Ready to Hurt [EDITING... Sort of]

Daehyun’s POV

Never once in my life, I felt like a idiot. Never once in my life, I confused with my own feeling. Everything was confusing me until one day she said sorry because she broke her own promise, she has been gave up on me. That was the first time I felt the ache inside of me when I saw her ignoring me and that was the day I knew what I have to feel towards her. Yes her, a girl who crushing on me since the first time we met named Kim Eunmi.

Jiyeon told me that Eunmi was just another girl who will give up on me someday. I wanted to prove her wrong so bad. It was true I’ve been confessed my feeling towards Jiyeon and she said nothing but sorry and that was ing different with the day I chased Eunmi at the bus and told her that I liked her too indirectly. Honestly I wasn’t sure with my own feeling that time. Until that night, I’ve never ever felt so useless like that.

I just arrived at Jiyeon’s house. I lied to Youngjae and Eunmi that my Mom asked me to come back home as fast as I can because I have to help her with her stuffs when the fact was Jiyeon asked me to come because she said there was something important. I didn’t want to see Eunmi looked disappointed with me anymore if I told her I need to go to Jiyeon’s house and that was why I lied. What? Disappointed? How could you think of it, Jung Daehyun? She doesn’t even like you anymore.

“What are you talking about with important thingy?”

“Nothing, I just bored. Home alone in this Saturday night,” she answered lazily. She just sat on the couch with her hand grip the remote, changed the television channel randomly.

“Wha—“ A heavy sigh escaped from my mouth. “Can you stop being childish?”

“You know I’m a childish one in the first place. Stop nagging me and just sit here, accompany me to finish this pizza,” she pointed the pizza on the table.

Yes, that was true, I know her too well. That’s why I can’t mad at her no matter how childish she acts. There was nothing change after the day I confessed to Jiyeon, we were still friend and always be friend. She told me that sooner or later my feeling would disappear and yep, my feeling proved her words.

We were sitting, eating, chatting and watching at the same time when my phone buzzed. I read the phone caller. Yoo Youngjae.

“Daehyun, something happened with Eunmi, I’m still not sure, but can you check her at Namyeong station area? I still at Himchan’s house, it needs some more time to reach Namyeong.”

My heart dropped. Oh no, it just stopped beating.

“Daehyun, do you hear me?”

“What? Yes, Jae. I leave now.”

I hung up the phone as I picked my jacket and wore it in a second.

“Yah, what happened?” Jiyeon asked me.

“It’s Eunmi, Jiyeon. I don’t really know what happened but I have to find her now,” I answered as I zipped my jacket.

“Oh my, Jung Daehyun look worry so badly because of a girl, and that’s not me.”

“It’s not the right time to be jealous. I leave.”

She chuckled by herself as she exclaimed, “Go find her and prove me wrong! Be careful!”

I saw her smiled from ear to ear wholeheartedly before I closed the front door of her house. She never really hated Eunmi, she just didn’t know how to make all the things up and just made all getting worse in front of Eunmi. When she told me that Eunmi would give up on me someday, it wasn’t like she doesn’t want me to be with Eunmi but she just wants to make me sure with my own feeling. She wanted to know how big Eunmi’s feeling towards me and that’s all why she acts flirtatious towards me when Eunmi’s around.

Since Jiyeon’s house near with Namyeong station, I just have to walk. I walked quickly with an umbrella protected me from the heavy rain. Yes, it was raining hard now. The umbrella couldn’t even protect my body properly not to drench. I tried to call Eunmi’s number but a mailbox answered me. What the hell actually happened?

‘Eunmi’s phone call disconnected all of sudden and Hyemi heard her scream before it disconnected. Maybe she hasn’t too far from Namyeong station.’ - Youngjae

I felt my heart pond getting faster than before. If I wasn’t going back first, maybe nothing bad would happen with her. Aissh, Eunmi, where are you? I was just reached the Namyeong station. When I was about entered the station, something caught my eyes, her figure.

