" Okay "

Eversince that unforseen night , it feels like you're back in the past . The happiness that you had in your grasp , no longer revolves around you . The happily ever after you wished for seems impossible to reach . Every breath you took suffocates you and the calls of the devil to end your life gnaws on the frontal lobe of your brain . Your health starts to deteriorate but strangely your academics weren't affected at all . Going to school itself feels like a burden , no , actually , it's a burden . Meeting the faces who would malign you in your presence , strike you for their own amusement and even go as far as spreading false rumors about you . They have become daring ever since they were tipped off about your crumbling relationship with Jeongguk The Great . No longer with Jeongguk by your side , this heartless beings find its chance to get you back . Just imagine the buried hatred Jeongguk's admirers had in them when they knew about your pleasant relationship with Jeongguk and many more affiliated to that , you saw it coming . Without Jeongguk , you're at your utmost vulnerable state but you never show it . The more you hid it , they become more merciless , so greedy to see you unfold your true self before them and take it away as their most prideful deed . Unfolding the true self of the 'sociopath' or the 'ice devil' . The names , the labels they had on you weren't even true .. well except for the 'ice devil' . You secretly liked it . But sociopath .. you doubt they even know the true meaning of it . 

You arrived at the school front gate and took a deep breath before averting your gaze from the cement sidewalk to the building before you . The entire school compound seems peaceful at 6am . You imagined teenagers your age entering the school with pleasant smiles smeared across their face upon realizing your presence , they would smile at you and you would gleefully return their smiles . The girls had approachable looks on their face without a tinge of judgemental side of them showing even though they are judging in their own piece of mind , approaching you not as if like you are a germ but like as though you have been friends for long . While the guys , with their shirts tucked in , blazers buttoned half way and their pants not too tight outlinining their firm or not toosh stealing a glance at you and smile lightly before you passed . Wouldn't that be great ? But too bad , you're living in a reality that's a replica of the unimaginable hell . Suddenly , a light impact were felt on the back of your head that snapped you out of your blithe . You don't even bother to look who did it because it's already a norm . You continued walking into the school and when you passed the security post , one of the security ahjussi greeted you and you returned is unexpected greeting with a smile . At least somebody appreciates your presence . 

You went straight to the school's rooftop and ate your breakfast that you had pre-packed for yourself the day before whenever you're free , or when Jeongguk is not home . Or else , you had to drop by the bakery shop a few blocks away from the school for your breakfast . Breakfast became a must for you . Well it's obviously a must for us to have breakfast , said the nutritionists and doctors . But we teenagers and the whole human population are aware that we would definitely missed breakfast due to unforseen circumstances . Well for you , it's a must since you can't have your lunch in the school's cafeteria without being bashed by the other students . So to lighten your own burden , you had the initative to pre-prepare breakfast for yourself and come to school early . It became easier after that incident since you do not wish to see Jeongguk's face ever , you had woken up early to school and be back home late . He would either be sleeping by time you're home or he would be out with his friends . You know him to well . 

The rooftop have always been your school hideout , strangely nobody ever goes up here . Obviously they weren't aware of the magestic view of the school offering the best view of the cosmopolitan city , Seoul . They are too busy finding victims for their own amusement , boasting about their wealth and sleeping through classes . Being in Seoul's notorious high school , the kids here are definitely a bunch of rotten ones , including you . Why , you may ask . That's because every human being is chained to their own seven deadly sins . Wrath , greed , sloth , pride , lust , envy or gluttony . Nobody in this living hell can survive being an angel . Nobody . As kind as you may seem , ever since the title of 'ice devil' got into you , you became in sync with the title . You cared none about others because you simple had lose your trust to humanity and this is wrath . You recalled a few occasions where you stumbled upon situations where scholoship students were bullied and pinned down to the ground by obviously the wealthier ones , you ignored . Even though their cries for help came knocking on your heart . Emotions got the best of you . 

