Play with Me, Hyung?

Play with Me, Hyung?

Five-year-old Sehun trudged towards his Luhan hyung's locked room. The little tyke was bored and the first person that managed to crawl up his toddler mind to make him happy and smiling was his Luhan hyung. "Yehet.." he mumbled and cooed, pounding on the mahogany doors that divided him and his Luhan hyung. "Hyung. Play.  Let'th play. Do you want to play hide and theek?" No answer.

"C'mon hyung, let'th play hide and theek! You love that game! Sehun the tiny wowrior and Lulu the gwiant." Little Sehunnie frowned and continued to knock on the door. He hasn't seen his Luhan hyung in a while now and he couldn't wait to play with him again. Luhan hyung always managed to find wherever he hides his tiny body and they'd share honey rice cake and some chocolate bubbletea where Luhan hyung bought it from across the street. He'd like to play and eat some yummy honey rice cake right now. He pounded nonstop at the door, making soft thuds as his chubby fists made contact with the door. "Hyung.. it doethn't have to be hide and theek. We can play what you like!" There, that's bound to attract his Luhan hyung's attention.

"Go away, Sehun!" came the voice that startled the little boy. Luhan sighed and gritted his teeth, jawline clenching. He got grounded by umma and appa because he got into a nasty fight. He'd love to go out and play with his younger brother but he wasn't allowed out of his room. Explaining the rules of being grounded to Sehun would be pointless and the painful cut that oozed blood from his upper eyebrow and lower lip did not help at all. Man, he had to work out. Or he just shouldn't bother himself with any physical fights anymore.


He had to tell the little boy to stop. The pounding was getting annoying to his ears.

With a small gasp and squeak, Sehunnie clutched his deer plushy and looked down, the habit he accumulated whenever he felt someone's upset with him. "I guess not now."

4 Years Later

Sehun fixed his glasses and grinned, knocking on his Luhan hyung's door. "I know you're in there, hyung." Except the own wind howling through the windows, there was only deafening silence but Sehun learned to be patient. His Luhan hyung would open the door soon. "Umma and Appa are gone. We can play hide and seek now that the whole mansion is ours."

Still nothing.


Sehun was persistent though. He knocked repeatedly on his brother's room and formed a cup around his lips with his hands, moving closer to the keyhole. "C'mon, you've been cooped up in there for ages! Let's play dance battle then." Eyes twinkling at the thought, Sehun remembered the first time he and his hyung dance battled. His hyung was good but he was better with his graceful body movements and hard pop-and-lock. "HYUNG!" he shouted a bit, growing a bit impatient. "Some company would be nice you know. My eyes are burning with the bunch of video games you got me for Christmas."


"Hyung, c'mon." Sehun pleaded and rapped at the door. "Remember back then? We used to be buddies. Just you and me. You'd me show lots of stuff and I'd learned from them just like what you wanted. Don't you want to go back to those times, hyung?"


He waited for a good five minutes and chewed on his lower lip, looking down at his shoes. His hyung didn't open up. He walked away with heavy footsteps, letting Luhan know that he'd left. Silence fell upon the whole mansion except the soft plucking tune of Sehun's guitar.


Luhan heaved a heavy sigh. Finally, the constant annoyance, which was his brother, ended. Messing his hair up, he buried his nose back into a thick political science book with a few scattered chemistry and physics books at bay. He didn't want any distractions from anyone at that moment.

Sehun never knocked on Luhan's door after that.

17 Years Later

"Luhan, stop it." Sehun growled as he examined his dingy apartment. His eyes swiftly checked every corner and shelf where a tiny CCTV camera could be possibly hidden. He couldn't see anything. Oh, Luhan was good, Sehun thought with a smirk. He suspected that one his brother's tramps were the ones who constantly broke into his wretched-excuse-of-an-apartment and stealing some of his . Who else would it be?


Feeling eyes boring down at him, Sehun walked in circles and seethed. "Why can't you just stop?! You've seen the places I've seen. There's no incentive to stop. Why would I?!" He shouted in anger, knowing well that his brother could see and hear him clearly.


He took out a syringe from his jacket and smirked devilishly. It's his secret supply. He always has one. "You think you can stop me, brother mine? You want to save me?"


Anger and disgust resonated in Sehun's whole being, causing his hand gripping the syring to tremble. He stabbed himself on the arm without even flinching. The needle pushed through his skin carelessly, causing a few drops of blood to gush out. "Why? Am I threat?! Am I a threat to your high position in the government? Are you ashamed with your drop-out, junkie brother?!"


The words that left his mouth were venomous and Sehun smirked, gazing at his arm as the fluid mixed in with his crimson blood. He slumped on the couch with his jaw slightly ajar and eyes loosely shut, feeling the bliss and ectasy that only drugs could provide him. "Try to save me now, brother dear." He stated emotionlessly.


Luhan watched everything from his office. He couldn't take his eyes off of Sehun. Luhan's heart clenched painfully as he eyed his brother slip in and out of consciousness, tears welling up his eyes. It was very unlike him to cry or show any true emotion. He touched the screen unconsciously, wanting to be able to touch and save his brother for real. Where did I go wrong? What made him like this?, Luhan's mind raced with these questions. Where was the Sehun that who ate honey rice cake and chocolate bubbletea with him? The one who rapidly knocks at his door almost everyday and ask to play hide and seek? Where is that boy?


A single tear dropped, which Luhan allowed, and he looked down at the documents on his desk, only seeing meaningless words at the moment. "Sehun..." he mumbled as he could here the small voice of a child at the back of his head, words coated with purity, love and innocence, asking him to play hide and seek.


Luhan wished he could've just opened the door with a smile. He wished he could've just said yes.




Took me a good hour. Well, enjoy. :)

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Chapter 1: Omg i cant T.T tge feels are too real. Love this!
Awwwwww so sad...
uyu_jungdok #3
Chapter 1: I hate the ending. Ohmy i almost crying ;;;;
DiepDi #4
Chapter 1: Thank you for such a great work! I want the fans in my country to read it too, so can I translate it into Vietnamese? Thank you!
Chapter 1: lol the scene from frozen come to my mind at first some dialogue too its like "do you wanna build a snowman" but this fic is extremely painful...... seriously luhan... only if ... only if and only if.. regret always come late
XanLuvly_08 #6
Chapter 1: ohmygoshhh!! i hate you but i love you... i cried way too much for my own good!!! xD
TheGlitterWorld #7
Chapter 1: this is amazing ! I loved it ! It was soo well written ! and a little sad :( can you summarize up the story for me cause i dont quite get it :3 wow authornim
vinseop_the_best #8
I can't wait for the first chapter fighting!!!!!