Me :')


hello everyone . :D okay , here . i think , i have already mentioned at my status " i learn English as my third language" right ? so , my first language is Malay and the second is Arabic . :D i would like to learn English because my parents always tells me that English is important and i'm too lazy to ask why . xp  this isn't the first time my parents tells me , but i think this is 100 thousand times already ! xp umm , al-waqt muta-akh-khiron al-aan . that's mean = it's late already . so , maybe , i will continue next time . 

Thanks for reading . Really appreciate it . :D GoodNight :)


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SnowJJholic #1
Yeah, man! Go Leafy, go Leafy. Lol. What am I talking about. TT__TT