
Future together!

"Eunsookie~~~~! Wake up, baby... It's getting late now... You still have to go to your office!" Jonghyun cooed, trying to wake up his wife.

Eunsook groaned before turning around and snuggling deeper inside blankets. Jonghyun smiled lovingly, his wife was never the morning person. She looked so cute acting like grumpy old woman and complaining about waking up so early.

"5 more minutes jjongiie~!" She whined cutely and Jonghyun couldn't help but melt at that. He decided that they both have enough time to snuggle for a while without fearing to being late. He then sneaked inside their blankets and squeezed his cute wife. Eunsook flinched a little but after realizing it was her husband, she turned to face him and cuddled closer to him.

Jonghyun loved those kinds of mornings more....



Jonghyun woke in middle of night at the sound of his wife retching rather badly in bathroom . He made his way to bathroom and found his Eunsook leaning on toilet seat holding her hair poorly as she emptied her stomach.

He quickly reached her side and held her close, holding her hair and rubbing soothing circles on her back. Once she was finished she flushed toilet and went to brush her teeth, all the while Jonghyun kept her in his arms, knowing very well that older girl liked to be babied whenever sick.

As they went to bed again, she cuddled closer to him, tired. Jonghyun sighed sadly, his wife was feeling sick for past two days, she was always throwing up and she was feeling dizzy too. He had been ignoring it since she always said she was fine. But honestly he hated to see his wife sick, he wanted his lovely smiling Eunsook not the one who was tired and hurt.

"Are you sure we don't have to go to hospital? You are vomiting like nobody's buisness! I'm worried you know?" Jonghyun asked, kissing spent Eunsook on her forehead.

Eunsook just snuggled closer, as she nodded slowly. "I think we should. Don't worry, I'll go to doctor while coming home tomorrow.”

Jonghyun pulled away from hug only to glare at her as he said, "What do you mean by you'll go? You are not going alone, Lee Eunsook! I'll go with you."

Eunsook smiled. Typical Jonghyun! She thought.

"Okkk yeobo! We'll go together. Now sing for me, I'm tired. She whined cutely and Jonghyun shook his head fondly before singing her to sleep.




They went to the hospital very next day. Jonghyun was worried as Eunsook's doctor was checking her. He hoped it was nothing serious, and that his wife was healthy.

He held Eunsook's hand as she took her seat beside him. He gazed at doctor and tried to control his wildly beating heart.

"Mr. and Mrs. Kim, I'm going to ask you some questions now, please co-operate."

Jonghyun looked at Eunsook and saw that she was equally nervous. They both nodded and doctor asked next question.

"How is your life?"

Both Eunsook and Jonghyun blushed deeply and that made doctor chuckle involuntary.

"You don't have to blush so hard you know, Mr. Kim! Just give me answers."

Jonghyun gulped before nodding. "Uhh I mean it's great I mean good or whatever you call it. How am I suppose to tell you this without feeling awkward?" Jonghyun whined.

Doctor laughed again and said, "It's ok! I got it. Anyways I have checked her condition and I can see she is healthier than before. I suppose credit goes to you."

Jonghyun heaved a sigh and smiled. "Oh thank god! But why is she feeling weakness and she is like vomiting every morning and then she even feel dizzy all time. I mean if she is healthy then she shouldn't be suffering with these things right?" He asked.

Doctor smiled before saying, "Oh, that's because Mrs. Kim is carrying your child. She is pregnant. Congratulations to both of you. You must take even more care of her now. She is going to feel weak for a while and she will have morning sickness. You should come back next week and we will do more tests on her."


Jonghyun and Eunsook froze at that.

"Are you sure? I mean are you 100% sure?" Jonghyun asked, not believing what doctor was saying.

"Mr. Kim, I'm experienced enough to know these kind of things. I'm sure about it."

Jonghyun looked at Eunsook, who was equally surprised and then suddenly he stood up. He jumped up and down and ran towards doctor, kissing her on cheek.

"Thank you doctor, thank you for giving such a great news!!!" He then ran towards Eunsook and kissed her on lips, forgetting that they were in front of their doctor. He pulled away only after Doctor cleared awkwardly.

He quickly bowed to the doctor and dragged still dazed Eunsook out of hospital. Once inside their car, he noticed Eunsook was still quite and he took her hands in his, slowly kissing them.

