A Deal of Fate

Noona, You're Mine
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  Gaein smiled up at Zelo's eager face as they said their goodnights.



                "And to think," she chuckled, "you used to be the last person in the world I would've ever dated. But you've cleaned up nicely, 'Mr. Bad Boy'."



                Zelo frowned, "Yah. Don't even joke about me being the last person in the world you'd date. It's not funny." he crossed his arms and leaned towards the girl he'd secretly idolized since he was in grade-school. He had been the delinquent, but with her kind and sometimes not-so-kind encouragement, he'd straightened up (for her sake) and was now seen as quite decent at school. Although he still was a part of the school gang, and he and Daehyun always pulled practical jokes on the students, he had somehow finally reached the point where when he asked Gaein to go out, she had actually accepted.



                "But I wasn't joking." Gaein took his hand and looked up into his face, "You've come a long way and when you asked me to date you, I seriously considered saying no." She rushed on at the look Zelo was giving her, "I did have other prospects, but you were really trying hard and I have to admit...you are kinda cute."



                "Yah!! Noona, telling me you'd turn me down because I'm a bad boy would be bad enough, but cute is crossing the line." Zelo scowled.



                "Okay, okay." Gaein laughed and her laughter had Zelo smiling at her again, completely forgetting he'd been totally intent on pouting a moment ago.  "I guess I'm not saying this right. I'm just glad I gave you the chance. Normally I wouldn't go for someone younger than me, but Zelo, you were just too persistent and you really were cute and I can honestly say I don't regret the decision."



                At her words, Zelo's face lit up, his eyes brightening, and he gave a satisfied smile and acted upon instinct. Reaching out, he grasped Gaein in his arms and pulled her close, embracing her tightly. Pulling back, he observed her adorable shocked face and smirking in a self-satisfied way, he said, "Well, I'll be going then. Make sure you wrap up tonight, so you don't catch a cold." and he turned and dashed off into the alleyway, congratulating himself at his successful impulse to hug her.



                Gaein, still dazed, massaged her forearms, the place Zelo had grabbed her and slowly turned towards the shop door. She'd never been hugged by another man before. Sure she'd had countless others who had wanted to date her, and she wasn't sure why she'd ended up picking Zelo, but whatever intuition had made her accept him, a younger, delinquent boy, had been correct. Smiling at the memory of the time he'd asked her out, and wrapped up in the memory of the embrace, she almost didn't see the tall, dark figure emerge from the shadows.



                She gave a quick, high-pitched squeal until she saw his face. Then recognition dawned and she berated herself for thinking of him as some thug.



                "Oh, you're one of those students who came before, right? Hello." she greeted, "I'm sorry, but (she checked her silver-blue wristwatch) the shop closes in about ten minutes, so..."



                The student moved closer to her, silently not saying anything. She backed up uncertainly and her voice died in as she took in the look on his face. His expression was a dark mingled fury touched with desire and passion.



                "You-" his voice made her shudder and she continued to back up until she'd hit the wall behind her and couldn't retreat anymore. He advanced, towering over her and she was about to scream when he continued, "You...break up with that punk." His words were so unexpected, and so ridiculous, her scream died in and she looked up at him incredulously.






                "Break up with him." the guy repeated. Gaein wondered if he was drunk or something...maybe he was sick? What random guy popped out of the shadows and just demanded she break up with her boyfriend?



                "I'm sorry, but I need to go in now." Gaein said keeping her voice firm. If she acted confident and in control, this younger boy should just go find someone else to pester right? She began to walk past him, but the student roughly grabbed her arm and shoved her back into the wall. Placing both hands against the wall on either side of her face, he leaned in and said coldly, "I'll only say this only one more time. Break up with him."



                "Who are you to tell me what to do with my personal matters?" asked Gaein turning angry. She glared up at the student who was quite taller than her and continued, "I don't see how it's any of your business who I-"



                "It  is my business though." the stranger leaned closer to her; his face was too close to hers for comfort; almost kissable close. She squirmed uncomfortably, but he didn't seem to notice or if he did, he didn't care. "Is it not a man's business to step in when his girl is being meddled with by someone else?"



                "E-excuse me?" spluttered Gaein. This stranger was admittedly good looking, and rich, judging by his school uniform (he went to that famous private school) but that did not give him the right to treat her in such a way. She felt her anger boiling up inside. Flower boys always thought they could get away with whatever they wanted. Zelo had been that way too, until he'd started dating her, and he'd learned he had to be polite just like everyone else.



                "You sure like me to repeat myself, don't you." the stranger said; it wasn't a question. He was waaaaaay too close now. She turned her head to the side and tried to press herself more insistently against the wall. His lips grazed her ear."Very well. I'll put it in simpler terms, shall I?" he chuckled darkly.



                "As you are my girl, you need to stay away from trash like him. I won't let it slide next time."



                "Look." Gaein was slightly (okay a lot) intimidated by this imposing stranger who'd emerged from the shadows, "I don't know who you are or what you really want and if you're going to pick some random girl in the streets to date, then go clubbing or something where they'll actually want you. You're obviously younger than me, and I swear-"



                The man straightened and by the dim street lights, she could make out the name L on his nametag.



                "What makes you think I'd pick up just any random girl off the streets?" scoffed L.



                "Um...isn't that what you're trying to do right now?"



                "Pabo." L chuckled suddenly gentle, "I wouldn't pick just anyone to be with. I'm not some random person you'd see on the streets. I'm not like anyone you see on a daily basis. I'm so much more than that...shall we say... I'm your prince? Anyways, just listen to me and dump that guy. I can offer you so much more." Gaein looked into his eyes and couldn't look away. He had a very intense stare that trapped her. After a few seconds, he pulled away and caressed her face with the lightest of touches, "Until next time then

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Chapter 26: things are becoming more and more exciting >< will be waiting for the next uppdate~
Chapter 24: asdgfhjkl ZELO TAT go away and leave myungsoo and gaein!!!!!! authornim i love your story so much i will be waiting here until you upload the next chapter ;u;
Chapter 19: i wonder what will happen once gaein and myungsoo finally meets!! and not to mention zelo is there too omg i'm so excited for the next chapter ><
tinnew #4
Huhitscorn #5
Chapter 18: its amazing update pls
jungwool #6
Chapter 15: so good hahah! <3 please update T.T miss it too much
mierolzafri #7
Chapter 14: yeahhh...another chapter
Chapter 13: authornim i love you huhu TEAM MYUNGSOO FIGHTING <3
mierolzafri #9
Chapter 13: woooohoooooo
Looks interesting :3