
See You Later, Stranger

I totally failed. Just kill me now. ;A;

But enjoy the fic anyways! Comment and subscribe please! Next chapter will be up sometime this week! ~SS





“See you another time, noona! Sorry for bursting in loudly like that!”

“It’s okay, Kyungsoo-yah! You know I always enjoy your company!”

Kyungsoo waved goodbye at the nice cashier lady until he had completely bypassed the grocery store’s automatic slider doors. Alone outside, he exhaled in relief and thanked his lucky stars for his spontaneous timing. He clutched the plastic bag of purchased ingredients close to his chest, thanking the universe that his dad knew how to text.

Kyungsoo should’ve known better than to be an airhead, but apparently the words ‘Kyungsoo’ and ‘airhead’ were a package deal. Today just had to be the day that he was forgetful, he grouched self-loathingly.

Earlier, when Kyungsoo had been at home, he had gotten sidetracked while reading a suspenseful mystery novel he had purchased yesterday. (Yeah. He lost track of time because of a good book. So? Sue him.) Because he had been too engrossed with reading, he had forgotten about being in charge of dinner until his dad had sent him a heads-up through a text. (Almost ready to leave to pick up Kisoon from the airport. How’s dinner coming along? – Appa)

That instance, Kyungsoo had felt his stomach flop. He had literally threw aside his book and sped downstairs to yank the fridge open. Oh no, he had thought, jaw dropping.

The fridge was poorly stocked with anything.

In no time flat, Kyungsoo had shoved his feet in the correct sneakers (laces left untied), flew out of the house (managed to lock the door), and, like hell had been nipping at his heels, ran to the nearest grocery store. Luckily he hadn’t tripped over a rock or (invisible) crack on the sidewalk when he had spotted the store up ahead.

Everyone had jumped out of their skins when a black-haired bullet had charged straight through the parted automatic doors and had simultaneously snatched up a shopping basket. The loitering customers had been befuddled by the unruly entrance, but the lady manning the cashier had only smiled and shook her head, thinking, Kyungsoo-yah’s at it again.

Breathless and enormously wide-eyed, Kyungsoo had demanded for a quick-and-easy checkout, mumbling apologies under his breath as he waited, and then paid for the items when they were rung up. The cashier lady had dismissed his erratic behavior with a jaunty wave and told him she was used to it. (“I’ve lost count to how many times you panicked like a husband when his wife’s in labor, Kyungsoo-yah.”)

But that was five minutes in the past now. He was safe. He could make dinner on time. He wouldn’t make a fool of himself.

A warm smile graced the owl-eyed male’s lips as he retraced his route back home. There was a noticeable giddy bounce in his footsteps as he walked.

His brother was coming home from America.

Kisoon, Kyungsoo’s older brother of four years, had been studying abroad in America to earn his degree. Although his hyung could’ve returned straight home after he officially graduated, Kisoon had decided to spend the upcoming summer with his friends who he would eventually part from. It was a heartwarming gesture that Kisoon wanted to share a couple more memories with his buddies, and no one had dared to dissuade him.

Then, about a few days ago, Kyungsoo had received a surprise call from his brother who claimed that he was packing up and ready to move back home.

Beyond thrilled by the news, Kyungsoo had suddenly squealed (ahem, it was a manly squeal) into the phone. He had instantly wallowed with guilt because he had practically felt his hyung cringe through the phone. Hopefully it wasn’t Kyungsoo fault that his hyung came home deaf.

The Do brothers were very close. Kyungsoo admired his hyung, and, in return, Kisoon adored his little brother. When they were younger, they used to do everything together—to the point where people had commented how they acted like twins (until Kisoon sprouted some legs and grinned every time Kyungsoo had to look up at him), and the two brothers had agreed wholeheartedly. In all honesty, Kyungsoo had felt almost betrayed when his hyung had chosen to study in America. Four years of loneliness at home, Kyungsoo had thought with a clenched heart. He had missed his older brother terribly every day. With a workaholic father and a mother who had passed away years ago, the house had felt empty and soundless. It was a good thing Kyungsoo had close friends to seek company with during those years of lonesomeness.

Now it wouldn’t be like that anymore.

“Hyung’s coming home today,” Kyungsoo sang happily to himself, rocking his head back and forth to his merry tune as he navigated his way back home. The streets were partially abundant with people who lived in the nearby neighborhoods, but to Kyungsoo, they were faceless walking figures.

