2nd chance

Best friends forever

it's official, I'm gonna stop playing now.


As I got home, i saw my mom and kissed her cheek. she asked me why a sudden sleep over at soo yeon's house. i just answered it's for studying.. "aiyoo.. that's my girl"  my mom looks very happy.. aigoo, if she finds out the truth she's gonna be furious; surely.

I went to my room, packed out a pj and my school uniform. then got down. kissed my mom goodbye and went out our house.

As I got to soo yeon's house, soo yeon greeted me and lead me to her room. 

I saw  seohyun, soon kyu, and yoona in her. they waved and smiled sweetly. i smiled back.

we rested for awhile then watch our fav drama for an hour. then soo yeon turned off the television.

soo yeon: okay~ fun time's over. time to get serious *looks at everyone and ended with me*

everyone: Arasso~

One by one, each girls take turns in teaching me the lessons that we had during the term.. they know my intellectual capacity so everytime they see me getting all tired up and stressed out, they encourage me and help me to continue.

the time passed by quickly from 5 o clock... to  6 o clock... to 7 o clock...to  8 o clock... to 9 o clock.. to10 o clock... , and to 11 o clock.

i can see my friends tired asleep already~ some of them were sleeping with their heads rested on the book.. some lying on the ground. Only me, and Soo yeon are the ones who are still awake.  I whispered "they're sleeping already, lucky. but they must have been tired from teaching me.."  I didn't know that Soo yeon heard me, and said "aish. be quiet. you need to study" with a cold expression.

I just nodded and went back on studying~ we finished studying at exactly 1 am.

soo yeon: that's a wrap~ ^^ i hope you'll do good tomorrow~

me: waaaaaa~ thank you so much soo yeon-ah *hugs her with excitement*

soo yeon: *giggles* it's okay.. I'll do anything just to help a friend. since it's already 1am, we better sleep now~

me: neh~ (agreed happily)

At 6 am everyone got up and prepared for school. looking at my friends helping each other, smiling, and laughing makes me happy  and helps me to ease my nervousness. As soon as everyone finished preparing, we went downstairs.. ate breakfast and went to school right away.

time passes quickly, until the retake of my exam. "second chance, here i come" i whispered to myself with a sigh. before going inside the room, my friends wished me goodluck and i said thanks in return.. for teaching and for the goodluck.

As soon as I got inside the room, our teacher handed me the test paper. i took the test paper, went to the chair in front of him and sitted quietly. i glanced outside and i saw my friends there waiting for me and giving me a "HWAITING~" signal. I smiled at them.. breathe deeply and started to read the test paper. Looking at the first question made me smile because this time, i finally know what I am going to answer. For 45 mins, I continuedly answer the exam~ after answering, i handed my test paper with the answers that i confidentally answered. Went out the room and hugged my friends with excitement.

me:  thank you guys~ i wouldn't be able to answer the exam if you weren't here to teach me.. *with a great smile*

After that we went home~

 Home; went to my room.. opened the computer, went to check my instant messenger and siwon left me 2 messages..

first one was:

"Hey~ I heard that tomorrow, you're going to re-take the exam.. study hard ok? and you can do it~ HWAITING! ^^"

and the second one:

"Hi~ ^^ how was the exam? did you do good? I'll pray for you to pass. haha~ XD "

and i replied : "Hi too~ ^^ I actually did great (?) haha not sure but I answered well and I hope I'll pass this time. thanks for the Fighting message though I didn't see it yesterday. well g2g see you tomorrow~ :) "

After replying to his message, I went offline immediately... turned off the computer. went to my bed, lie down.. breathed deeply "i hope i'll pass this time. i hope~" with a smile on my face then fell asleep...

The next day, Our teacher handed me the result of my exam...





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USALuvsJunKAY #1
Siwon is such a cutie!
Ooh Siwon! :D