*Fallen Princess*

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Story: Fallen Princess

Author: wolfandthebeauty


Title: ⅘ The title is a bit cliche and I automatically knew it was a fantasy story. But in an another point view it seemed interesting!


Description:  6.5/10: The very first sentence of your description was “The Underworld was in alarm.” If I were you, I would’ve written something more dramatic since your poster and background seemed to be very mysterious and darkish. Also I think the description gave away a bit too much of your story. So if you just made it a little bit shorter but using dramatic words, it would've been more interesting. :) Also the poster is very nice!


Plot: 22/25. So basically the story was about a fallen princess and dark sorcerer who is a great danger. It’s indeed a bit cliche so that’s why I subtracted some pints. You only written few chapters about the story so I can’t really subcontract nor add anything. Haha. But everything else is fantastic <3


Characters: 17/20. Fallen Princess was only described in the first chapter so I can’t really subtract points. But VIXX was there for two chapters so maybe you could’ve revealed some of the characteristic like you did for Xiumin.


Flow:13.5 /15.I think that the flow is a bit too fast here. In two chapters, the dark sorcerer appears and I think you could’ve written more about the brutal incident how the dark sorcerer caused a ruckus. And the same thing for Chapter 3. I wished you could’ve wrote more about EXO’s reaction to the appearance of dark sorcerer.


Writing Style: 18.5/20. OMG I ABSOLUTELY LOVED YOUR WRITING STYLE <33 You used descriptive words. I might sound picky a bit but you have a tendency to write only writing the character's name and a simple verb. For example, “‘What the hell is happening?’Hakyeon screamed.” You could’ve said “ ‘What the hell is happening?’ Hakyeon screamed as he ran through his hair in confusion and fear.” :)


Structure: 5/5. I loved how there was like the moon picture and how the background was black emphasizing dark fantasy.


Overall Enjoyment/ Total : 86.5/100


* The reason we do not count spellings and grammars:


We will be deducting points from the writing style if we spot heavy errors. But Counting Days Review Shop focuses more on the story plot itself.


Reviewer's note: To be honest, I am not the biggest fan of dark fantasy but I actually enjoyed this. And your writing style PERFECTLY matched this genre. Nice work!


Thank you requesting at Counting Days Review Shop. Come again!

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Requested for a review ^^
Slytherinese #2
Chapter 2: Alright!thank you so much for the review :> and very fast too :D i'll work on it right away and thanks for the suggestions you gave me.I totally need it,before i work on the rest of the story <3
Slytherinese #3
I've submitted a request for for my story to be review.tell me if i need to re-fill it again.
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