somethin wrong with that sky!!


onew's pov:

what with the weather already?!. isn't enough that we took all day workin, only thing that gives me hope at all this day that am

gonna eat chicken when i go back we all are like corpse, minho and taemin are sleepin like babies, key and jonghyun are


giggiling nonstop.    "jonghyun, tell the driver to stop a minute to buy chicken ,i am so hungry". "yah! anioh! we ate it yesterday and you


are going to get sick if u didn't stop eating chicken,thats plus i am not goin to cook u food again because i want to rest" key as always

nagged, this umma!! even if i am his hyung he cant control it -.-".

jonghyun's pov:

onew hyung as always asking for us to buy him chicken, key saved me but it doesn't seem he really did,onew hyung didn't even replay

him "aish,i will ask him to pull over,but better not think that i am the one who will buy it for you , i better die than going out in

this weather ". then onew looked at key "what? you better kill me first , i will get a cold !" key squealed. onew hyung looked at

minho, the car stopped suddenly onew screamed "yaah!! you guys must go!" "why dont you buy it your self hyung?" i told him. then

key said with eyes wide open look O.O "dont you remember the last time he did it...he almost got him self into trouple!"....aiish! minho

is lucky he's sleepi.... "what trouple?"

minho's pov:

"what trouple?"...i couldn't ignore key screams in the car....aigoo, it was a good dream. what goin with them,they are all lookin at


me with a sly smile "minho, we miss you alot,do you feel good?"key and onew said it "wha.....yah! what do you want from me?!"


jonghyun then did said "*cough*busted*cough*" "i need you to go buy me chicken" guess who said it!! "aish! hyung! jjinjja , thats too


much ,dont you see the weather already? am going to be stricked by electric bolt th moment i go out" i said ,actually i almost cried ,i


know he wont back down when it comes to chicken. onew hesitated then looked at the back i saved?!, "take this with you" i


knew it! i took the umbrella and went out side with out a word.i am now walking while shacking from head to toe,i think the sky is


going to fall..i miss the snow by now! >.<


i bought chicken and am on my way back ....but wait , i hear something, crying maybe?i agnored it but i heard it again...even if its


crying i can't ignore how beautiful is this voice. "what the h....?!?!?!" i saw i never saw anything like her before....if i was


someone believe in fairy tales i would say its a fairy...more she's an angel! ........



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