My Angel



Two people living in a world they didn't fit in.

Belonged to another one.

One where deaths are defied.

Where eternity was applicable to anything.

Except for one thing; their love.



"Despite everything that's happened. And is going to happen. Never forget that my feelings never faltered."


"No matter what happens. No matter who dies. What I feel still remains."



A/N: This an entry for ℕℰω Ƴ∊αƦ ~ ƝℰᏔ ʂʈoɼƴ • | ➟ writing contest 

Used prompt #38


And "My Demon" and "My Angel" are the same story, it's just that "My Angel" is Sehun's POV all throughout the story while "My Demon" is Luhan's POV.


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