You were soon knocked out of your deep thoughts when you felt droplets pelting on your exposed skin . As you looked up , you flinched at the sight of the dark ominous cloud hovering over you and visible fork of lightning in the sky . Sensing heavy downpour , you immediately went indoors and waited by the stairway to the rooftop till the school bell rang . As if the bell knows it's que , it rang and you heaved out a burden sigh . 

" Another day of mental and physical war . " you uttered before you braved yourself and went to class for the first period . 



" Aren't you going to open the filthy mouth of yours and say anything ?! " Ji Soo snarled while forcefully tugging on the section of your hair she had in her grasp . You only smiled at her revealing your bloodied gum and stained teeth . Upon the smile spread across your face , it serve as mockery towards Ji Soo . Ji Soo then pulled you by your hair towards the sink before instructing one of her 'crew' , Sojin to close the sink hole by pushing down the lever . Then , Sojin let the water run in the sink and soon it became a mini pool . Ji Soo smirked at the sight of it before pushing your head right above the sink . 

" Say something or I'm going to drown you . " Ji Soo warned . She counted to three and your lips were still shut . Knowing that she would pushed you in after three , you took a deep breath and you could feel her palms landed behind your head as she forcefully pushed you in the water . 

" Say something " you heard Ji Soo's muffling with your head submerged in the water . After a good few seconds she pulled you out and repeated her words again . But then again , you only smiled . That does it . Ji Soo was fuming mad . You never really figure out the reason why she yearns to here your reply , probably she made a bet with the others to make you speak on her will . But you aren't giving up for some other's stupid bet . Ji Soo then did it again , pushing your head into the water but this time the duration were longer and you can't hold it in any longer . You started wiggling under her force showing sign of defeat against human nature . 

" That's right , you're running out of breath . I will let you out if you talk . " You heard Ji Soo's muffling again but were unclear due to the sound of water ripples as you struggled to slip away from her force . 

" It's useless Ji Soo , that girl won't obey you even if her life cost it . If you want her to speak , there's a secret card . " Another voice emerged . You then felt Ji Soo's grasp loosen , it's your chance to slip away before your soul gave away and you died of a pathetic death . You emerged from the sink , desperate for oxygen and the chuckling of a girl . You opened your eyes , your vision still clouded but could merely guess the fourth presence . It's Minah . Ji Soo was clearly immersed at the idea of Minah's secret card against you . You only stood by the sink , with your lips already turned blue and your face almost drained of blood . Ji Soo had her eyes intensely on Minah and her ears eagerly waiting to hear while Minah had her eyes on you with a smirk spread across her caked up features . 

" Jihyun , Jihyun , Jihyun . " Minah sang as she trailed her pointy finger along your jawline . 

" Do you still remember the reminder I gave you ? " Minah asked as she had two of her fingers tucked under your chin as she forcefully lift your head to meet your eyes . Yeah , of course you remembered . There's not much thing in your head other than sorrows , essays and formulars . But in reply , you only shot glares at her not blinking . She blinked first and another smirk were spread across her face as the next sentence were added on to your burden . 

" She's back my darling . She's back . The girl that I told you about previously , she's back . " Minah revealed before pushing your head back and using her free hand to land a slap on your face . And that caught your attention , Minah was right . Well not literally , if she had phrased her sentence as If you want her to hit rock bottom ... . She had her intuitions right on the bulls eyes . The bathroom were soon filled with the laughters of three girls as they witnessed you stunned after what Minah had revealed . You knew it , Jungkook have never loved you . You were his mistress after all . What Minah said previously was right . 

" So now , will you speak ? " Ji Soo asked with a tone of mockery . Her shrilled , girly voice snapped you out of your temporary daze and you look up to her with the never fading smile of mockery . Ji Soo gritted her teeth upon the sight and punched you square in the face . The impact made you crashed against the sink's counter as you groaned in pain . 

" Stupid , nothing can make her speak . " Ji Soo spat before she left the bathroom . While Minah stood before you rather clueless , because she was sure it would make you speak . 

