Back To School We GO

(Hatius)When The Dark becomes Your only Light

I woke up early the next morning being that it was the frist day of the new semster of School. I got up Two hour early so I could wash up, eat and have time to make lunch for Sangdo since he would be at the house. I was thankful for the university I was going to because you don't have to wear uniforms which I hated so much. So I picked out skinny blue jeans, a black racerback Tank with a knitted black and white stripped sweater over top. It was fall and the weather was started to cool down and if I didnt dress right Sangdo would chew me a new one. I pulled my black and white converses on and checked my self over in the mirror. I just let my long black hair fall down my back in his wavey normal state. I did little makeup just some simple eyeliner and masscura. I grabbed my backpack and headed into the living room to see Sangdo cooking breakfast. "Um, Sangdo what are you doing up? " I asked as I sat my bag down near the front door. " Oh I figured you would need a good meal to start your day. So I'm cooking breakfast." He said smiling at me.I walked into the kitchen where he was at the stove cooking away. i went up behind him and back hugged him. " Whats this for?" He asked looking over his shoulder at me. " I just wanted to hug my best friend who takes good care of me." I said. " Go take a seat at the table and ill bring you your breakfast."he said. I left him alone and went and sat at the table to see he had it set for us. He had orange juice, coffee and banana milk set out on the table. He soon came over with Two plates in his hands, now sitting one in front of me. I had tought Sangdo how to cook american food, since I was American and my parents moved here before I was born for there company. So in my house hold we spoke english, ate American foods and did American things. We also did Korean things as well So I spoke English and Korean both very well. So I tought Sangdo how to cook American food and a few other things. He grew to like American breakfast the best. On the plate was bacon, eggs, toast and pancakes. He took his sit across from me at the table and we both dug in. It was quiet for awhile until he spoke. " Kira, im going to help the boys out today to find anything out." I looked up at him and then spoke. " Okay, well I want you to be careful while out doing it." He smiled at me then went back to eatting.

After breakfast I gathered my things and headed down to the bus stop to head to school. As I waited for the bus I got this feeling

I was being watched. I turned and looked around me but I didnt see anyone but the old couple sitting down wait along with me.

Soon the bus arrived and I got on taking my sit at the back of the bus near the window. The ride to school was long to me even

though it wasnt that far at all. Soon my stop came and I got off heading inside the universtiy to my first class. I got to my class

room and walked up the steps to the back corner of the theater style class room. I pulled out my books for my first class. My

class was Anicent Mystical History. I was taking History class about different cultures and there cruses and stuff like that. It was

A extra credit class. As I sat there looking at my guideline for the class a Shadow formed beside me. I looked up to see a tall

youngman He was slinder, with some kind of build to his body, He had pale skin and he had dark eyes almost black. His hair

was jet black and it was short but long on one side cover his right side of his face and eye. I saw he had thick guy liner on. He

wore black jeans, black button up shirt with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He took me by surpise he kind of creepied me

out. " Um, Hello I said bowing to him." "Hello, um you dont mind if I sit here? " He asked pointing to the sit beside me. "Oh ,

No go right ahead." I said smiling at him. He smiled this amazing all most face breaking smile at me and sat down placing his

book on the fold over desk top. "Um, Im Lee Kira." I said sticking my hand out to him. "Nice to meet you Kira, I'm Lee

Hongbin." and he took my hand in his shaking it. His hands felt like ice cold. " So your new to the class? "I asked. " Yep, the

whole school really."He said with a smile. For some reason this guy gave me a unsettling feeling. Soon I saw someone I kind

of knew come in the class. His eyes scanned the class room till they landed on me and he smiled and made his way up to where

I sat. "Well hello again Kira didnt know you were in this school." He said smiling. " Well I didnt know you were in school


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LaiMU19 #1
Chapter 12: Your poster is GREAT! PLEASE~ keep updating I LOVE THIS STORY! Oh! and I choose P-GOON~ for her d(^_^)b GOOD JOB! on the story LOVE IT <3
Oh everyone what do you think of my new Poster for the story I hope you like it.
Naamuu #3
Chapter 10: Pgoon!!! ^^
JadDyus #4
I really like this please dont leave it! The idea is really good please please go on ~
humey_chan #5
Chapter 8: Why is it m rated xC