ANOTHEH WEIGH-IN (Plus apology??)

Smile Time!


You guys, i really don't mean to be this infrequent. Please forgive me and my poopieness about not updating this as much as I should. 


I'll have you know, my K-Everything obsession got me so distracted I landed myself F's in 4 different classes. 


So may I just say: 


Dun hate me!

Pleaaase? O u O    kpop meme

you know you loved that. 






I gladly announce I have now lost 11 pounds since I first started all this.

I would have liked to have lost more, but due to all the homework trouble I really decided that I didn't really want my parents my soul (and end up with me in utter depression because if my grades don't go up I loose my phone for the ENTIRE SUMMER) for the sake of exercize. 

Take Dis, school 



Okay, anyways... this was more of a rant than anything, sorry! 


YAY 11!!!!! 





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TaquitosNOMNOM #1
Chapter 6: But it says in the foreward that you were 151 pounds...
but congratulations!!! ^^
and yes, it's lbs. XD I wonder how pounds shortened is lbs. o_O
And I'm so excited too!! They look so good~~~
TaquitosNOMNOM #2
Chapter 5: AW~~ you're such an inspiration!
And good for you for making yourself happier!!
btw, you look sho cute!!
TaquitosNOMNOM #3
Chapter 4: How awesome!!!! ^o^ Congrats!
I'm finally starting to do some exercise! ↖(^ω^)↗
TaquitosNOMNOM #4
Chapter 2: Aw, you're pretty. ^^
TaquitosNOMNOM #5
Chapter 1: This is cool. ^^
I've been wanting to shed some pounds too.
Tinkerbelly #6
I like the idea, please update soon, neh?