The doe-eyed male continued to muse to himself, “Appa’s going to pick up hyung from work in about”—he peeked down at his wristwatch—“a half an hour. It’s almost five o’clock,” he noted and did the calculations in his head. “Hm, that means I only have an hour at most to cook something worthwhile.” He gnawed on his lower lip as another pressing thought occurred to him. “But what happens if hyung wants something simple? Or maybe one of his favorites?”

Kyungsoo scratched his head in frustration, perplexed by the complications he brought upon himself. “Aigoo, this is harder than I thought.” He maneuvered around a lady walking her dog and veered around the street corner. “Maybe I should just cook kimchi spaghetti and—ACK!”

Certain consequences tend to happen when a naturally born klutz neglects to tie his shoes. Like right now, for instance.

Kyungsoo had stepped on his own shoe lace and had lost his footing. To his horror, he lurched forward. Oh no! The groceries!

Damn his luck.

Actually, scratch that. He was damn lucky.

A shadowy figure appeared out of nowhere and caught him. Strong arms encircled his small torso, preventing him from smashing his less-than-delicate face onto the hard, gritty ground.

Kyungsoo gulped, staring down at the concrete pavement mere inches from the tip of his button nose. “W-whoa,” he stammered, stunned. “Th-that was a close one.”

Someone huffed. “You tell me,” the person—a male, judging by the deep, chocolately voice—said sarcastically.

The person that was his savior easily lifted him upright as if he weighed next to nothing. Kyungsoo got ahold of his bearings again, rightfully placed on his own two feet. His bag full of groceries was undamaged, still gripped in his spastic hold. Thank, God.

Blinking dazedly, Kyungsoo raised his bashful face to thank his savior—

And the words promptly died in his throat.

This man—a young man—was so...he was...he...

Kyungsoo swallowed, hard.

He was gorgeous.

The extremely gorgeous hunk—er, young man—was half-a-head taller than him. His hair was dyed to a fancy shade of gold-blond—which was neatly combed downward, but there was a hint of waviness at the tips. After noting those two obvious speculations, Kyungsoo found himself mesmerized by dark, compelling eyes, rich, tan skin, and thick, plump lips. Those were the most striking features about the taller male that made Kyungsoo feel all...weird inside. His savior wore what Kyungsoo deemed as a dancer’s outfit—a sleeveless, loosely-fitted top, baggy harem pants, and properly tied apple-red chucks. A drawstring bag hung from the taller male’s lean, exposed shoulders.

Kyungsoo blinked owlishly. He vividly recalled the warmth of those long, muscular arms winded around his tiny torso. Just thinking about it made him blush, and he promptly began freaking out.

What is wrong with me?! I’ve seen a bunch of handsome guys before! Yet...why do I feel so taken by this one—a stranger?

“You know, if you had tied your shoes correctly, then you wouldn’t have tripped,” stated the handsome male matter-of-factly.

Kyungsoo’s lips quavered. “Uh...”

The guy furrowed a concerned brow. “Are you mentally disabled or something?”

No. “I...”

The dancer rolled his eyes, seemingly impatient. Kyungsoo almost let out a helpless “eep” when the other male knelt down and tied Kyungsoo’s shoes without asking. Kyungsoo had taken an automatic step backward, but stiffened halfway because it would’ve been rude to pull his foot away when someone was being courteous enough to properly tie his laces.

“There.” The male straightened up and nodded, self-satisfied. “Now you won’t trip...or will you?” An experimental grin played at the corner of thick lips.

He’s teasing me, Kyungsoo realized, dumbfounded.

“Aren’t you gonna say something? Come on, I don’t bite...most of the time.” The small grin widened into a broader one.

Kyungsoo’s voice finally worked. “I—uh—don’t know what— Do I really—? WhatamIsupposedtosay?” he finally squeaked out. Then he wanted to face-palm himself. That was lame, real lame.

The handsome devil cocked a speculative brow and leaned forward, making Kyungsoo edge back uneasily.

“Say thank you,” the male prompted Kyungsoo as if talking to a small child. “It’s the least I deserve for saving you from bashing your skull open like a water balloon.”

The shorter male cringed at the horrible imagery the other male depicted. It made him queasy.

“O-oh, okay,” he obliged tentatively. “Th-thank you, um...Mr. Stranger.”