I didn’t need a time to realize that a girl who sat on the bench at the bus stop across with the enter gate of Namyeong station was Eunmi. I stopped my pace as I slipped my phone inside my pocket jeans. Felt some kind of relief inside of me. She was fine, that was a big point. I saw she looked down at her own elbow as she touched it and she has a toothy grin on her face. I was about to approach her when the bus came and she climbed inside the bus. Unfortunately, I had no time to reach the bus. Impatiently I waited for the next bus and took it ten minutes later. Come on, I’m not playing drama. It was heavy rain, how could I catch up the bus with my foot?

When I arrived at the bus stop near with her house, I saw her nowhere. I took my path to her house. , my umbrella! I left it at the bus. Ah, who cares. It was raining, it was night and it was quiet here. I just needed to make sure Eunmi arrived home safely and then I could back home. I was about reach her house when I saw her figure in front of it. She drenched from head until tip toe. Aish, that idiot, how could she doesn’t bring umbrella in this state of weather? There was nothing to worry about her again right after I saw her figure disappeared.

I was just finished taking a shower when I saw six missed calls from Youngjae. I dialed his number as I tried to dry out my hair with my towel.

“Yah, why aren’t you picking up idiot? Eunmi is safe, she has been arrived home.”

“Gosh, I forgot to tell you. Yes, she is okay. I saw her with my bare eyes walked into her house.”


“I’m sorry I forgot,” I grinned by myself.

“Idiot. I hang up now.” I was about disconnected the call when Youngjae called me out. “Wait. You bring her home right? Awww, I’m wondering I saw that cute scene in front of my face. Under the rain you both walked—”

“I hang up now!” I exclaimed and just rejected the call. I received a bunch of tease text from Youngjae that night. He didn’t even know what happened and just made a conclusion by himself. Eyyy, that kid.


“Honey, wake up. There is your friend down there waiting for you.”

I groaned in annoyance.

“Oh honey, you have a fever,” Mom placed her palm on my forehead. Of course I would get fever sooner or later because of that heavy rain last night.

“Who is that Mom? It’s still early in the ing Sunday morning.” I ignored her words about the fever.

“I don’t know, but it looks like there is something important. Come on lazy , wake up. I will make porridge for you to eat.” Mom pinched me by my cheek. I hissed as I woke up. I washed up my face as needed before I walked out from my room.

“What are you doing here?” I gawked by myself as I walked downstairs. Kim Jongin, there he was, sitting on the couch in my living room. He has an unreadable expression.

“Yah! Where have you been last night with Eunmi?” He stood up from his seat.

“I’m not with her. I mean… Yes, we were going out last night but… Aissh, just let’s have a talk out there.”

With a short pants and a plain shirt that I wore to sleep last night, I walked out from my home with Jongin behind me, didn’t want make any noise this early morning at home. We stopped at the nearest park.

I told him everything that he needs to know. Fortunately, Jongin listened to me first before he judged me anything.

“Your sister succeeds making me confuse.” I myself didn’t know why those words blurted out from my mouth. We were about talking about the weather last night before I said that.

“What do you mean?” Jongin asked me in confusion. Yeah, what do I mean? I don’t know.

“I don’t know why but last night I felt so ing worry towards her. I don’t know what kind of feeling is that. I hate it to see her ignored me.”

“Tell me one thing that can make you feel hurt.”


“Just tell me.”

“Uhm… See the one I love crying.”

“You just need to make Eunmi cry. If it hurts you to see her cry, you don’t need to make sure what you feel towards her.”


“If your heart doesn’t give you any answer, the hurt that you get will give you the answer, idiot.”

I was shoving those words into my mind forcefully when Jongin mumbled, “There she is. Don’t make any wrong move again this time towards her or I’ll break your neck.” And then he stood up and left me. My eyes followed his figure and I found Eunmi stood up there, not too far from my spot.

“Yah! Kim Jongin, where are you going?” I saw her yelled at her twin brother who just walked passing her. She earned no response and when she turned her head towards me, our eyes met. I made a gesture for her to sit beside me. She looked hesitant at the first but finally she walked approaching me and sat.

