Nice Guy

The Toymaker: Pinnochio
He scanned ever building on the street, trying to find the right one. His eyes landed on a girl, who was taking out the garbage. Perhaps she could help him.
"Um... Excuse me!" He called out. 
The girl turned around. 
Oh. My. Stars. 
She was the cutest being he had ever seen. Even cuter than any doll the Toymaker had made. There was a weird vibration in his chest. His hand reached over to the place where humans would have their heart. Then he felt it. 
A weak heartbeat. 
He had found love. 
"Do you need help with something?" the girl asked. 
He snapped out of his daze and handed her the piece of paper he was holding. 
"Oh. I guess you're the new neighbor the landlady was talking about. I'll show you to your apartment. Follow me," she said. 
He complied and thought, *Since you're my love, I'll follow you anywhere you go.* 
She lead him to the entrance of the building they were in front of, and into the elevator. She pressed the 3rd floor button and the elevator's doors closed. As they were going up, he kept stealing glances at her. He couldn't stop! He had found his love at first sight, which the Toymaker talked about all the time. 
When the elevator's doors opened, he looked straight ahead, not wanting anyone to catch him looking at her so much. She stepped out first and then so did he. The hallway wasn't too long, so it didn't take much time to go to the last door. 
"Here's your new apartment. I live right across from you, so if you need any help, just ask me," the girl said. "Oh! I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Jang Julie." She held out her hand for him to shake.
"I'm L. Joe." He said as he took her hand and kissed it gently. 
Julie blushed. "Well, nice to meet you, L. Joe." 
"Nice to meet you too, Julie." L. Joe said. 
And he truly meant it. 
Chunji parked his motorcycle in front of the building. As he walked inside of it, he ran straight into the elevator. He pressed the button for the 3rd floor. As soon as he got out of the elevator, he walked to the last door on the right. He knocked three times. Julie stepped out, wearing her pajamas. 
"What are you doing here so late, Chunji?" Julie asked while rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. 
"I need a place to stay for the night," Chunji said. 
"Go to your own home," Julie said. 
"I can't."
"Why not?" 
"I just can't." 
Julie sighed. The she asked, "Where's Baekhee?" 
"Probably still in that club. I ditched her for you," Chunji winked, hoping that his charm would convince her. 
It didn't. 
"What? That's so mean! She'll be really mad at you tomorrow once she finds out that you left her without a reason!" Julie shouted. 
"What's going on here?" L. Joe asked as he walked out of his apartment. 
"Hey! You're that funny dressed dude!" Chunji said. 
"What?" L. Joe asked. 
"Chunji, apologize immediately! That is very rude," Julie scolded. 
"I'm sorry that you're dressed badly. Whoever sold you your clothes totally conned you," said Chunji. 
"That not what I told you to apologize for," Julie said angrily. 
"It's okay," L. Joe smiled at Julie reassuringly. 
"Aww. You're so nice," Julie said. 
Chunji looked back and forth between these two. The badly dressed dude staring at the Julister with loving eyes, and Julie saying calling a guy other than her best friend, Gongchan, "nice." 
"Are you guys dating or something?" Chunji asked. 
Julie immediately blushed scarlet red and L. Joe did not deny or confirm anything. 
"How could we be? We just met a few hours ago. He's renting out the empty apartment," Julie said nervously. "Not that it's empty anymore with L. Joe living inside it." She added quickly. 
"Anyway, Chunji, you should go home now. Your parents are probably worried why you're still outside so late. And next time, don't ever ditch Baekhee or any other girl like that," Julie said. "Good night, L. Joe." She waved. 
With that, she disappeared into her apartment. 
L. Joe started to go back to his own apartment too when a hand held him back. 
"Dude, can you let me stay the night?" Chunji asked. "If I go home now, my parents are going to ruin my life. Please?" 
"Okay," L. Joe said as he opened the door of his apartment. 
"Thanks!" Chunji said. 
Julie was right. This guy is nice. 
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lastdivinesong #1
Waiting for the first update o/
Lisa_lp10 #2
This idea seems nice,
update soon, neh?
You had me at Pinocchio. 8|||
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