The "Friends"

How the Rain Falls in China...(Sequel to Tasting the Rain)

After thanking the guy who helped bring my luggage, I stood outside of my hotel room. My heart pounded as I put in the key. Would I see...

"ANLIA!" I was captured in a hug.

I smiled and pulled away. "Min! Long time no see! Why are you here?"

She laughed. "Well, I heard about Lang Lang was going to do concerts with a flutist from Canada. When my boss came around and asked me if I would like to help design their outfits, I jumped on it! I'm so glad it's you!"

"I'm so glad too." I gave her another hug. "The manager told me I had friends, but I only see you."

Her smile vanished. "Yeah, well, they had some business to do. They said to tell you they will meet you at dinner."

"Ahh." I didn't like how her face was now stone-cold. "How is business with the almighty diva?"

Min giggled. "It's going great. He's in Japan right now though, so I figured it would be okay if I came and see China, and my best friend," she added.

I put my arm around her. "You got that right."


Man, I need to start giving this story more love. It's a little annoying that SJM isn't having any promotions. But I shouldn't complain because all right, naughty Mr. Simple blew my mind. XD

However, I saw an ad on youku (Chinese youtube which is what I have to put up with >.<) about something about Super Junior M....I think it's a singing competition of their songs or something? Just wonder what I could come up with that.

WHICH IS WHY I AM SO GLAD I AM COMING HOME! (I'm coming home, coming home, tell the world, I'm coming home~) Lol I'm so going to miss Han Geng's stalking and somewhat kpop stalking, but I need youtube, my friend's tumblr, ENGLISH!!! (seriously though, does anyone know which command says "copy url" when you right click on a picture? -sigh- I'll figure out by next year hopefully...)

I did mention I bought the first 2 SJ-M albums, right? Ah well, I'm still going to spazz how they were 100 RMB together, and the first mini album comes with a DVD of the MVs.  And when I open them when I get home and find Henry....<(^-^)> -huggles-

Haha and for those who are like, "What about Yesung???" I assure you, I got a photobook of Bonamana. AHHH going to go crazy XD

Anyway, so going to go on "mini hiatus" (jeezus hopefully it'll only last 2 days >.<) because I'm leaving...(unless my kindle proves out to be not too annoying. ^_^) Please bare with me!

And if you have any ideas, do tell! -does shibrows-

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Chapter 20: Is it Henry or the *cough**?
Chapter 12: Excuse my language, but Julia is a B!+<#
Chapter 11: Is it Julia?!
Chapter 7: I have the same problem! #freshmanlife
Chapter 3: Julia! *now where did I put that Remington 870?*
Chapter 2: Because I'm naughty naughty, naughty! Bwara Mr. simple simple!
Chapter 1: Super Junior?
Chapter 21: OHMYGOD whoooaaa. I kind of dont know what to say right now but felt the need to comment.
Yay! Sequel of a sequel! :D