The tan-skinned male chuckled at the made-up title. “You could’ve just went with ‘my super-hot knight in shining armor,’ but I guess that works, too.” He sidestepped to the right, angling his body as if to skirt around Kyungsoo, and that made the shorter male realize that he was probably blocking Mr. Handsome Stranger’s route to wherever he was originally going before Kyungsoo had tripped right in front of him.

No wonder the dancer had caught him—because Kyungsoo had fallen right into his path!

That made him inwardly weep in utter embarrassment.

“So...see you another time, stranger.” Ducking his head in what was considered a curt farewell, the incredibly handsome dancer smoothly edged around Kyungsoo’s petite form (confirming the latter’s suspicions about him being a dancer) and slipped past the corner where Kyungsoo had previously come from, disappearing out of sight.

Time went by and yet Kyungsoo stayed rooted in place, his mind a jumbled mess. What. Had. Just. Happened?

The owl-eyed male snapped out of his stupor when a noisy car drove by, startling him. He idly glanced down at his watch to check the time.

Kyungsoo let out a shrill scream.

“Oh my afgldkhaskdklagdhsjaslfk God! It’s five-twenty-seven! I should’ve been home by now!”

Once again, Kyungsoo ran like hell was nipping at his feet.

And unfortunately, he did trip (but he didn’t fall) on his way back home. Distracted because of a handsome stranger who lingered in the back of his disorganized mind.

Was it just him, or had the guy acted almost...protective of Kyungsoo?

Kyungsoo would never know, right?

I wonder what his name was—that stranger?






That evening, the door of the Do house opened, and two pairs of feet shuffled inside, accompanied by the rolling sounds of heavy suitcases being wheeled in onto the hardwood floor. Hearing those sounds, Kyungsoo dropped the spoon he was stirring with and darted over into the main hallway, catching himself as he pivoted and gripped the frame of the archway that lead into the dining area. He was breathing hard, heart still.


“Oh? Kyungsoo!”

With a cry of happiness, the younger brother lurched forward to tackle his older brother in an exuberant hug. Kisoon had let out an ‘oof’ of surprise, but it didn’t bother him. He merely squeezed his little brother to death then pulled apart to ruffle that always neat mop of raven-colored locks.

“Aigoo, look at you, Kyungie. You haven’t grown at all!”

Kyungsoo socked his smart-mouthed brother on the arm. “You jerk! You’ve been home for two minutes and you’re already teasing me!”

A mixture between a smirk and a grin formed on Kisoon’s lips. “Well, it’s my job, isn’t it? Teasing you?” He cooed at the owl-eyed male, “Because you’re my cute, little dongsaeng!”

“Appa! Hyung called me cute and little again!”

While his sons had been playfully bickering, Jungsoo had slipped off his shoes and shucked off his coat. Now he raised a peculiar brow at his sons, giving away nothing from behind a perpetually calm exterior.

“I heard, Kyungsoo. It’s not my fault that you look more like your mother,” he replied mildly before walking past his boys, the youngest staring after his retreating figure in shocked betrayal.


Kisoon bursted out in a roar of raucous laughter while Kyungsoo spluttered indignantly and childishly stamped his foot.

“Stop laughing, hyung! Go eat your dinner before I throw it at your face!”

Later, Kyungsoo was appeased when he was rewarded with honest compliments for his cooking. It made him proud as he watched his family wolf down the delectable food he’d made.

It was heartwarming—eating as a family again.






Summer vacation had ended on a splendid note. Now Kyungsoo had to focus on his fall semester of college.

The owl-eyed male attended a local but well-known college where he majored in culinary arts and minored in music. His college was filled with students he recalled from his high school years, because the high school he graduated from neighbored right next to the college campus. Whenever he peered past the fence that separated the two campuses, a wave of nostalgia would wash over him. Sometimes, he missed being that young, carefree teenager that he once was.

Although his first class didn’t start until nine and he would usually leave about half an hour prior, Kyungsoo had to wake up early in order to cook breakfast and brew coffee for his dad. Kyungsoo continued to flit about in the kitchen even when his father had finished eating and bade farewell before driving to the office.

It was ten minutes after eight when Kisoon, still dressed in his flannel pajamas, had slumped downstairs, rubbing at his eyes and stifling a large yawn. He perked up slightly at the delicious, wafting smell of buttermilk pancakes and fresh, strong coffee. The brothers exchanged pleasant ‘good morning’s and Kisoon began eating while Kyungsoo checked the contents of his backpack.

“When are you going to school, Kyungie?”

“In about twenty more minutes. When are you going to work?”

