Bus 34


Greetings! :) Welcome to this fanfic. This is my first ever fanfic that i writing and I am SUPER DUPER EXCITED! But i do hope it works out.

Hopefully this story is going to blow your mind along with its plot twists and cliff hangers that will make you pull all your hair out! Hehe okay i'm just joking really:P but yeah i do hope you will like and subscribe to this story. I may not be a professional writer but I will do my best to suit all your needs;) hehe just kidding. Anyways i'm not going to bother you anymore and let you read the foreword! Have a happy stay!!! Once you have read this I command you to keep reading and support me! hehe joking but i do hope you will:) If you do, i will love you forever and ever (>.>) if you want me too..keke>,> I just began to write this story because it somehow just tells my life, well kind of but yeah... I hope you like it:) if not, you don't have to continue... I don't really want to bother you, but I hope you understand i'm not that good of a writer and just add some comments and advices on how to improve the story to suit your approval:) Have fun!!!


Once upon a time there was a beautiful Princess from a faraway kingdom named Lily. She was the most beautiful girl in the whole wide world and with just a single stare; you won’t even notice that you have completely fallen in love with her. She has a soft, long hair that is almost as black as a raven’s feather; lips red as a rose; with porcelain skin that is so flawless; a small and petite nose that makes you almost think that she is a living doll along with blue crystal eyes that shimmers brightly when a ray of light reflects from it. Her looks does not even compare to her kind, amazing and innocent personality that will just completely melt your heart.

However, she is imprisoned in a tall, dark, gloomy tower as she is forbidden to go outside by her evil step mother whom she believes is a witch and that she used a spell towards her father to seduce him and to marry him.

 All her life she wishes that someday her so called Prince Charming would come and save her from this entire monstrosity and take her away to become his lawfully wedded wife.

Oh okay fine, I’ll cut the crap… Lily wasn’t really the most ‘beautiful’ girl in the whole wide world whom you’ll fall for heavily with just one stare. She wasn’t even imprisoned by her evil step mother who she believes is a witch. In fact, her step mother was the loveliest human being on earth that you could ever meet. Let’s just say Lily doesn’t like her for some reason. Also Lily wasn’t even imprisoned, she just chose to be. She’s afraid to go out and be judged by all those living creatures that she hates passionately.

Stuck mostly inside her bedroom in total darkness staring at her laptop blogging all sorts of things that you wouldn’t even want to know, click here, click there, click, click, click. This was her life; this is the life she feels where she belongs to. Sure everything about what I said was a lie but to be honest, Lily does want her Prince Charming to find her someday… She wants him to come and save her and have a happy ending. But of course that won’t happen if she just stays in her bedroom all day pigging out on all of the foods in the fridge while watching series of episodes in Netflix. Okay fine, guilty as charged… I’m Lily. I’m the introvert Lily who doesn’t come out of her room unless she needs the toilet or when she’s hungry; the Lily who hisses when a single ray of sunlight shines on her face.  Hi everyone, my name is Song So Young.

I like to think about those fairy-tale stories and wish that someday, someday I might be able to finally fall in love with a guy who will also love me back. It’s just so hard you know…I mean it’s hard to talk to people especially if you’ve never tried to interact with even one but I do try…seriously I do! Don’t give me that look. It’s just that whenever I try to talk, words just don’t come out. You know what I mean? No? Okay… But anyways, this is a story of how everything changes… but it’s not any other ordinary stories you have seen or heard… this is about how I finally came out to the real world and experience what I’ve never done before. This is how Song So Young's life changed.*Sigh* Good luck to me... cause' i'm going to need all the luck i could get.


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nadiara #1
Chapter 1: is the author dead?
Brandalicious #2
I like the idea, please update soon, neh?
This seems interesting... plz update soon