Dolce & Banana


Sure, our resident sunshine did know how to think, act, and speak maturely on Infinite affairs and provide his hyungs comfort during times of restlessness and chaos (i.e. household chores). But for some reason, washing the dishes while memorizing things like “It’s nice to meet you” or “I hope you’ll enjoy our performance” or “Sungyeol-hyung, please stop stealing all my lemon candies from my secret food stash” in a language other than the vernacular was quite a challenge, especially if studying English was not the only thing he had to worry about.


Title: Dolce & Banana

Rating: PG

Pairing: Gyujong; (slight) Myungjong

Genre: Fluff/Crack (idk, people lol-ed so I guess crack)


This was my entry to the Infinite Secret Santa 2013. It took me a long while to write this because I was so new to Gyujong. I fixed all the errors on my entry (I beta-ed myself lolz)

The prompt was: Gyu is teaching Sungjong English.

The way I wrote the fic was also heavily inspirited by Jaexstar/iheartsoojung's fluff fics on her Tumblr (because I love her fluff fics sfm).


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Keyv88 #1
Chapter 1: I love this fic but im confused the relation of banana to this fic?
Chapter 1: I found it, your fic that I read last year (or 2 year ago) and I still cannot forget it until now. It's really cute and brings a smile to my face. I especially love the part where Sunggyu giggled like a girl pretending Sungjong was interested in him while in reality he was forcing the boy to ask him personal questions (LOL)
Chapter 1: I loved this! Definitely going to read more of your stuff! So much talent. ..=)
Chapter 1: This ing funny!!! Hahhahahhaha write more write more~~~
Chapter 1: HAHA this is so funny xD
Chapter 1: Awwe so cute ad funny !!!!! ;)
Kunarum #7
Chapter 1: This was brilliant! Kind of like I imagine the Gyujong-awkwardness to be; leader-hyung just picks on Jonggie because that's what some people do when they really like someone :D
My favorite part was probably the fight, it was kind of blood chilling but also very necessary to make all of the feelings come out naturally. Both of them would be too stubborn to let it out other ways.
And I just LOVE how beautifully you describe Sungjong! ^^
Also I think the writing's excellent, enough fancy wordings to make even me jealous :D
Chapter 1: And I never realized that my maknae has liked me all these years. I thought he was into weird, awkward emo looking guys who loved taking pictures of him all the ti—ouch!”

“I heard that, you idiot!” Myungsoo shouted in the living room after throwing three lens covers to the leader’s head.

You got me laughing my with this author-nim! Daebak :D
Chapter 1: lol I enjoyed reading it. I never liked girly sungjong characters so this is perfect XD you should do more gyujong fics author-nim ^^
Chapter 1: heol this is so cute ▔□▔)/▔□▔)/▔□▔)/ so Myungsoo got over it? xD