Upon returning home, Kisoon had applied to a couple of places for work. After enduring five job interviews, he chose to be hired as a mechanic at a nearby car garage. Kisoon had always had the knack for fixing and building machines—the reason why he went to America to study as an engineer—so it’d be a piece of cake for him.

“Around the same time. How about I drop you off at school?”

Kyungsoo beamed at his hyung gratefully, showing that gummy, heart-shaped smile that hadn’t changed since he’d been born. “Thanks, hyung!”

So, by eight-thirty, evidence of breakfast had been cleared, and Kyungsoo and Kisoon got their stuff together to leave, departing in Kisoon’s car (he had left it behind during his college years). They engaged in a playful conversation throughout the car ride, Kisoon commenting how things haven’t really changed since he left. Then, the massive, interconnected brick buildings of Kyungsoo’s college grew larger as they drove down the road. Kisoon idled the car on the curb as his younger brother shouldered his backpack and got out.

“Bye, Kyungsoo!”

“See you later, hyung!” Kyungsoo waved as his brother drove off, a soft, fond gleam in his round eyes as he remembered the times when Kisoon would willingly drop him off at places. The old routine was refreshing somehow.

“Hmm,” drawled a husky, velvet voice. “You know, it would’ve been nice if you and your brother had even bothered to pick me up.”

“Yeah, that would’ve been nice. Oh, wait a second. Who are—ack! Baekhyunnie!”

Kyungsoo had finally turned around to realize that his best friend was standing right by his shoulder. Baekhyun had his elegantly-shaped fingers poised under his chin as he feigned contemplation, a perfectly plucked brow arched at the raven-haired male. Baekhyun dropped his witty act and grinned at his wide-eyed friend, the latter fainthearted from being startled. “Hey, Kyungsoo-yah. Good morning.”

Baekhyun’s ‘good morning’ was replied with a bunch of petty punches to the arm.

“Baek-hyung!” complained Kyungsoo. “Don’t ever do that again! You scared the crap out of me! How long have you been standing behind me, anyways?”

Baekhyun swatted aside the small (girly) hands smacking him and shrugged innocently. “Two minutes? Maybe longer? You were pretty much gone in la la land, Soo.”

Kyungsoo blushed. Damn his airheadedness.

Kyungsoo and Baekhyun talked about their summer vacations as they walked through the campus of their college. But it wasn’t long when Baekhyun asked Kyungsoo something.

“Did you ever talk to Joonmyun-hyung over the break?”

Kyungsoo’s fell face, and he dropped his gaze down to the textbook that he was clutching against his chest.

“No,” he admitted in a tiny voice. “I wanted to, but I was too afraid. I remember he said that he was going to be at his grandparent’s house for most of the summer, so I didn’t want to bother him...”

Baekhyun smiled sympathetically, knowing how shy and timid Kyungsoo could get. “Awww. Don’t be like that, Soo. I bet he wouldn’t have minded. Why don’t you say hello to him right now?”

Kyungsoo raised his head, looking at his best friend in confusion. “But I don’t know what to say—”

“Kyungsoo-yah! Baekhyun-ah!”

At the soft exclamation, Kyungsoo froze on the spot. Hurried footsteps approached the two. Baekhyun happily greeted the dark-haired male joining their midst (and shooting a worried look at his paralyzed friend). “Morning, Joonmyun-hyung.”

“Morning to you, too, Baekhyun-ah,” said Joonmyun with a nod. Noticing the lack of response from one other person, Joonmyun leaned over to get a better look at Kyungsoo’s face. The petite male was pink-cheeked and blank-minded. “Hello? Kyungsoo-yah? Anybody there?”

“H-hi, Joonmyun-hyung,” Kyungsoo stammered helplessly, his gaze turning dreamy. “I-it’s great t-to see you again.”

“Yeah, I really missed you guys over the break,” agreed Joonmyun. “Being with family was fine, but I’d gotten used to being with my friends more.”

And when Joonmyun smiled angelically, Kyungsoo sighed with contentment. That smile was the sun and the moon and the stars in his universe.

Baekhyun eyed his friend with a concerned twist of his lips. Kyungsoo-yah...

Baekhyun was one of the few people who knew (if it wasn’t obvious) that Kyungsoo had a huge crush on Joonmyun (though the owl-eyed male profusely denied it). It had been love crush at first sight when Kyungsoo, a freshman in high school, had met Joonmyun, a sophomore, in the choir class they’d shared together. Kyungsoo had been wrapped around the older one’s finger the moment they had exchanged hellos.

