

Sally closed her apartment door and the lights. She groaned when they didn’t turn on and set her keys and groceries on the kitchen table. She used her phone flashlight and tried to find her candles that she kept lying around when her electricity decided to be a and stop working. She found them and used her lighter to light them up. She smiled in approval and began to light up the rest of her candles.

After she was done, she began to put away the groceries in her small kitchen. She took a bag of small pretzels out and opened them and began to snack on them. The lights finally came back on and she groaned to herself. Well, that was a waste, she thought. She began to blow out the scented candles that…

She tried not to think about it. If she did, she’d turn into a blubbering mess. She took a deep breath and her stereo and heard Linkin Park blast through her speakers. She smiled in content and went back to her kitchen to start dinner. She opened her fridge as she began to sing along to the lyrics and took the necessary ingredients out to make her dinner. She heard her door knock and closed her fridge. She paused her music and went to answer her door. She opened the door and saw her neighbor from across the hall staring at her.

“Can you please keep it down?” he asked her softly.

Sally took a deep breath and only nodded her head. “I’m sorry for disturbing you.”

He only nodded his head and went back to his own apartment across the hall. She heard five other voices speaking incredibly loudly to each other. She hid a smile and closed her door. She doesn’t know her neighbor very well. They often greet each other when she was heading for work and him coming back up from getting coffee from across the street. It was his friends that she kind of knew. They would converse with her without knowing her name, but they were loud and crazy.

She shook the thoughts out of her head and her stereo, but lowered the volume like her neighbor has requested from her. She went back to her kitchen and began to prepare her dinner.


She finally crawled into bed and sighed deeply. She patted around her covers and remembered that he wasn’t coming back. She took a deep breath and tried to make sure that she wasn’t crying. Sally never liked feeling weak. It made her feel like a failure. She took her headphones from her nightstand and plugged them into her ears. Mumford and Sons played through her headphones and lulled her to sleep.

Sally woke up to her alarm blaring at her. She quickly hit the snooze button and sat up from her bed. She rubbed her eyes and finally got out of bed. She yawned and went to her bathroom to brush her teeth and use her bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror and groaned. Her hair was wild and untamable… again. She ran her fingers through her hair and grabbed a hairbrush to try and flatten it out. She groaned when it refused to flatten. She grabbed a hair tie and pulled her hair up to a very high ponytail. She shrugged her shoulders and left it as is.

After Sally was done doing whatever it was in her bathroom, she began to get dressed in her usual work clothes and put on her flat heeled shoes. She stretched her back and walked out of her room. She walked into her kitchen and made herself a cup of coffee. She grabbed an apple and took a huge bite out of it. She missed his cooking. She shook the thoughts out of her head and finished her apple.

After the coffee was ready, she poured it into a container to take with her to work. She slipped it inside her messenger bag and began to walk out the door. She locked her door and turned her head around. She saw her neighbor and said her usual good morning and ventured off towards the elevator.


Sally opened her apartment door and threw her things inside. She face planted into the couch and let out a frustrated groan. She half expected for him to come over and run his fingers through her hair, but shook the thoughts away.

“Stop it, Sally. He’s gone now. He decided to break your trust and went off with Miss Experience than be with you,” she muttered to herself.

She pushed herself off the couch and sorted through her mail. Just the usual junk with one bill. She set it down next to the bills she needed to pay off and her stereo. Fall Out Boy was soon playing through her speakers in a volume she hoped that her neighbor would agree with.

Sally heard her door knocking and groaned. She thought it was reasonable. She paused her stereo and opened her door, but it wasn’t her neighbor. It was her neighbor’s friends.

“Can you knock on your neighbor’s door? He won’t let us in,” they asked her.

“Why won’t he let you in?” Sally asked them.

“He thinks we annoy him. We’re being awesome friends by visiting him. He should appreciate us,” one of them said. He had a long neck and seemed very skinny.

Sally only stared at them and decided to try to knock on the apartment door. After a few minutes, her neighbor opened the door and stared at her. He glared at his friends.

“You couldn’t leave my neighbor alone?” he asked them.

“You weren’t answering us. We had to take matters into our own hands,” another one of his friends said. He seemed a bit young in her opinion.

“Stop using my neighbors to let you in to my apartment,” he said, letting his friends enter his apartment.

Sally only bowed to him and went to her own apartment.

“Why don’t you join us?” another one of his friends asked him. He had dimples and she thought he was kind of cute.

“No, I shouldn’t. I don’t want to impose,” she said, inching closer to her apartment. In truth, she didn’t want to socialize.

“We insist!” another said, grabbing her hand and pulling her inside her neighbor’s room.

“You can’t drag people inside my apartment when they don’t want to,” her neighbor said.

“What’s your name?” the one with the long neck asked her, ignoring her neighbor completely. “For a while, we just called you Leo’s Neighbor with Loud Music.”

Sally blushed lightly. “My name is Yu Sally.”

“That’s a really pretty name. I’m Jaehwan. Most people call me Ken, though,” that one that was loud, Ken, introduced.

“I’m Hakyeon. You can call me N if you want,” the one with the long neck, N, introduced.

“I’m Hongbin and the one raiding the fridge is Wonshik, or Ravi,” the one with the dimples introduced him and the man that seemed to be searching for something in the fridge.

“I’m Sanghyuk, but I like being called Hyuk,” the youngest, Hyuk, introduced.

“I’m sure you’ve already met Taekwoon, or Leo as he likes to be called,” Ken said.

“Actually, he and I never really talked to each other,” Sally confessed, feeling extremely awkward around these boys.

“Wha? How come?” N asked her.

“I’m too busy and he’s never really ventured out of his apartment,” she said, sitting down on one of the chairs.

“Ya! Leo, is this how you treat your neighbors?” Ken asked him.

“W-we greet each other in the morning, though,” she said, trying to come to Leo’s defense.

“Still, he should have at least bothered to invite you inside,” Ravi said, eating a sandwich he made from the kitchen.

“Stop eating my food,” Leo said, glaring at Ravi.

“How come you never invite her over?” Ravi asked, ignoring Leo about eating his food.

Sally grew incredibly nervous. She didn’t know how to answer that question.

“Guys, leave her alone. I’m sure she would rather go back to her own apartment than hang out with you guys,” Leo told them.

“No, I bet she wants to hang out with us! We’re fun,” Hyuk said, hugging Sally very tightly. “Right noona?”

Sally grew very uncomfortable and looked at the men in front of her.

“Sally! You better be home!” a familiar voice to Sally’s ears called out.

“Who’s that?” N asked, opening Leo’s apartment door and looked down the hall.

“You there! Have you seen Sally?” the feminine voice asked.

“She’s in here. Why?” N asked.

“Sally, come on. I wanna make s’mores with you. Let’s go back to your apartment,” the familiar female figure said, entering Leo’s apartment and grabbing hold of Sally’s hand.

“Who are you?” Ken asked her.

“My name is Vanessa. I’m here to take Sally home and if you follow us, I will pepper spray you. It’s girls’ night,” Vanessa said, pushing her dyed short blonde hair out of her face.

The boys only stared at her as Vanessa began to drag Sally away to what Sally knew was going to be a very long night.

A/N: So, new story! It gets better as it goes along. It's just character introduction story ad such. Hope you enjoy!

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Noonanomuyeopo #1
This idea seems nice,
update soon, please?