No Other {A Super Junior One Shot Series}


No Other

a super junior one shot series


While reminiscing about old KPOP songs, I came across this in my iTunes list and thought, "Wow, this MV would make a good one shot series," so here I am.

This will have aprox. 6 chapters for 6 members (I know there are 10, and I'm not being biased on the ones that I'm choosing) and maybe bonus chapters if I feel like it.

Hope you enjoy, and maybe it'll be a refreshing change from all the EXO fan fiction out there.

and to clear up any misunderstanding, I'm not hating on EXO since I'm an exotic myself. I also have a bunch of EXO fanfics, but lets bring back other bands, too :)


"Baby, there's no other person I want other than you."




"Who will be the one that'll steal your heart?"


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