“Just answer my question without asking, okay?”

I looked at her when she just stared blankly facing side. She turned her head to me when she heard my question and our eyes met again but it was just happened in a split second because she turned back her head.

“Okay,” she answered.

“If one day you have to let me go be with Jiyeon, will you do it?”

I just need to make her cry and see what will happen with my feeling and it was look simple but no, actually no.

“It has happened. I do let you go. What kind of question was that?”

My heart dropped once again because of her. She wasn’t crying but it has hurt me to see her like that.

“Okay, let’s just pretend like you have let me go.” I said calmly.

“I have!” she exclaimed.

“No, you have not yet, Eunmi. I know it and you know it.”

I wished you have not yet, Eunmi. I wished.

“Don’t too full of yourself, Jung Daehyun! You know you’re just my ex-crush?”

Her words stabbed me by my heart. I’m still your crush, Eunmi. I know it and you know it as well.

“Really? So, why are you trying to hold back your tears?”

No, I didn’t see her tried to hold back her tears. I saw no tears on her and it hurts me so bad. I waited for her to cry for me. But this time is different. It wasn’t like I want to make sure what I feel anymore, but I just want to make sure that she has never been serious about broke her promise, about give up on me.

“I’m not crying!” she cried out.

“I didn’t tell you’re crying, Eunmi.”

“It’s not your business if I’m crying. It’s not your business if I haven’t let you go be with her yet. Everything is change. I’m okay without you now and—“

“Eunmi, listen to me,” I cut her off.

“I haven’t finished yet. You know I’m ready to hurt. I won’t be Eunmi who always whining here and there to you anymore. Don’t worry. I won’t disturb you with—“

“Eunmi, please let me talk.” I cut her off, again. This time I reached her wrist. “At least let me tell you—“

“Tell me what? You have dated Jiyeon?” she stood up. “Let’s finish all of this now. I don’t know you and you don’t know me. It’s clear.”

I gripped her wrist once more as I said, “I’m sorry, Eunmi.”

I tried to make an eye contact with her. I want to tell her it wasn’t just her who hurt so badly, it was me as well.

“I told you, don’t you ever say sorry, if you keep like this.” She said huskily as she removed my hand on her wrist. “Keep hurting me.” She spun her body and left me. I didn’t know what to feel and what to do. I just need to catch her step but my foot felt numb that time and it didn’t want to make any move.

Eunmi, I never knew that it would be this hurt to see you walk away. I never knew that it would be this hurt to see you hurt because of me. A grain of tear escaped and it moisten the corner of my eye.

I felt my phone vibrated inside my pocket all of sudden.

‘Catch her or I’ll break your neck wholeheartedly’ – Jongin.

I didn’t need to think twice. Since I had no time to reach her at the bus stop, I just ran to my home hastily. I picked my key and drove off my car. I passed the bus which Eunmi inside it. I saw her leaned her head against the window glass, looked so lifeless. I speed up my car and arrived first. I waited for Eunmi at the bus stop after parked my car.

The bus came. I saw Eunmi bent down her head as she walked out the bus. She didn’t notice me. I blocked her path and finally she lifted up her head.

“Why are you here?” her eyes widened.

“You know you don’t have to be ready to hurt.”

“Like you care. I leave,” she said emotionless.

I gripped her wrist before she took her step to walk.

“Eunmi, I’m here now, chasing after you for the second time.”

She tried to let go of herself.

“Come on, Eunmi. I know a give up is just bull.”

“Let me go.” She removed my hand, again?

“Wanna play some drama’s scene?” I yelled at her who walked left me.

I ran and caught her step as I pulled her and dragged her into my embrace, a tight one. She struggled but I made no plan to let her go. Her body felt tighten.

“Stay still,” I whispered on her earlobe as I pushed her head into my chest gently.

Five seconds passed.

Six seconds passed.

Seven seconds passed.

Finally I felt her body softened as I heard her mumbling something.