To Kyungsoo, Joonmyun was perfect. Joonmyun was talented. Joonmyun was an angel.

But sadly, Baekhyun thought it was pitiful how Kyungsoo seemed to idolize Joonmyun, yet the older male was oblivious to the owl-eyed male’s doting and obvious display of affection. They were both dunces, Baekhyun deadpanned.

“Hey, Kyungsoo-yah, let’s go to class early today. Okay?” Baekhyun didn’t let Kyungsoo answer as he grabbed his friend’s hand and forcibly dragged him away, the latter protesting and spluttering the entire time. “See you at lunch, hyung!”

Joonmyun chuckled fondly and waved at the retreating two. “See you!”






Kyungsoo sulked during his first class, halfheartedly jotting down notes as his professor lectured. Beside him sat Baekhyun, who was secretly listening to his music as he pretended to be paying attention.

I wish I had a class with Joonmyun-hyung, Kyungsoo mused with a pout, but he knew that it was very unlikely. He drew a heart in the corner of his notebook and scribbled the initials K.S+J.M in it. Maybe I should just invite him over to my house again. We can talk about what we’re going to do this semester before homework piles up.

Kyungsoo was wrenched from his thoughts when a pencil jabbed his side (courtesy of Baekhyun). The professor had called on him to answer a question and he stumbled over his words as he tried to make the gears in his brain work.

Ah, school is a jerk.






On a good note though, Kyungsoo’s sulky mood improved when he and Baekhyun met up with Joonmyun and some of their other friends for lunch. They all gathered up in the school’s canteen, happily exchanging hugs and hellos.

At the table, Kyungsoo failed to snag a spot next to Joonmyun when on either side of the older male was already occupied by Baekhyun (he scowled at his best friend) and Minseok (he beamed at his chubby-cheeked hyung). Seeing his friend’s indecision, Zitao pulled out the empty chair next to him and patted the seat. Not wanting to be rude, Kyungsoo planted his in the offered chair next to the scary-looking, yet softhearted panda. Thankfully, he still had a clear view of Joonmyun who was diagonal from him.

Kyungsoo wondered if he was the only one who felt awkward being surrounded by couples. Out of the ten people who sat here, there were three couples and four spare wheels.

Next to Zitao was his boyfriend Jongdae, with the amazing cheekbones and edgy jawline. They two of them were flirting naturally, Jongdae caressing his boyfriend’s cheek in a habitual gesture. On Kyungsoo’s other side was Minseok’s Chinese boyfriend Yixing. Yixing was currently helping Minseok with his Chinese studies, their fingers laced together as they practiced speaking in the mentioned language. The last couple there was ended up being Baekhyun and his boyfriend Chanyeol who was late at the moment.



Their lunch table got boisterously loud when a deeply-voiced, gangly-limbed giant bounded over and tackled his boyfriend in a bear hug. Baekhyun giggled helplessly and pecked Chanyeol on the lips.

In conclusion, the only single people here were Kyungsoo, Joonmyun, Yifan, and Luhan.

Yifan, Zitao’s taller, older cousin, sat across the table from Kyungsoo, his usual stoic expression plastered across his angular face as he listened to Luhan, a pretty Chinese male with sparkly, doe eyes, talk about his summer vacation. Kyungsoo failed to notice Yifan secretly shooting Joonmyun longing glances because he was too busy ogling at his crush from afar (and eating his lunch at the same time).

I wish I had what they have, Kyungsoo thought wistfully, pretending to be unaffected by the sugary-sweet couple interactions around him. Baekhyun was practically sitting on Chanyeol’s lap, giggling at a joke told to him by the taller male. Zitao had one arm s around Jongdae’s slender shoulders, a protective gleam in his dark eyes as he paid full attention to his boyfriend. Yixing and Minseok were in their own little world, heads bent so closely together that Yixing could brush his lips against his boyfriend’s hairline. Kyungsoo tried not to wallow in ruefulness as he watched Joonmyun draft out an essay, his lunch already finished. I could just imagine Joonmyun-hyung giving me a kiss on the cheek every time I meet up with him.

Their lunch break passed, and everyone got up to leave for the next class. Kyungsoo buddied up with Luhan since their classes were in the same building.

“So, how was your summer, Kyungsoo-yah?” Luhan asked conversationally as they cut across a courtyard, the fence separating the high school and college campuses half a dozen meters to their left.

