Chapter 5

Forbidden Love

It has passed a couple of weeks since Yixing and Jongin met for the first time they would join at the exact same place every day since then, of course it was a matter of time until some of their relatives start to wonder where they disappear every night.

Yixing helping his mom at the kitchen, what he didn’t noticed was the grin he had on the face but of course his mother did.

“Xing son why is it that you are so happy?” Yeon ju (his mom) asked him with a teasing grin in her face.

“Well I’m just happy your favorite son can’t be happy?” Yixing said on the defensive when he noticed what his mother was talking about.

“It’s not that, I do want my favorite son to be happy, it’s just it isn’t usual to see you smiling like that, you always have a lost and depressive face and sleepy eyes the only times I see you this happy is when…” her mom stated stopping at the half of the sentence looking at Yixing with a huge smile.

“What? When what?” Yixing says obligating his mom to continue.

“Nothing” She said resuming her activities.

“What? Mom tell me” the boy insisted to know shaking her elbow.

“You always smile like that just when you see certain young vampire with blond like white hair and charming smile” She said teasingly.

“No! Mom that’s not true, aish where did you get such idea? Stop listening the couple of airheads” Yixing replied and he was being honest even if his mother didn’t bought it.

“Well that’s good though because I think Sanggyunie also like him, what does this boy has that like my babies I just hope Sangwonnie won’t join his fanclub” Yeonju talked most to herself more almost forgetting Yixing was still there.

“Wait, what? Why do you think Sanggyun likes Jiho hyung?” Yixing asked feeling both confused and surprised.

“ I saw him twice smiling when he’s in front of him jus the way you were grinning a minute ago” she explained not noticing the confusion she planted in Yixing.

“But maybe I’m wrong don’t you think so” she added finally looking at her son.

“Yeah mom you are totally wrong, Sanggyunie would have told me if he were in that situation” He said returning to his tasks in the kitchen and forgetting the actual reason of the grin her mother found on his face.






Yixing was walking through the village searching for Luhan or any of his friends he need to talk to somebody extern from his family, the revelation his mother told him earlier that day got him uneasy.

He was about to reach Luhan’s house which was the nearest to his, when he saw Sanggyun walking back home, the younger didn’t noticed him and the older didn’t noticed his brother wasn’t alone Jiho was walking beside him and Yixing saw it; the grin his mother mentioned was there, he blamed himself for been so blind toward his own brother.

When Jiho left Sanggyun to continue with his way alone, Yixing approached hurriedly the young red haired boy he had a lot of thoughts and feelings on his head and he was no longer being rational.

“Hi hyung” they younger saluted his hyung when he noticed him approaching but he regretted it when he noticed the expression on his face. He tried to run away but he wasn’t quickly enough, Yixing caught him and pushed him against the nearest wall facing him with deadly eyes vs a terrified ones.

“Hyung what’s wrong with you? What are you doing?” Sanggyun asked completely confused.

“Since when do you like Jiho hyung?”Yixing asked with a serious look.

“W-what? W-what are you t-talking about?” Sanggyun said nervously trying his best not to discover himself.

“Don’t lie tell me the truth I know you like him I saw it in that stupid grin you make when you are around him, now tell me how long have you been behind him?” Yixing said still serious.

“Yah okay I admit it” the younger answered disposing from Yixing’s grip “I do like Jiho hyung, it’s been like that since about a couple of months ago, but that doesn’t matter, I’m not behind him as you assume because he likes you and I can’t do nothing against it” He answered giving the same serious look back at Yixing.

“How do you know that?” The Yixing asked now with a confused look.

“He told me a few days ago” the red haired said looking down for a second and going back to his previous expression.

“Why you didn’t tell me anything?”

“I tried hyung I really did but you are not the same lately, you never listen to us anymore, do you think I haven’t noticed you disappear every day at the exact same hour and when you return you never say anything nor listed anything. Where do you go everyday hyung?” this time the role changed and Sanggyun questioned Yixing about his actions with a mad look.

Yixing didn’t answered he didn’t know what to say, he was worried he couldn’t tell Sanggyun why he disappear everyday he was worried for both Jongin and Sanggyun, he wasn’t ready to involve his brother in this nor wanted Jongin to think he had betrayed his confidence and for the other side, at the bottom Yixing didn’t wanted to share the relationship he had with Jongin, it was a moment just for them both and he didn’t wanted to lose that it doesn’t matter if he was being selfish he couldn’t say anything about Kai, at least not yet.

