


Gif not mine. Credits to owner


He closed the door behind him and faced her. She had a sad look on her face and she was staring at the ground. 

Putting his jacket on the coat rack, he walked over to her, "Did you go to the hospital today?"

She was hugging her knees on the couch. She didn't look up at Luhan but she simply nodded.

"That's great, what did they say? Everything's better, right?" 

Luhan grabbed her shoulder when she filnched a little. She relaxed a bit when she didn't answer.

Luhan just bit his lips. She was always like that. She always had a sad face on every event that happened to her that he would never know if she was really depressed or really happy, "Are you okay?"

She shook her head, burying her face in her knees, "I'm sorry."

"What are you talking about? What are you sorry for?" Luhan questioned, sitting next to her, rubbing her shoulders, "Tell me."

His breath was shaking when she didn't look up. 

"I went to the doctor's today." She whispered, not looking up.

Luhan waited for her to continue, "And what did he say?"

"He said my tumor is spreading." 

Luhan stopped rubbing her shoulder when he stared at her, "Wait, what?"

She was quiet for such a long time when he shook his head. He was waiting for her to say just kidding and smile at him, but she didn't seem to do it anytime soon.

"Wait, look at me." He said, trying to release her head from her knees. As he looked at her, her head was down, her hair covering her whole face, "Look at me." He stammered.

As he lifted her chin up and moved the hair out of her face, his face hardened.

She was crying and her eyes were blood-shot red. She was shaking her head vigorously, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Luhan abrubtly stood up, not understanding what was going on, "You still have cancer? I thought they said you were healing."

She shook her head, "Apparently, the symptom wasn't me healing, it was me getting worse. The virus knows the medication, it's used to it now. It can't help me anymore."

Luhan kept shaking his head, "Tell me you're lying. Tell me you're joking."

She stood up, "I wish I was joking too but I'm not! Luhan, what don't you understand?"

Luhan took a step back, "This isn't happening, you were getting better, you--"

"I'm dying, Luhan." 

He clogged his ears with his hands. He closed his eyes and didn't want to hear anything anymore. He was hurt and he didn't want to hear her voice. He just wanted to open his eyes and realize it was all a dream. A really bad dream.

She grabbed his arm and forced it down, "I'm dying Luhan and you doing this isn't making me feel better." She cried, "I am scared right now."

Luhan's eyes softened a bit, seeing her scared body. She was fidgeting and her tears were falling down continuously.

"You should be there to comfort me, you should be here to at least tell me it's going to be okay when I know for a fact it's not." She said, "I'm the one that's scared, not you." 

With that, she ran up the stairs, slamming the door behind her.

Luhan woke up from his daze the second the door slammed as he ran after her.

Running up the stairs, he knocked on the door vigorously, "Open up."

He could hear the yells and screams inside the room with many things breaking.

"~~~~~, open up, you're going to get hurt." Luhan yelled, knocking harder, "Please open up."

As his knocking grew slow and silent, he waited for her to open the door when all he heard was cries and pain.

Luhan rolled his hands into a fist, wanting to knock again when the cries grew louder.

He stopped himself as his hand fell lifelessly on the side of his body. Turning around with his back facing the door, he slid down, sitting down on the cold ground.

"We should go to the doctor's to see if you're feeling better."

"I think I'm already feeling better. I feel like I can jump off the sky-scraper. I feel so alive." She smiled, stretching her arms in the air.

"We should make sure. And after, let's go eat some chocolate cake." Luhan smiled, pinching her cheeks,

"But what if I'm not better but the same?" She whispered.

"I promise you, you're going to get better."

Luhan grunted in pain, feeling the uneasiness in his heart and his mind jumbling up into jelly.

Hitting the ground as hard as he can, he yelled in anger and in pain.

Why did she have to go? Why did the medication stop? Why did this have to happen in the first place?

Ruffling his hair, he screams and cries out from his lungs as his veins in his throat appears. 

Her voices on the other side of the door was getting quieter when his voice grew.

He closed his eyes one more time, hoping everything was a dream and that when he woke up, she would be fine.

But as he opened his eyes, he was back at the same place at the same time feeling the same feeling.

Feeling a little tired, he sighed deeply, eyes narrowing and heart racing.

As he put his head down, it was quiet. Everything in the house was quiet and he heard his own heartbeat. They were loud, and they were thumping really fast.

Before he could stop it, he heard the door unlock.

