I'll Stay

I'll Stay

You stared at your phone, waiting for a message, anything that would give you a hint that he remembered, that he didn't forget, but the lack of messages brought disappointment and also thrill. The fact that you were about to land in your second home brought a shiver of excitement through you.


You were walking through the doors, comfortably, with familiarity as you went through the various check in spots and picked up your luggage. You saw a sign, it was simple, but you'd recognize it anywhere. After all, he made it for you, a simple ____ colored wooden board. You saw the person holding it, of course it was his younger brother Seunghoon. He waved at you happily and you waved back before rushing forward to meet him.


____-noona!” he called out before wrapping you in a hug.


Seunghoonie, omo, you grew up so well again. Look at you, you're starting to look more and more like your brother.”


I wish I stole you away before he did then,” he said playfully. You shot him a playful smirk and said, “Sorry, but I still like Seungho-oppa more than you.”


I still wonder why we're best friends.,” he mumbled as you guys left towards the parking lot. You shot him a playful smirk and shook your head. The two of you had met in university, and by fate or the draw of luck, you had ended up sitting next to him in every class that you had with him, resulting in a budding friendship. And without him, you and Seungho wouldn't be where you guys were now. After all, he had introduced you to his brother after finding out that you liked his group, although you didn't like Seungho. Your bias was originally Thunder, up until Seungho began showing off more of his charms to you whenever he came to visit his family since you had lived with them as a live-in study abroad student. After the various interactions with you, the two of you had warmed up to each other, and by the end of your first year in Korea, you and Seungho had began dating.


On the way to the car, the two of you chattered and caught up with each other as he naturally wrapped his arm around your shoulder just like the good ole days. As you approached the car, his parents saw you and his mother rolled down the window before waving excitedly at you. Upon seeing them, you began walking faster, almost leaving Seunghoon behind. She opened the door as you got closer and then wrapped you around in a tight hug.


Aigoo, ____-ah! You become more and more beautiful each time you come back!” she gushed as she pinched your cheeks happily. You laughed and cupped her face before hugging her tightly again.


Gomawo eomoni!” you greeted her and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek as she returned the favor. Papa Yang also came out before wrapping both of you into a big hug. Seunghoon looked at the view from the back of the car as he stored all of your luggage away, he joined and wrapped you and his mother in a tight hug with him and his father sandwiching you.


Abeoji!” you cried out in complaint, and then looked up to see Seunghoon grinning at you, “And Seunghoon-ah! You're going to suffocate us at this rate!”


The two men pull away and you sigh in relief as Mother Yang smiled at you and gave you a happy laugh. You guys all get into the car, and the entire car ride back was spent catching up with each other. You told them about how your job was as a scenic photographer, occasionally you were called in to help photograph for models, but regardless, you made your impact on the photographing industry. Your scenic views were beautifully breath-taking, and even the simple candid photos that you take from your backyard on your phone was enough to warm the hearts of your followers on Twitter. The Yang family updates you on the latest about your long-time and long-distance boyfriend. You two had made your relationship public the month before you were going to graduate since you were to leave and head back home shortly after you graduated. Although you two had many difficulties and there were many bumps along the road, the two of you had gotten through it with rather very little arguing.


As Seungho was the more mature one in the relationship, and you being overly emotional at times, he was always there to calm you down when the argument got to a certain breaking point. But not once has the argument escalated to the point that you guys were unable to be mend it. The fans had made it slightly difficult on you, especially the saesang, considering the fact that you weren't even close to being Korean. Yes, you looked Asian, but it was a given that your family's lineage was mixed.


Family, huh? I suppose the Yang family is all I have left. Mom and Dad would want me to be happy. You looked out the window, gazing at the ever familiar view of Korea while reminiscing about the past. You realized that eomoni and abeoji were talking quietly to each other and that Seunghoon had fallen asleep. You glanced at your phone, still no message from Seungho, but there had been other messages from your other friends in Korea as you texted back simple responses to them, stating that you'll make sure to visit them during your return to Korea.


You pulled out your earphones and plugged them in before nodding off to sleep.



“Noona... ___-noona,” Seunghoon said gently shaking you. You didn't stir and instead, you rolled away from his touch. Your expression was dark as the creases on your forehead deepened. He noticed and gently rolled you towards him and his father sighed, “I wonder if she's having nightmares again.”


I doubt it,” Seunghoon said, as your face relaxed all of the sudden, and a slight smile graced your features. He unbuckled the seat belt and then carefully lifted you into a bridal style. Father Yang chuckled and shook his head, “If anyone else was looking, they'd think you were her boyfriend.”


I can pass for hyung anyways, so it's all good,” Seunghoon said jokingly. He adjusted his arm position on you to carry you more comfortably and mumbled to his parents, “Noona lost weight again.”


A lot of weight?” Mother Yang asks as she looks towards you. You were quite comfortable, asleep in your boyfriend's brother's arms, but you did look thinner than the last time they saw you. Seunghoon nodded and he stated, “I had to carry her a lot for our plays and dramas during college, of course I'd remember. It doesn't help that every single time she comes back she falls asleep in the car ride and doesn't wake up until dinner time.”