" Well , I guess you see it coming don't you ? You stupid , pathetic little girl . Jungkook Oppa will never love you . " Minah said before giving you a kick in your stomach and she casually walk out of the bathroom like no harm were done . You spat the pooling blood in your mouth . You slowly rose up to your feet to be greeted by the sight of your beaten up reflected on the mirror . The mirror that never lies . You cleaned yourself up , washing away all the stains of your own blood of your features . After cleaning up , you stared in awe at the result of the beatings . Bruised eyes , burst lips and the opened cuts on your temples , you were surprised how a dainty looking girl would cause such a havoc to one's features . 

" Song Ji Soo , I want your strength . " You joked to no one in particular as you laughed lightly as a result of your swollen gums . 

You then picked your backpack from the ground as you thread to your last period , limping , holding in the pain that jolted with every movement .  Totally aware of the stares and glances you earned from the other students but you don't seem to care . Well , it seems more like they enjoyed the view rather than feeling a tinge of sympathy for you so why would you be concern of their attention . You were in the line of their attention from the start . You're not craving for any anyway . But you can't lie to yourself that you craved for a certain person's attention , Jeon Jungkook . As if everything were planned like in those melodramatic school love drama , you had your last period with the person you had split feelings for . You entered the class with every pair of eyes on you , it seems like the had anticipated your presence . Including Jungkook . The class were filled with woos and applaude once you step foot in the class and made you way limping to your table . 

" Woah , I love your masterpiece Song Ji Soo . Even though you can't make her speak , but good job . " Hye Seul congratulate the proud Ji Soo before him as he handed Ji Soo a stack of bills . Probably 50 ? You walked past Jungkook's table as if he was not there because you knew he wouldn't care at all . But a part of you hoped that he would . While you had your gaze on the floor , Jungkook's had his eyes on you with mixed feelings . Anger and worry . You weren't entirely right , he do care for you but because of his stupid ego he had hurt you once again abandoning you and your own misery . Under the table , he had his fist balled up and his teeth gritted into a perfect set as he eyed the happy crowd exchanging hi-fives and cash . 

" You dare .. " Jungkook muttered . Consumed by anger , he glared at the group as if his eyes were a weapon , he would shoot them dead . 



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[!!} CH 23 ! Maybe a little dry for this ch , i apologise :[


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Chapter 25: I feel dry... when will you update this ㅠㅠ i really am waiting for you. I hope you had a great time on revamping this story. And still hoping the same.... for you to update soon ;)
Musical_panda #2
Update soon!!!<3
- =͟͟͞͞ =͟͟͞͞ ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
Chapter 24: Hmm...I've read all of the chapters but maybe it's only me that I didn't notice the change...:/ However, I'll read it again and support your new style! As long as the story doesn't changes :)
Chapter 24: i dont think your writing style changed in chap 20, but i could feel it in chapt 21 as i re-read the chapter, but it's only lil bit, i guess? and yeah i felt it so strong in chap 22 and 23, after i re-read again. compared to another chap, you really lil by lil made some change or should i call it progress? but for chap 22 and 23 i just cant handle it. it's like you just cant really get how to offer your feels like how you did in old chapters. but i will support whatever your decision! cheer up
Chapter 23: Poor Jungkook, my heart hurts for him.
The wait is just...
Gotta... wait..
Chapter 23: wow asdfgjlpyfckhfth :'))
i dont even know i could still read your story! i hope you'll update it asap so i wont die in curiousness :'))
and btw youre going to the , right? so asdfgllpyrwtgv! :'))
Chapter 22: Oh gosh. That was a total cliffhanger! Guess i won't be able to sleep tonight wondering what's gonna happen next XD UPDATE PLEEAAASSEE I DON'T REALLY LIKE IT.

JaihooKookie #8
Chapter 22: Jinja! Daebak. Jungkook-ah, you should clear things with Jihyun and confess! :D
Chapter 22: seriously my heart oh my heart~~~ this is masterpiece~
Vtae84 #10
Chapter 22: Omg..pls update soon..jungkook ahh...aigoo...