“I knew it, I knew you have changed, you used to tell me everything you have never had secrets to me hyung. Just let me tell you something, don’t you dare to hurt Jiho hyung he’s a good person don’t be so distant with him as you are with us, I know when there is not hope for me but at least I have to assure any of the people I love get hurt” Sanggyun said with courage in the eyes and the threat of a tear. And left his older brother behind.

Yixing was now feeling miserable, he had inflicted so much pain to the people he love without noticed it, he was feeling so angry with himself for been so stupid, now his little brother, his Sanggyunie was suffering because of him and now he had to deal with the fact that Jiho likes him. For pulse he hit the wall in front of him causing his knuckles bleed, of course he barely felt pain, he let himself to calm down before coming back to earth.






That night Yixing arrived earlier than usual to his appointment with Jongin. He was concentrated thinking about what he should do to make the issue get better and he didn’t noticed when Kai arrived until the last cleared his throat to let the older now he was there. It worked Yixing looked at him smiling as always but this time Kai noticed something different,he notices the wound in his hand, there was something bothering his friend.

“Yixing hyung are you fine? How was your day” Kai asked him sitting on his usual spot in front of Yixing.

“I’m fine I’m just concerned, today I had a discussion with Sanggyun” He said with a sad smile.

“what? Why?”

“Today I found out I’m the cause of my brother’s suffering” Yixing said and paused Kai didn’t say anything he limited to just listen so Yixing continued.

“Sanggyun likes Jiho hyung” the older said, Kai can help himself but to feel his body burning every time Yixing mention that name. “ I thought it was okay to like him, he’s a really good person after all, but then he told me that Jiho hyung likes me, that caught me off guard, how could I be so blind and stupid not to notice it before. You should have seen his face he was so brokenhearted, you know what he told me then?” Yixing said looking at Kai with a sad look. Kai was feeling a mixture of feeling between jealousy, empathy and worry for the vampire in front of him, he didn’t know what to answer so he just shook his head slowly.

“He told me he wouldn’t do anything, because he thinks he has no hope and he prefer to move aside to let us two to be happy together” He said sadly looking at his hands.

“And do you like this Jiho back?” This time Kai asked, he needed to know.

“No, that’s the problem no matter what a chose to do or say I will end up hurting my best friend or my brother and I don’t want to lose any of them, but I can’t also force myself to like Jiho back, do you understand my problem Kai?” Yixing explained looking at Kai with the same sad eye and a little pout that made him look so cute at Kai’s eyes.

“Why don’t we walk a little that could help to clear your mind” Kai proposed standing up and walking beside Yixing at the other side he was feeling some kind of satisfaction knowing he see that Jiho just as a friend.

“This is nice, walking together we have been at the same place for two weeks we should find a new one” Yixing said now with a happier smile on his face.

“Yes it is pretty nice, I was getting bored of that place anyway” Kai agreed with him and smiled him back but Yixing’s expression was sad again. This hyung has a serious problem of mood changes. Kai thought, he didn’t say anything for a time he needed to find the right words to cheer the vampire.

“Oh by the way I brought you this, I hope you like them” the older said taking a little bag out of his pocket and throwing it at Kai, the latest caught it and opened it, his face brightened at seeing a bunch of candies inside. Seeing Kai smile made Yixing smile as well and forget all his problems at least for some minutes, he wanted to keep that smile forever no matter what.

 “Thank you hyun, where did you get this from?” Kai was touched by the tiny but significant detail.

“From my mom’s stash”

“But you can get in troubles” Kai tried to give him back the bag.

“No, she will think it was Sanggwon not me so don’t worry and enjoy them” He said calmly.

“You are a bad brother hyung” the wolf said playing but Yixing didn’t take it like that.

“ Yes you are right, I am” the older agreed to that returning to his blue mood once again, and Kai had to mentally face palm himself for his stupid chose of words, now he had to think even more how to make him feel better.

They kept walking in the woods sometimes talking about a random topic and sometimes eating candies until they found the lake in front of them they decided to stop there.

“Woa the lake looks so beautiful today” Yixing stated amazed.

Kai agreed with him it was really pretty today the moon was in her lune gibbeuse phase shining on the surface of the water, there was no clouds in the heaven letting all the stars to shine freely and even if there was still winter the night wasn’t as cold as the previous ones.

“Woa the water is still really cold” the older said shaking his hand after introduce it in the water.