“It was great,” was Kyungsoo’s soft, honest reply. “My hyung returned from America last week. I’m glad he’s back home.”

“Oh, Kisoon-hyung, huh?” Luhan looked thoughtful. “I still haven’t officially met him yet.”

“Yeah, neither has Yifan-hyung, Yixing-hyung, and Zitao,” added Kyungsoo, thinking how Kisoon had already left for America by the time his Chinese friends had transferred to his high school during their second and third years.

The two pretty males continued on with their pleasant conversation, unaware that they were being preyed on from a short distance. They were soon interrupted when the predators decided to emerge from their hiding spots.

“Xi Luhan.”

“Huh?” The doe-eyed male turned around when he heard his name being called out, Kyungsoo copying his hyung’s movements in puzzlement. A group of five guys around Luhan’s age (meaning that they were college seniors) sauntered over to them lazily, as if their slow pace accentuated how cool and mighty they were. None of them were exceedingly handsome like Yifan and Chanyeol, but rather non-descriptive and plain in comparison. They trapped Luhan and Kyungsoo in a loosely-formed circle.

Kyungsoo had no idea why his hyung was being approached by these scoundrel-looking guys until Luhan groaned in exasperation, apparently recognizing the guy who had signaled him out.

“Oh, it’s you again.” Luhan sighed in thick annoyance. “What do you want, Yejoon?”

Yejoon stuffed his hands in the pockets of his sagging jeans. He grinned maliciously as if studying a prize within arm’s reach. “Isn’t it obvious, Luhan-ssi? You haven’t given me an answer yet, and I’ve been waiting for weeks.”

Luhan’s pretty face was scrunched up in disgruntlement. “Fine. You want an answer? It’s no.” His fingers made a firm bracelet around Kyungsoo’s frail wrist. “Now, if you excuse us—”

Two guys blocked Luhan’s path before he could run off with Kyungsoo. Luhan instinctively backed up into the middle of the circle again, angling his body so that he was standing protectively in front of Kyungsoo.

Meanwhile, Kyungsoo was frightened. He clearly saw how his hyung was apprehensive and how these other guys were staring at him and Luhan like pieces of meat. He tried to keep quiet, though his legs were growing weak.

Yejoon tsked. “Come on, Luhan-ssi. Don’t be such a prude. How could you say no to you and me unwinding at a banging club for once?”

“I already said no. Don’t make me repeat it again, you sore loser,” Luhan reiterated in waned patience. That made Yejoon’s face darken.

Kyungsoo cried out when Luhan was suddenly grabbed by the shirtfront. The pretty, doe-eyed male tried to maintain a glare at the bastard manhandling him, but Kyungsoo saw how pale he’d gotten. Kyungsoo made a move to help, but was instantly stopped when someone s an arm around him, making him drop his textbook as a hand clamped over his mouth, muffling his scream. He struggled and tried to elbow the person holding him, but the guy was bigger and stronger.

Oh, God. Are they really going to hurt us because Luhan-hyung rejected their leader? Kyungsoo whimpered. Where’s Yifan-hyung and Zitao when we need them?

“Listen here, darling,” Yejoon hissed in Luhan’s face. “I only asked nicely because I thought we could get along, but I guess I gotta make my point clear. You’re coming with me to the club. Got it, doll-face?”

“Again, no,” Luhan snapped at the guy’s stupid face. “Why are you so hell-bent in getting in my pants?”

A finger trailed up to caress the curve of Luhan’s cheek, the latter turning green at the disgusting touch. “Isn’t it obvious? You’re one of the best catches here who hasn’t been taken. Do you have any idea how many people want a taste of you?” Narrowed eyes slid over to Kyungsoo who flinched. “Damn, he’s Do Kyungsoo, isn’t he? I’ve heard he’s never been a relationship before.” Yejoon his lips suggestively. “He looks more like my type of .”

Yejoon roughly threw Luhan to one of his goons, the pretty Chinese male thrashing and screaming as he fought to free himself. Kyungsoo stumbled when he was released and pushed forward, a shadow towering over him. Someone grabbed his chin, and his head was tilted up. Hungry eyes bore into him. He trembled.

Yejoon smirked. “You’re perfect.” And tilted his head closer to—


Everyone jolted at the thunderous shout. They whipped their heads over to the fence as it rattled violently.