“It’s embarrassing, Daehyun. Let me go,” she mumbled under her heavy breath. I just ignored her words and saw peoples around who walked passing us, they gave us their stare. Some of them shook their head as they chuckled. Some of them even captured us with their phone.

“I hate you,” she still mumbled.

“You what?” I broke the embrace and held her shoulder with my hand, saw her right in the eyes, but she avoided it.

“I hate you, Jung Daehyun! You idiot heartless!” she exclaimed as she punched my chest lightly.

“I love you too.” I whispered by her ear and saw her eyes lighten up and her cheeks got redden than before as she bitten her lips. “Gosh, Eunmi is blushing!”

There was a pause after I chuckled by myself and Eunmi was busy burying her face inside her palms.

“You said I don’t have to be ready to hurt, right?” She broke the silent and she said in a low tone voice sheepishly, it was not so her after all. I grinned at her action. “Why?” she asked me again, this time with her puppy eyes on me. Oh God!

“Because I’m here not to hurt you, baby. I’ll explain everything.”

I was about to bring my face closer with hers when a loud voice of horn disturbed our perfect moment.

“Yah, Jung Daehyun! What are you doing there?”

A car stopped in front of us. Aissh. That was my annoying brother. He lessened the window’s car. He came along here with his little family this morning. Why he must be passing this way at this time?

“Oppa, are you cheating on me?” a nine-year-old girl popped out at my sight, she sat on her mother’s lap on the passenger’s seat. She pouted. She is my brother’s daughter, my only niece, Jung Ahra. I heard her parents laughed lightly at their daughter’s words.

“Yes, I am baby. You have to break me up,” I .

She climbed out the car and walked approaching us. Eunmi was still there, stood up right next to me with her hand intertwined with mine. She looked confuse and it makes her more cute. I prevented myself to kiss her by her agape mouth.

“Oppa you brat, I’ll tell granny!” Ahra pulled the tip of my shirt.

“Don’t say to me that she is the one who you calling with ‘baby’ on the phone.” Eunmi’s temple wrinkled, she waited for me to answer. I gave her a tease smile, didn’t make any plan to answer.

“Come on, let’s go to my home. You failed to meet your soon-mother-in-law the last time you came to my house right?” I dragged Eunmi to climb into my car with Ahra as well. I drove off the car with a wide smile smeared on my face. I’m the happiest person in this case.


FINALLY I REACH THE FINAL CHAPTER GOSSSSHHHH! I’m terribly sorry for my sooooo late update T----T I have too much thing to think about orz but yep, finally I’ve made it! I complete this story omg ;-; after 2 months pass 2 weeks oh. my. god. It’s vahuepqufdnvndlhuhqrupqwefhdsjkf and your comments on the previous chapter is really making me feel the love in the air, I feel loved yayyy >////< lol but but but but… but I’m sorry if the ending is just like that… Yeah, I can’t think about another scene. I’m sorry too for making Daehyun looks soooo ing annoying kkk. No matter how annoying he is, I still love him (?)


P/S: I’ve added some of y’all my subbies as my friend and I’ll add the rest as well, I’m searching for my free time to do it, would you mind to accept it guys? Kkk thank you >3<

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the first chapter of my newfict is out dear, check this if u want thank you!^^


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daeljoejinyoung96 #1
Chapter 1: woahhh, cant believe that im reading it again, for emmmmm the 13th time, i think?? lol
I love this fic.
Thanks for writing it ^^
Chapter 42: Why do i feel like i hate dae? Well not the real one, this one of course hahah
Chapter 52: I love you author-nim! You're story is daebak! The story made me cry a lot, didn't regret reading it(: maybe a sequel? Pretty please? *puppy eyes* xD
hopeminkookie #5
Chapter 52: thank you authornim you maked me cried hahaha
Chapter 52: Love the bunos chapter...∩__∩
Chapter 50: was good that you put Daehyun POV at the feelssssss......∩__∩
Chapter 42: could you make me cry....too much feels....ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Really good story...∩__∩
BTSsaranghaex3 #9
Such a nice and emotional story ^^