Snowball Date

Snowball Date - Hoya

Meeting at the ice skating rink, you stood on the side as you looked for Hoya, your boyfriend. Stuffing your hands in your warm pockets you smiled at the skaters as they looked like they were having so much fun. Suddenly someone poked your sides causing you to jump and turn around.

"Annyeong jagiya." Hoya waved at your cutely as you broke out into a laugh.

"Yah, you scared me!" You said through your laugh as he just smiled and wrapped you in a hug.

"Mianhae" Kissing your cheek, he ruffled your hair affectionately before taking your hand in his and leading you to the skate house. Asking for your size, the two of you walked over to the bench as you took off your street shoes and slipped your feet into the skates. Moving over to your other foot. Someone leaned over your leg as he began to tie your laces together. Turning your head you kissed his head loudly as Hoya laughed.

"You know, you have to tie these properly." He commented as you moved your other foot towards him as he tied the other one as well. Glancing over at his skates, his were untied as he sat up tall. You leaned over his leg and tied his skates for him.

"What were you saying about tying your skates." You glanced up at him as he giggled and kissed your head, copying your actions.

Once you were finished with his skates, he stood sturdily on his feet before turning to you. Offering both of his hands to you, you rested your hands in his as he pulled you up. Loosing your balance you wrapped your arms around Hoya’s neck to stabilize yourself as he held your sides in surprise.

"Don’t worry, I won’t let you fall. If you do, I will kiss it better." He said softly as you nodded as you blushed and unwrapped your arms from Hoya’s neck before taking his hand.

Teaching you the basics, you caught on pretty quick with your amazing teacher. Eventually you were skating by yourself and Hoya was right beside you. Holding hands, you two made several laps around the rink before the Zamboni needed to come out and re-ice the rink.

"Do you want to go get some Hot Chocolate and then go see the new snow in the park?" Hoya asked as you changed your shoes.

"That would be great! I would love that!" You beamed as you turned in your skates. Hoya turned his in after you as he then wrapped his arm around your waist. 

Both of you slowly walked to the cafe as it felt like you were still on the ice. He ordered for you as you chose the table next to a window. The temperature began to drop outside causing the windows to fog up. Drawing on the window you drew a heart and then another right next to it. Hoya came back to the table with two mugs as he smiled and set your mug in front of you.

"What are you doing?" Hoya said as he pulled up his chair under him.

"Just drawing." You commented as you tore yourself away from the hearts and wrapped your hands around the warm mug. Looking at your drawings, Hoya drew a heart and wrote both of your names in it.

"That’s better." He sighed as he lifted his mug and sipped the warm chocolate as you giggled at his cheesiness. He smiled into his cup as both of you happily enjoyed the little treat before heading out into the light falling snow.

Taking your hand in his, he placed it in his pocket as he tried to warm your hands. A smile beamed on your face as both of you walked into the snow covered park. With the snow that hung off of the trees and the snow covered paths, the ice sickles that hung down from the branches as it all seemed so magical. Berms of snow happily gathered next to the trees as something hit your face causing you to squeal. Wiping the snow from your face, Hoya looked around carefully, trying to figure out if it was fans or someone else. Giggles were heard as another snowball flew your way, blocking it from you, he pulled you behind a tree.

"It’s my members." He smirked as he saw their heads pop over the berm.

"Let’s get them back." You said with a determined grin as you bent down and made a few snowballs quickly. Kneeling down, he held out his fist as you fist bumped him before he grabbed a few snowballs before throwing them at s. Laughs were exchanged as you got into the fight, hitting Woohyun and Sungjong along with Dongwoo too. Hoya high-fived you as you two were having so much fun.

"We wanted to ruin your date." Sunggyu yelled as Hoya hit him with a snowball and you hit him shortly after.

"Well, you made it so much better." You yelled back as Hoya shot you his killer smile before both of you had fun defeating his other members.

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Chapter 1: Aww very cute and a good story :)
Chapter 1: It's..... It's..... *crying happily in my heart*
So cute and.... *sobbing* and... sweet !!!!
Omg.. I can't control my fangirl mode...
shafira_bapbaby #3
Chapter 1: Aigoooooo~!!! It's soooo sweetttt!!!!! ^^
Chapter 1: sweet and simple =]
Chapter 1: Aigoo. It's so cute. xD Your stories always warm my heart.