Crush face funny


funny memories ...

on the evening , exo they sit on sofa together , with cute sound of laughter .. Let go to see what they talking about !! 


: hey guys !! Guess .. Why poeple eat the food they should use the mouth for eating?

other : I don't know ~

kai : if you use ear ta will be not tasty xD

other : ahahahahhaahhahaaha~ 

chanyeol : why a police from the street they should stop the car?

suho : I'm get confused !!!

chanyeol : if police stopes the tiger .. The tiger will eat police ahahaha :D

Tao : witch fish can fly?

beakhyun : no type of fish can fly ~

tao : flying fish !!!

other : ahahaha~

tao : witch a fish can not fly?

other : all type of fish

tao : wrong !!! It's the fish battery low

hahah they are very cute suching :D



Wow there are really cute and funny ^^


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Brandalicious #1
I like the idea, please update soon, neh?