Pedo- sloth is gonna you

12 Rich Kids 6 Thugs & Me

Matsuo Rouge


We both used our skateboards to get to school. It took less time and less

energy. On our way we saw our friend Kim HimChan. He was fighting 4 guys all

by himself, and since he was outnumbered it seemed like he was loosing. Bang

and I exchanged looks and nodded. We both jumped in and joined the fight. One

the guys was massive, a giant he was even taller than Zelo. The second tallest guy was tall but not as tall as the giant this guy kinda resembled a puppy. The third guy was darker than compared to the others. The first thing I noticed about the last guy were his bags. He looked like a panda XD.


Although these 4 teens looked strong Bang and I were stronger, mainly cuz we’ve been fighting underground for bout 4 years now. It was the only way we could support ourselves after on the streets. No one else would give us money so we decided to earn it through those underground matches. Although we could have been killed and had so many near-to-death situations we always pulled through. Bang and I. The fighting not only earned us money but it kept us strong. So now we’re stronger than ever.


*15 mins later*


all four guys lay there unconscious. Himchan was pretty badly beat up: he had a bust lip, his nose was bleeding, he had a couple of bruises on his body and I could see a black eye forming. Bang only had a bust lip and a small bruise forming on his cheek but apart from that he looked fine. I had a small cut below my right cheek, it was bleeding but I’d live. The three of us stared at each other and burst out laughing. Sure we were injured but we had survived. We were still alive and doing much better than the 4 guys we had just beaten up. But alas our laughing ceased when we heard police sirens.


We looked at each other.


And though the exact same thought…


Oh !


“Run es!RUUUUUNN!!! or…Pedo- sloth will come and you in your dreams!!!” I scream/warned the boys


We dropped all of our bags down and ran. Bags would just weigh us down and us three couldn’t risk getting caught. If we do it’ll be the ing 3rd time this month. With all the strength and energy we had left we sprinted away. Laughing our asses off as we did so. Well Bang and I did anyways, HimChan kinda  sprint-hobbled.  We stopped running as soon as we knew that no one was following us. There was a field under a bridge so I walked over to the bridge and collapsed on to the grass below the bridge. Appreciating the shade that the bridge provided and the soft cushiony feeling of the grass . Bang and Himchan soon followed.


We stared at each other and burst out laughing once more.

“imagine what we looked like running away…scared less-” Himchan started


“red, flushed I’m going to die faces-.” Bang continued


“Screaming HOLY SHIIIIIITTTTTT!!!!! At the top of our lungs!” I finished


We continued laughing for a good 5 minutes then we tried to calm down.


We stayed there in silence for a while, trying to catch our breath. Himchan was the first to break the silence.


“So who is this Pedo- sloth you were talking about?..”


<--------------to those of you who dont know pedo/ sloth ;)

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gaianerd #1
this is awesome! chapters are extremely short but didn't fail to make me laugh :) please keep writing! hwaiting!