Someone had vaulted over it. He bent his knees as he landed nimbly, and wasted no time in sprinting over towards the gang surrounding the two pretty males. In one smooth movement, Kyungsoo was yanked behind the stranger, the bastard once holding him shoved back.

“What the fu—” Yejoon righted himself and glared at the new guy. “Who the hell are you, kid?”

Kid? Kyungsoo took noticed that the person defending him was wearing a high school uniform. There was something familiar about his rich, tan skin and dyed blond hair...

Kyungsoo gasped.

It was the stranger who had caught him from before! He was a high school student?!

“None of your business,” Kyungsoo’s savior growled through gritted teeth. “Now I suggest you and your ugly friends leave before my fist meets your face.”

“Yah, Yejoon-hyung, they ain’t worth the trouble,” someone said, slightly intimidated by the younger male’s dark expression. “Let’s just go.”

“Yeah,” the others agreed. The guy holding Luhan let go, and the Chinese male darted over to Kyungsoo breathlessly. Kyungsoo automatically hugged his friend in utter relief.

“Fine,” spat the leader and jabbed an angry finger at the high schooler. “If we ever meet again, brat. You’re dead meat.”

“Too bad you’ll drop dead first,” the tan-skinned male snorted.

It wasn’t until those scumbags had disappeared out of sight did the high school student loosen up his tense posture. He heaved a big sigh and turned around to face Kyungsoo and Luhan. Once again, Kyungsoo was taken aback how handsome and heroic the younger male was.

He really is my knight in shining armor.

“Why is it when I always see you, you’re in some kind of trouble?” the high schooler asked, directing the question at the gaping owl-eyed male.

“I-I’m sorry,” Kyungsoo stammered, close to tears. He hadn’t realized he had started shaking, afraid of what had almost happened. Someone tried to steal a kiss from me. He wanted to get in my pants.

Luhan put a reassuring arm around his fear-shaken friend and appraised the tall, blond-haired male speculatively. “Who are you? You look kind of familiar.”

The blond male opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off by a shout.

“Yah, Jongin!”

The tan male—Jongin—glanced over his shoulder. A tall, lanky guy was standing behind the fence. He was distinguishable due to his multi-colored hair and milky, stark skin. Although his voice—pronounced with a lisp—was raised in exasperation, only the slightest lines of annoyance etched his passively set face. “Lunch just ended! We need to get to class!”

Jongin pursed his lips in hesitation, shooting a concerned look at Kyungsoo who partially hid behind Luhan, fiercely rubbing at his tearstained face. A knit formed between Luhan’s brows as he deciphered the intense emotion behind Jongin’s eyes as he stared at the owl-eyed male.

Luhan was stricken with shock at what he found.

Kyungsoo-yah...this kid...

“Hey, listen, I gotta go,” Jongin said, taking a step back, but his next sentence was more for Kyungsoo than Luhan when his voice dropped to a soft whisper. “Stay safe, stranger.”

Before Kyungsoo could say anything, Jongin had already dashed over to the fence, grabbing the links as he scaled over it, and dropped himself to the ground next to his friend who was frowning deeply. The two of them darted off towards their school building, hoping that they’ll make it to class on time.

Kyungsoo placed a hand over his rapidly beating heart. He wasn’t fearful or panicky anymore, so why was it like that?

He suddenly thought of Jongin.

Mr. Stranger has a really nice name.

Then his heart skipped a beat.





Cr: to real owner (I just had use it. >//<)







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SYL,S: The second chapter of See You Later, Stranger is up! Sorry for the long wait!


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Is this fic will still continuing or not?
smilewhy #2
Chapter 2: I need a update
magicbananas #3
Chapter 2: Omg omg omggggggg this is sooooooo adorable!!!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3
Chapter 2: update update update
Chapter 2: Just read it and i love it, subscribes! <3
fadzallee #6
Chapter 1: Kyayaaa!!
PandaLovesMe #7
Chapter 1: Omo! *laughing @ the gif* Kyung is indeed kind of clumsy XD.

Wowow *dances around* Jongin alreadly likes or rather feels somethig 4 BabySoo eh?! ^_^v. Cantujustpostthenextchap*ahem*
SarahRiich #8
Chapter 1: Otdoydoydoydiydyodoydkyflyf
Ughhhh too cute!!!!!!!!!
Asianstufflover #9
Chapter 1: Aaaahhhh! Kyungsoo's so cute when he's clumsy. Update soon, love this fic :)