Session Five

The Heartbreak Sessions

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“He told me he loved me. It was out of the blue, and I actually wasn’t expecting it. No words came out of my mouth. He just smiled at me and then kissed me. I still had no words after that. He laughed, took my hand and then took me home.”

Sehun and Hayoung were at the Han River. This place was actually their favourite place to go to, even when they were best friends. When it was autumn, they would go biking as they watched the leaves fall, in winter, they would buy a hot chocolate from Starbucks and then have it there, in spring, they liked to go for walks, or Sehun would go skateboarding and try and teach Hayoung, and in summer, they bought icecream and had competitions on who would finish it before it melted.

After Sehun’s breakup with Hyerin, and after they started spending more time together, Sehun liked to bring Hayoung to the Han River.They didn’t play around like they used to, but Sehun liked to use the time to think. Hayoung had asked once why he needed her there while he thought and he replied that she helped him put things in perspective. So, Hayoung used the time at the Han River to think as well. Her feelings for Sehun had never dissipated, but she didn’t know where there relationship was heading until that night.

After having dinner at one of the restaurants nearby, they decided to hang out at the river before going home. Hayoung thought that Sehun was going to do some thinking again so she brought out her phone and put in her earphones. But, when they got to one of the benches, he swivelled her body so that they were facing each other. Sehun gently pulled out her earphones and then smiled before leaning in a capturing Hayoung’s lips in a kiss. Hayoung didn’t know how to react.

“I love you, Hayoung-ah…”

She didn’t think that she was hearing things correctly, but then he grabbed her hand, hailed a taxi and they went home. When they got to her apartment, she quickly went inside, but Sehun pulled her back and then gave her another chaste kiss and wished her a good night and that he would see her tomorrow. When Hayoung had finally shut the door, she touched her lips, more confused than ever.

Where are we now, Sehun?

What am I to you?

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“We never defined our relationship. I guess, people just assumed. Including me. But I had finally got the happy ending that I wanted. Nothing could wipe the smile off of my face.”

Sehun and Hayoung walked hand in hand to his “surprise” birthday party. Chanyeol and Baekhyun along with his parents had planned it, but Luhan had managed to let the information about the party slip during a casual conversation with Sehun. It had only been two weeks since Sehun had confessed his feelings, and they hadn’t told anyone about it.

It was quite funny, really. Instead of Sehun being surprised when everyone popped up from their hiding places, they were all more socked that he had come with Hayoung, fingers interlaced. They all shook it off and began to congratulate him as Hayoung began to mingle with the others from the party.

When it was time to cut his cake, Sehun had touched the bottom, to which Jongdae declared that he had to kiss the closest girl to him. The closest girl standing next to him was actually Chorong, and although Sehun pretended to lean in for a kiss, Joonmyun took it seriously and turned Chorong around so that she was only facing him. Instead he searched for her, and he found her standing at the back.


She went to stand beside him and without any forewarning he gave her a kiss on the lips. She blushed and then started to walk away, uncomfortable with all the attention, but then he pulled her back and put his arm around her waist to prevent her from leaving.

From then on, they were a pair. There wasn’t going to be a Sehun without a Hayoung.

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“And then the predictable plot twist to the story happened. Hyerin came back, and he was surprised. It played out just like the movies. He broke all ties with her, and told her that he was choosing me. But the only difference, it wasn’t out of love, it was out of pity. I lost it. I begged him to stay, his heart was leaning towards her, but she let him go. Wasn’t I meant to be the one letting him go? Wasn’t it me, the best friend, who was supposed to let him go so that he could be with the love of his life? Instead, the love of his life let him go, to be with me. “

“I love you…”

“Hayoung-ah…this is unfair to you if I stay with you. It would be like lying if we stayed together when I’m still in love with someone else.”

“That’s okay…I can accept that. Just don’t leave me…”


“Please, Sehun…”


“She’s with someone else now…she just wanted to see how you were…it’s like she was looking for closure”

“I know, but I realised that I still love her…I’m not going to ruin her relationship, but I can’t be with you either…”

“You can! I have enough love to make this relationship work. Don’t you love me?”

“I do love you. But I’m not in love with you…you’re my best friend, and I’m scared that if we continue this relationship, you will regret it in the future, and our friendship will be broken. It’s only going to hurt you if we stay together…”

“Then how about when we were together? Did you just love me, or were you in love with me? Or were you even falling in love with me? The night at the Han River? Did you just blurt it out and realised you couldn’t take it back or you had a few drink that I didn’t know about and you were drunk? Please, just explain it to me?”

“I loved you. I still love you. I was falling in love with you. But now, I just don’t know. Hyerin wasn’t around ,but you were and I was starting to forget. But, she reappeared and all my old feelings came back. I’m so sorry, Hayoung-ah…”

“I know that this seems desperate, but I’m okay with getting hurt. I’m okay with you being in love with her. You said you were falling in love with me. I can wait…please…just don’t leave me…”

Hayoung broke down in a heap on the floor, and Sehun wrapped his arms around her and stayed. She clung to him like her life depended on it, and Sehun realised that he couldn’t leave her in this state. She didn’t leave him when he was like that after his relationship with Hyerin ended, so he can’t leave her.

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“He stayed, and our relationship took a turn. I assumed that we were boyfriend and girlfriend, but after that, things became how they used to be, and what I think, always was. He became my protector. My savior. The guy that was helping fix the broken girl. I told you his weakness was his caring personality…”

After meeting Sehun’s parents, Hayoung noticed that Sehun had become more reserved and quiet. She had tried to ask him about how he felt, but he brushed it off. A few days later, a letter had been delivered to their apartment in a gold envelope embellished with plastic diamonds and a ribbon. Sehun received it and sat in the kitchen to open it as Hayoung prepared their lunch.

He pulled out the envelope and read its contents.

You are invited to celebrate the marriage of Lee Jaeho and Kim Hyerin.

Hayoung read over his shoulder and looked towards him for a reaction. She saw his brows furrow, but then relax, as he left the invitation in the kitchen and moved into their bedroom. Hayoung thought that she should let him be, so she ate the food she prepared and then packed it so that he could reheat it if he was hungry. He didn’t come out of their bedroom for the rest of the night, so when it was time for bed, Hayoung decided to sleep in the guest bedroom knowing that Sehun needed some space.

He still loves her after all these years.

He’s the same as me.

I still love you after all these years.

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Chapter 26: Just chance upon this story, and I love it! <3
this never changes :')
Chapter 25: read this again. and it still gave me the same feels. huhuhuhu thank you for writing this story. so much love for this story
i loved ittttt!!!!
Chapter 26: this story is so amazing, i really loved it !
Chapter 15: im ing crying right now
byung88 #7
Chapter 26: I just found this story. Oh my god my tears bursted out when reading this. Thanks for your hardworking to make this amazing story authornim!:)
kimdongah #8
Chapter 26: Oh so good
rina0807 #9
Chapter 26: just read it.
Argh... my tears come out uncontrolled... you did a good job here authornim... thank you so much for making this story and fulifilled my seyoung heart.
Once again, thank you, 감사합니다...
silly_bomi #10
2016, still re-reading it ahahahahha one of my faves seyoung fic <3