His eyes widened when he noticed she gave him the signal to come in.

Hurridly getting on his feet, he swallowed hard, wiping the tears remaining on his cheeks and his eyes as he tried to fan himself.

He didn't want her to see him crying although she must've heard.

Getting the courage, he turned the knob and opened the door. She was sitting on the bed looking lifelessly at the window.

He closed the door behind him, "Hey."

She didn't look at him but only at the window, "Hey."

He stood inches away from her, afraid that if he went closer, his tears would fall.

"How are you feeling?"

She shook her head, "I'm still a little scared."

He put his head down. He didn't know what to say. Everything he would say would hurt either one of them and in the end, it wouldn't do anything.

He even promised her something that shouldn't have been promised, knowing it was going to break like this.

"I'm sorry I got mad at you earlier. I didn't mean to."

"It's okay." She whispered, "I'm sorry I got a little mad too. I guess, the emotions took over and I couldn't handle it." 

Luhan shook his head, unable to say something. He wanted to comfort her, yet, he didn't know what to say.

"I'm scared."

Luhan looked up and he saw a tear slide down her cheek. She didn't look at him but only at the window, "I'm honestly not scared of dying. I'm scared of losing you."

Luhan took a step forward. 

"I'm scared that I won't be able to see you." She said, her lips quivering. She looked at him, as he saw her tear drenched face and red eyes, "I'm so scared right now."

Without thinking, Luhan walked towards her, pulling into a tight hug. His breath quickened when he felt her body fidget and move.

"Don't be scared, you'll always see me. I'm not going anywhere. I'll be right here." He said, trying to calm her down.

She only muffled her cries on his shoulder when he tightened the hug, "I'll be here, I'm not moving, I'm still here. Don't be scared, don't get scared, please."

She shook her head, trying to release herself and feeling the uneasiness in her body. As Luhan felt this, he tightened the hug longer, wanting to hold onto her.

"I'm sorry if all the things I said was harsh, I was just scared of losing you." Her pushing him away was getting harder as he tried to fight the feeling, "But I'm not scared anymore because I know that I'm not losing you. We're not saying goodbye, we're just saying see you later, so it's no big deal. We'll see each other again, I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep." She said, pulling him away.

He only shook his head, pulling her closer, "We're in this together. Let's make new memories for you to remember. Let's do so many things. I'm always here for you." He whispered, "I love you."

She stopped. He felt the weight on her grow stronger as her head was resting on his shoulder.

"I love you, I love you, I love you." He said, "There is no one that I will love other than you, so please stay positive. This isn't like you. Please, I love you." He kept whispering the words to her.

"I love you too, Luhan." She whispered.

He finally released her and looked at her. He wiped away the tears on her face and lifted her chin, "Please say that again."

"I love you, Luhan."

Hearing those words, he pulled her close to him, feeling the soft lips of her on his. His kisses weren't always strong, yet today, he wanted to show her how much he loved her. His kisses were powerful yet they were passionate. He felt her react and he finally stopped. As he caught his breath, he looked into her eyes and kissed her sweetly on her forehead.

"Don't worry, princess." He whispered in her ear, "We're going to get through this together and nothing is going to change between us."

She nodded. He lend out his hand and pointed his finger towards her, "I promise you, I won't let you go. That, I can keep, so please, believe in me."

Interwining her pinky with his slowly, she let out a smile, "I love you."

Seeing her smile made him happy as he pulled her into a hug again. He gripped tighter onto her body when he laid his eyes on her shoulders.

As he comforted her, he felt his tears well up as they poured out. He didn't want her to hear as it fidgeted a little, trying to hold them in. Holding her tighter, he began to cry.

He didn't know it would hurt so bad.

Feeling a hand on his back, he felt her comforting him instead.

As his cries grew louder, she whispered in his ear, "It's okay, Luhan."

Although he had said that to her, he knew it wasn't going to be okay.

He knew his girlfriend will die soon and he wasn't ready to give up the love of his life so soon.

He knew he had to comfort her, but today, he just couldn't.

Because it hurts. It just hurts so bad. 



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Miss_Kimjongin #1
Chapter 1: This Is such a beautiful and sad story, while reading it I was crying too. Because it's so nice.
ReinaPark #2
Chapter 1: sadd..... T.T
nisreen #3
Chapter 1: This is a really beautiful story
Chapter 1: It's beautiful yet sad :'(
Chapter 1: so sad... huhuhu :(