And every time Seungho will yell at both of you for being too comfortable with each other,” his father chimes in. Seunghoon sighs and nods, there's a smile on his face as he looks down at you.


Sometimes I wish I understood my feelings about noona before hyung stole her away,” Seunghoon admitted like every other time this happens. This conversation is one that repeats every year and he says, “But at the same time, I'm glad I didn't. I really wouldn't be able to put up with noona being away from me like hyung does. These two are incredible.”


I don't know how your brother does it either,” eomoni chimes in, and she clucks her tongue in an adorable fashion before looking at you. She smiled and she admits, “I really hope Seungho finally asks her to marry her so I can have a daughter at home with me, and that way she won't be alone anymore.”


I wonder if hyung knows noona came home though,” Seunghoon asked his parents. The couple looked at each other and then shook their head. Seungho never seems to remember, and you never made a fuss out of him not remembering, but upon opening the front door, they walked in to see the MBLAQ members sitting around the living room, chatting until they saw Seungho's family walk through the door.


Seunghoon-ah! You're going to get scolded again!” Mir shouted with laughter. Everyone laughed and the family looked around in shock. They hadn't expected the MBLAQ members to have known that today was the day that you were coming back. And Seungho looked at his brother fondly before taking you from his arms and into his. Seungho cradled you gently in his arms as he sat down on the couch, letting you rest against his shoulder as you sat on his lap.


____-noona really is getting prettier every time she comes back,” Lee Joon exclaimed and Seungho nodded. He had a gentle smile as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.


I think I'll let her rest like always,” Seungho said as he lifted you again, carrying you to his bedroom. The MBLAQ members let out low wolf whistles as his family smiled at the sight. Seunghoon sat down besides G.O and asked, “How did you guys know that noona was coming home today?”


Seungho told us an hour ago actually,” G.O answered and he had a silly grin on his face, “He said he cleared our schedule and finished our practices earlier today for the sake of seeing her the moment she walks through the door, or I guess, carried through the door.”


I wonder how hyung found out,” Seunghoon wondered aloud and Seungho walked in and said, “I was looking through our texts and I saw the implications that she was coming home.”


Ooh, hyung got smarter,” Seunghoon said in awe before receiving a playful punch (that still hurt). Everyone laughed as the family got to catch up with the MBLAQ members, and invited them for dinner.



This room looks familiar. This scent is familiar too. You rolled around on the bed before cuddling against the blanket once more. You heard a familiar chuckle, one that you would never forget, and shot straight up. Your eyes met his and he laughed as you launched yourself into his arms.


I missed you too,” he whispered into your ear as you listened to his heart beat. You nodded and mumbled, “I've missed you so much.” He pulled away from you and unconsciously, a pout molds onto your lips as you missed his warmth and the sound of his heart beat. It was something you were accustomed to listening to before falling asleep during the times you had spent with him. He chuckled before leaning in and momentarily brushing his lips on yours. You leaned forward, responding just as gently before both of you smile and he asks, “How was Switzerland?”


Absolutely beautiful,” you reply, and then smile sadly, “But it would've been nicer if you were there beside me.”


I got all of your pictures though,” he replied, holding up the 5th or 6th volume, you guys weren't even sure anymore, of the Polaroid pictures that you continue to mail to him throughout your journeys to other places.


Did you get to visit your parents before coming back to Korea?” he asked softly, it was something you did every time, but this time you didn't mention it in your text, so he was worried. His voice was barely above a whisper and you softly mumble, “They're always with me now, and they were always with me to begin with.”


You look at him, the tears that you had been hiding behind your mask of happiness came out unbidden. You didn't look away from him and Seungho felt the tears well up in his eyes as well. He pulled you in for a tight hug and you accepted it gratefully. Your parents had passed away during the flight back from Switzerland to home. Upon landing, it was the first news that hit you the moment you arrived at the airport from your cousins. It was a hard hit, and you hadn't been able to tell Seungho since you had only flown home in order to drop off some souvenirs for your parents and other relatives before flying to Korea by the end of the week. Everything was rushed during that week, and you had eventually ended up pushing your flight to Korea back by a week, proclaiming that work had held you up.


Why didn't you tell me sooner?” he asked before gently wiping away a tear again. You shook your head and leaned against him, coveting the sound of his heart beat and said, “I was so busy with the funeral processions and the legal issues about the inheritance and everything that I had no time. And I also had to deal with the media prying into my privacy of course, but now everything's fine, I sold off my apartment and moved all my stuff to my parent's house and my older sister is living there with her husband at the moment. I don't know what to do after this trip.”


Seungho continued to hold you in his arms as he gently rubbed circles on your back. His door creaked open slightly, but went by unnoticed to you. His mother peeked in, upon seeing the two of you in each other's arms, she asked silently, “Is ___ okay?”


Seungho shook his head slightly, and his mother frowned before knocking on the side of the door. You looked up and reluctantly pulled away from Seungho's shoulder.


Eomoni,” you mumbled before nodding your head. She sat beside you on the bed, reaching out to smooth your hair before asking calmly, “Are you okay?”