“Hyung I think you should tell that Jiho how you fill instead of making him feel fake hopes and sort out the things with Sanggyun after all is better just lose a friend instead of your brother after all he is your family” Kai expressed his thoughts after a long time of thinking about it.

“I see your point Kai, I know my brother is more important, but I’m afraid, today I noticed I’m afraid of losing everybody and end up alone just because I’m so stupid, and blind and distractive. I don’t want to hurt anybody else” Yixing confessed honestly Kai could feel all those feeling he described by looking at the expression on his face, and felt himself useless he wanted so much to hug the older and comfort him.

“Hyung you would never be alone, I’m here even if everybody turn their backs to you I will always be here” Kai wanted so much to touch him, to hug him and let him know that he meant all the words he said.

Yixing felt touched by the younger’s words and tried to approximate him but he didn’t noticed the rock in front of him and when he tried to give a step forward he fell.

Kai saw Yixing was about to fall with part of his body at the other side of the line and wanted to hold him but if he did he would cross the line too.

Yixing was waiting the impact on the ground but instead he felt a different impact, he fell but instead of hitting the ground he hit some kind of wall that stop him to cross the line, it hurt him anyway but he was surprised  the same as Kai.

“Hyung are you fine?” Kai asked him alarmed.

“Yes I’m fine” the other answered rubbing his temple where he got hit.

“Have you seen that? It’s like is there were a wall between us” Yixing said, both stared the space between them.

“A wall, are you sure?” Kai asked confused.

“Well it felt like one” the other answered. And extended his hand forward slowly until it was stopped by something unseen.

Both were perplexed there was an invisible wall dividing them. All this time they thought the only thing dividing them were just the red line but it was even more, they could never cross the line even if they try to.

Kai extended his hand as well to try to touch the wall and he felt it, it was hard and solid yet invisible. He moved his hand up and down the wall intrigued. But his hand stop right where Yixing’s one was resting. Yixing’s hand was slender and shorter than Kai’s, Kai’s eyes met Yixing’s none of them said a word, it wasn’t necessary their eyes were telling everything by themselves Kai wondered how would it feel to hold his hand between his, but he only felt the wall like a crystal spearing them.





a/n: Hello my beloved readers I want to apologize from the bottom of my heart for not been able to update before, I got really sick last week and I couldn’t do anything T.T but here it is the new chapter and I promise I will do my best to update sooner next time.

By the way I think a made some mistakes so if you catch one please let me know and I will fix them asap.

Happy San Valentine’s day by the way even if it’s late u.u


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Chapter 9: I'm crying uncontrollably right now, that was so beautifully written and that ending was healing but it broke my heart a lot, I thought that that crazy goddess would be clever before they're killed... Damn..I'm still crying tears lol
Chapter 9: I cried so much! So unfair! SO UNFAIR!
Well, thanks to them now everybody is free to love u.u the story was so good and I really like the way everything happen, Sehun betrayed his bestfriend for the pack :c
Thank you for writing this! ( ˘ ³˘)
Saw them ing*
Chapter 7: Holy crap, someone them ing! That's not nice! Is Sehun, right? Ik!
revveluv #5
Chapter 9: THIS IS THE BEST THIS WAS SO COOL, tbh I was expecting a war, but this works too BUT WHY KILLED THEM?!!!!! This is so beautiful T.T :'( I'm crying
anyways, THIS WAS THE BEST KAILAY/KAIXING FANFIC EVER! keep writing more! This ship is really rare
Chapter 9: Nooo why beautiful story must have a sad ending
But i like this
Suho you're cruel!!
ilangilang #7
Chapter 9: It's a beautiful story. And sad. And romantic as hell. I hope you will write more in the future.
ilangilang #8
Damn, I'm in love with just a foreword.
Chapter 9: *sobs* this is so beautiful. so sweet. suho and sehun were so cruel, so rude. hate them, especially sehun, the friendship traitor.
back to kailay, oh fyi i love this pairing since past 3 days. i love kai and lay the most in exo. so i love this pairing so much. actually, i was kaisoo and kray shipper before but i didnt feel like this now i feel on that time. now i feel like i need more kailay fics out there >_<
i was so happy to find this one. the romance in this story was so sweet, tho i need more kailay moments. after all, the only thing bothered me when i read this is the typo. only that :) i love this story, and i hope i'd find another kailay fics from you.
Chapter 9: It's really a great story. .just need some spelling and words repairs.. then it is perfect! Good work!/( ^-^)/~~♡