I'm Going To You

I'm Going To You


Gif not mine. Credits to owner. omg i love you, kill me. let's get married omg...

Woohyun ran through the people as he hit other people.

"Sorry, I'm sorry."

As he brushed past strangers, he held onto his breath as his sweat rolled down. He was going to be late if he wasn't fast enough.

"Ugh, I shouldn't have ate that ramen. I shouldn't have." He whispered to himself, feeling his stomach gurgling when he stopped for a while.

He felt the sweat rolling down his forehead when his stomach was in pain.

"Aish." He whispered, trying to look over at the clock behind him. His eyes widened as he looked at his watch. His eyes weren't deceiving him.

He held tightly onto the sketchbook and ran towards the gates.

He didn't know if he was going to make it on time. He had to make it before she came. It was going to be too late.

"Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh." He said loudly, running past different people. Although he hit a lot and bumped into many, he didn't have time to apologize. He really needed to go.

He had to stop because of his stomach pains, but he had to go as fast as he could.

"Two more minutes." He whispered, feeling his legs go faster. He was almost there, he could see the doors right in front of him.

As he bumped into the last person, he bowed, apologizing, finding a place to stand.

Pushing forward the crowd, he stood behind the line and looked down, catching his breath. When he glanced up, he saw her coming out of the door.

Her hair was down and she was wearing a light gray scarf he had bought her on Christmas.

With a green flannel with black leggings, she wore black heels that matched her perfectly and she was walking towards him.

Woohyun opened the sketchbook to the first page, finding what he was looking for.

"Woohyun!" He heard her voice when she waved at him.

Woohyun opened the sketchbook and put it over his head so she could see.

She stopped in her tracks to see the words written on the sketch book, holding onto her luggage tightly.

I missed you.

Without you felt terrible. I couldn't breathe and when I wanted to hold you, I couldn't.

Woohyun wiped the sweat off his forehead, turning the page.

We promised each other that we won't run away from each other and here we are.

We were a little worried we might stray away, but look at us. We're here.

She laughed to herself, glancing over at the people that were staring at them.

You don't know how much I waited for you. I longed for your touch.

I need a hug because a year without you was hard to bare.

She put down her luggage, opening her arms and walking up to him when he stopped her. He flipped the sketchbook and looked at her with a smile.

Stay there. Don't go too far so I can find you.

This time, I'll be going to you. Stay where you are because:

I'm going to you.

With that, Woohyun dropped the sketchbook and ran up to her, opening his arms.

He pushed his body on her small fragile body and he embraced her into a huge hug.

He held onto her head and pushed it on the crook of his neck, feeling her sigh.

"Woohyun, don't you think this is too much?" She asked, feeling her breath quicken when he held her closer.

"It's been a year, at least hug me like you mean it. Or let me actually hug you for a year."

She giggled, releasing herself, "I really missed you. You have grown over the year." She said, calculating his height.

"Or it's probably the insoles you bought me last Christmas." He teased when he hugged her again, "Ah, I really missed you. Everything about you."

She laughed when she felt a sweat fall on her forehead, "Are you sweating?"

He looked at her for a long time when he gave out a small, "Did I tell you I ate ramen today?"

"Don't tell me you ate the spicy one you can't eat?"

"I was hungry and that was the only thing I had!" He yelled, pulling her away, "I have to look for a bathroom, I couldn't go because I had to see you."

"I was more important than the bathroom?" She teased when he nodded, pushing her away.

"Let's hug more after I come out, okay?"

She giggled, seeing him run in the stalls as she shook her head.

Before she looked down, she looked up to see a bouquet of roses in front of her face.

Curling her hair behind her ear, she saw Woohyun giving her his greasy smile, "Hey, love."

"I thought you had to go to the bathroom?" She asked when he shrugged.

"I guess it doesn't hurt anymore after I saw you." 

She accepted the roses and smelled it, "I never knew you missed me that much." 

"I thought I almost died without your kisses and hugs. Video chatting was never enough for me." He hugged her again, kissing her forehead, "Don't go far away anymore."

"What if I do?" She teased.

"I guess I'll have to find you, because I'll end up going to you anyways."

With a smile, he leaned down and kissed her missing the touch they once shared.

"Thank you for waiting for me." She whispered when he laughed.

"Thank you for coming back for me." 

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Chapter 1: d'aww that's so greasy but i love it *-*
Chapter 1: Kyaa that greasy Namu... (≧∇≦) such a cute story! Keep up the good work, author-nim! ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
Chapter 1: kyaaaaa cuteee ><
14 streak #4
Chapter 1: Such a cute story
Chapter 1: haha... this describes my sister's relationship perfectly.... she'll be overseas for a year and her boyfriend doesn't just want to skype her... such a good story... cute and short
monsterheartbreaker #6
Chapter 1: <3_<3 that was AMAZINGGG
Chapter 1: oh da feels oh gosh dslkfhjasdf
nisreen #8
Chapter 1: Ahhh how cute :)
OrionSkyeZoeyy #9
Chapter 1: Kyaa my feels ^^
Chapter 1: Wahh~~~ Tooo cuteee >.<