You shook your head and looked to Seungho for help, he brought your head towards him, making you lean against him for support as he relayed your current crisis. His mother reached out and held your hand, giving you a reassuring squeeze and she said, “You can always live here with us if it's too lonely at home, I'd love to have you here.”


You gave a content sigh and smiled, albeit sadly, and responded, “Thank you.”



Dinner passed by relatively simple, there was a bunch of nonsense topics going around and a lot of laughter, but you felt as though most of it was forced out of you. Seungho noticed and leaned over to whisper, “You want to go out after dinner?”


You nodded and gave him a small smile before he gently patted your cheek. The rest of the family members noticed the interaction, and upon eye contact with his younger brother, the two Yang brothers nodded in agreement. Operation 'Make-___-Happy' was about to begin.


You left the house with Seungho in his car as you sat there while watching the street lights pass you guys. You turned to look at him and tilted your head slightly, “Where are we going?”


Somewhere familiar,” Seungho said happily as he checked the clock. It was currently 8 PM, he'll give them an hour or so to prepare the house for a surprise for you. He continued driving until he reached a familiar park. Your eyes lit up in excitement, you hadn't been here for so many years now. But just like every year, the lights were the same, the trees were decorated with Christmas lights, the fountain was adorned with Christmas decorations and there was a magnificent Christmas tree set in the middle of the park. You ran out of the car upon parking, not even bothering to grab your jacket as you ran around, enjoying the cold breeze and the beautiful scenery. Almost on instinct, you reached to your side, only to remember that you had left your camera at home. You frowned and instead pulled out your phone before switching it to the front camera, snapping a quick selfie of yourself. Seungho ran towards you and then embraced you tightly as the two of you laughed. You wrapped your arms around his as he wrapped your jacket around your shoulders.


Thank you,” you said happily as you looked around. Your eyes mirrored the lights and Seungho saw the gratitude and happiness in them. He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. You looked up at him and he smiled at you and said, “Anything for you. Just remember to rely on me more often okay?”


I will, thank you for reminding me.”


Seungho looked at you rather amused and laughed, “I think you finally matured ___-ah.”


Yah! Yang Seungho!” you shout as he runs away from your raised fist. You playfully glare at him and then laugh as he comes back to you, entwining his hands with yours.


Sometimes I don't like being the mature one,” he admitted. You laughed and you said, “You can let go sometimes, I'm not always that childish.”


No, you're always childish,” he replies flicking your forehead gently. Your hands fly to your forehead as you pout at him. He laughs and he asks, “Will you continue to let me take your burdens away then?”


Of course!” you answer cheerfully. He immediately begins walking around the park with you as the two of you get caught up with each other's lives. Although you guys sent texts and did video calls as often as work would allow it, it was always different talking about the same things in person. The atmosphere, the environment, the tone, and the facial expressions, everything came into play and you couldn't have been happier being able to spend precious times with your boyfriend. After making one round around the park, Seungho walked you back to the car. He opened the door for you first, buckling you in. As he walked around slowly, he checked his phone.


From: Little Tree

Everything's set up, I hope you have the main attraction.


To: Little Tree

Kay, we're heading home then, and I do.


Seungho smiled upon getting into the car and drove you guys home as quickly but carefully as possible. Upon arriving at the house, Seungho rushed towards the door first, leaving you behind and you chuckled at his playful behavior. You walked up to the slightly closed door and pushed it open, upon entrance you heard a variety of snaps and pops and a synchronized, “SURPRISE!”


You looked up at the Yang family and MBLAQ in shock and you asked with another adorable tilt of your head, “W-What's going on?”


It's a super late happy birthday and also your 6th year anniversary!” Thunder said happily before placing a shiny silver tiara on your head. You looked at them, all of them had decorated the living room nicely with streamers and a neatly written 'Happy Anniversary' banner slung across the wall. You smiled at them happily and thanked them, when suddenly the lights went out.


A candle lit up from each person, forming an aisle from you to Seungho. Seungho walked towards you slowly before reaching you. He looked away momentarily, embarrassed, and then cleared his throat and gazed back into your eyes.


____-ah,” he said softly, he smiled at you and said, “I know we weren't the best of friends when we first met, in fact we always bickered over stupid little things, but I'm glad that we met the way we did, or we wouldn't have ever been able to get to where we are today.” He looked at his brother who stood a little bit behind him and smiled before turning back to you, and continued, “Although I don't completely approve of you and my brother being 'bffl's as he would say, mocking you, I do thank him for our never ending friendship and our beautiful relationship.”


At this moment, Seungho kneels down and pulls out a small velvet box and opens it in front of you, revealing a beautiful, simple silver ring. He smiled and asked, “I can't make a promise that I won't make you cry, since you're a crybaby, but I do promise that I'll do whatever I can in my power to make you happy. So, ___, will you stay with me forever? In this place you call your second home?”


You couldn't believe it, and like Seungho predicted, the tears began rolling down your cheeks. You laughed and gently wiped them away before nodding your head and mumbling softly, “I'll stay.”

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Chapter 1: OMG. I love this! Its absolutely lovely to read! Great Job!
- Ti
Phamtastic #2
Chapter 1: AWWWW !!!! Soo cutte!