
The Move


*Knock Knock*

I wonder who's by the door? I'll text Foby first just in case. I looked through the eye hole.


THERE'S A GUY HERE WHAT DO I DO?! I would open it, but what if he doesn't speak English?! I don't want to be rude either. I mean, whay if he somehow finds out that I was here the whole time, I'll seem like a meanie!

???: Hello! Falesha sent me! Um, Macy was it? Macy open the door!

How does he.know my name?!

*Beep Beep*

Fo: HELLO MY CHILD! I'VE MISSED YOU! CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU LATER! ^3^/...Also, I sent a friend over to help you around the house when he comes just open the door. Don't worry he's not a creep ;)...


P.S. He knows how to speak English.


Well, that was convinet.*Opens Door*

???: Oh! You must be Macy right?

Me: Yeah, I'm guessing you're the friend.

???: Yeah, I'm Zero, but people call me Z.

Me: Awesome name! You already know mine, but people usually call me Mace, nice ta meet cha.

Z: *Walks In* I'm guessing from the luggage by the door you still don't know where to go.

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