed hard, looking up at her. She didn't dare to stare at him back, knowing if she did, she would break out into more tears.

Chanyeol's heart ached seeing her like this. He extended his hand to cup her face when he stopped. He gently rolled his hands into a fist, letting it retreat its way back to his side. He didn't want to touch her, because he knew that if he did, he would want her and that wasn't going to be good.

"I thought that if we got married, Luhan would finally love me, but instead, he got someone else. Someone that is much more better than me and understands him more than me."

Chanyeol shook his head, "That doesn't mean you're not good enough." 

"It means everything. She got his heart in a few months, I failed and released it after trying to grab it for fifteen years. I've failed and that's what . I wanted him to be mine and only look at me." 

Chanyeol looked up, seeing her tears fall down her cheek to her hands that were interwined together.

"It's Luhan's fault that he let you go and didn't notice you long ago." Chanyeol whispered.

"No one has noticed me like I've noticed Luhan." She mumbled.

"Am I a no one?" 

She gently looked up, trying to catch Chanyeol's eyes with hers, "What?"

Chanyeol looked down, giving her a bitter smile, "I don't think now is the right time." He said, but he shook his head, "But I guess I might've well tell you."

Chanyeol looked up at her. His eyes were filled with lust, desire, love, and wanting. She couldn't understand him. 

"Say something that I understand." She told him when she saw him his lips.

"I like you. I've been liking you. It's been exactly five years since I've liked you. Ever since Luhan introduced me to you, I've been in love with you. Everything you did made me smile and I would trade anything of my body just to see you laugh. I hated Luhan for having a girl like you. I wanted you myself but I had to keep myself away from you knowing that you were my best friend's fiancee." 

She shook her head, "I don't know what you're trying to say."

"You know exactly what I'm trying to say." Chanyeol said, "I love you and I want you to be mine. I don't want you to be behind Luhan like a shadow anymore. I want you to be mine because I know I'm going to treat you better than Luhan has ever did." 

She shook her head, "No, this isn't right."

"What's not right about this?" Chanyeol asked, standing up and looking down at her, "You're no longer his and he broke up with you. It's over and done, don't you see?" 

She stood up abrubtly, "You can't just come here and confess me to me when I just broke up with someone I loved for fifteen years." 

"I know." Chanyeol whispered, "I'm being selfish and I know this is the wrong time, but I had to tell you." 

She looked to the side of his face when she saw a familiar face staring back at her. Across the street, she saw the person she had loved her entire life stare at her, a phone near his ear.

As she looked down, she saw her phone vibrate on the benches. Chanyeol glanced behind him to see his best friend across the street, looking across them. Chanyeol sighed and looked at her, "Don't look at him."

Although she tried to follow his rules, she couldn't help but glance at Luhan.

Chanyeol forefully grabbed her face, facing it towards her, "I said don't look at him."

She looked at him for a long time when he swallowed hard, "Please, don't look at him." He begged, "Luhan hurt you, please don't look at him anymore and look at me." 

She looked directly at Chanyeol's eyes and felt the desperation. His breath was heavy and she could tell he was nervous. She nodded slowly, trying to swallow his words.

A reassuring smile placed his lips. As he leaned in and kissed her forehead, he felt a bus pass by them, loud enough for everyone to hear. Feeling the breeze, he stepped away from her and she looked at him. Chanyeol looked back at Luhan to see that he was no longer there.

Feeling a buzz inside his pocket, he took out his phone to read the message Luhan had sent.

You do love her... 

Staring down at her, she was looking away. A blush crept on her face, but he knew she was still hurt and confused. Hugging her close, he whispered in her ear.

"It'll take time for you to open up for me and I'm willing to wait." He felt a tug on his shirt when a smile played on his lips, "I'll make sure you wish that Luhan wasn't yours, because it will be me." 

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Chapter 1: omg, I had goosebump. this is so real and simple romantic. my heart is moving. thanks for your great work♡
ReinaPark #2
Chapter 1: greaat fanfic.. love it
YoonTaeRi #3
Sequel? It would be great to know Luhan's side of story...
lukaihyun #4
Chapter 1: sequel?? good story..^^
Chapter 1: Haha you should make a sequel. ...I Wanna see luhan suffer xD
Parson #6
Chapter 1: This just makes me wish sometimes that someone saw me that way haha. Jk. I really enjoyed the oneshot! Maybe make a sequel? I'd love to see where you could make this story go. Great writing!!