Eunsook looked up and watched the way Jonghyuns face was beaming in happiness. Jonghyun pulled her close as he mumbled, "It's true sookie! We are going to be parents... You are pregnant, bebe. You are gonna be Umma and I'm gonna be Appa of our little baby." He ended it with kisses all over her chubby face and slowly Eunsook's face broke into huge smile.



"Why do you have to go for a work again? Can't you like stay and rest?" Jonghyun whined.

Eunsook giggled at his puppy face before shaking her head. "Oh No I can't babe! I mean come on! I'm not that sick. I can go and work just fine. Besides what would I do at home, whole day?"

Jonghyun pouted but he have to admit that she was right. "Ok! But only on one condition!"


"You can go to work only if you allow me to drop you and pick you up from work every single day..." Jonghyun stated.

"You are kidding, rite?"

"No! I'm pretty much serious. If you are ready for that, I'll let you go!"

Eunsook rolled her eyes at her over protective husband but nodded. "Fine. You can!"

She only giggled though as Jonghyun jumped in happiness.




"Sookie are you ok?"

"No, you freak! I'm obviously not! Every time I decide to eat anything, it just has to come out of my tummy! Why am I throwing up this much. I can't even eat my chicken. Can you believe it Jjongiee? My chicken!" Eunsook practically wailed and Jonghyun sighed before bracing himself for incoming verbal insults as he tried to sooth her.

It had been week now, she was going for her work, which Jonghyun still wasn't so happy about. Her morning sickness wasn't any reduced and his poor wife seem to be unable to eat anything without throwing it up later. Her moods were getting crazier and it was scaring him.

The news of her pregnancy has made everyone from their family and friends happy. Kibum was most frantic, he was always visiting and making sure to take care of his noona because he quite didn't believed on his hyung!

That day, when Jonghyun wasin the middle of his meeting he got call from unknown number. As he received it he was shocked to know it was from Gwibbon, Eunsook's assistant and he gasped as he heard her saying something about Eunsook fainting and being unconscious.

After two hours, he was in their house, with Eunsook sleeping in his arms, safe and warm; he decided that Eunsook wouldn't be continuing her work. There is no way in the world would he take the risk of hurting her and as she woke up from her slumber, he confessed all his worries and all his feelings seriously. She was hesitant at first but surprisingly only nodded after listening to his confession.




After two weeks they were again in hospital but instead of her regular doctor, they were meeting someone new. Eunsook's original doctor, Ms. Kang had to go out of country to complete her further studies and before going she transferred Eunsook's case to this new doctor. However, as soon as Jonghyun took a look at new doctor, he immediately disliked him. This doctor whose name was Choi Minho, was nothing less than greek god. His tall frame, gorgeous face and wide eyes. But most importantly as he talked in his rich, deep voice with Eunsook , she blushed a littele and that may or may not have caused Jonghyun to curse the doctor even more.

"Mrs. Lee, you are even more beautiful than Dr. Kang described to me. Are you sure you are older than me?" Minho asked jokingly.

Eunsook blushed again and Jonghyun was boiling with furry.

"Excuse me, Dr. Choi, but I think you are forgetting that she is MY WIFE and also she will be mother of MY CHILD within few months. So I would appreciate if you stop flirting with MY Eunsook now. And yeah, she IS three years older than you so you should talk with respect to her." Jonghyun clenced his fist but calmed down as Eunsook's hand landed on his, softly squeezing.

Minho chuckled before holding up his hands in surrender.

"So Mrs. Kim, let's go and have your check up. We have to do sonography and see baby's growth." Minho said in his deep voice.

Eunsook nodded and stood up to go inside checking room but suddenly Jonghyun was standing too. Minho raised his eyebrow in surprise while Jonghyun shrugged, "I just don't want to leave her alone!" he said, With You specially, he never added but that was implied.

Minho chuckled and nodded, knowing look in his eyes and Jonghyun felt like smacking him on his perfect face.

Why does this guy have to be his wife's doctor for whole 7 months? Jonghyun thought miserably.


After checkup Minho was giving them instructions about how to take care of baby, as Jonghyun and Eunsook listened carefully.

"Mrs. Lee, you have to be more careful now. You will feel like eating anything at any random time but it's your baby that's craving for food so you must eat whatever you crave for. You can't eat too much spicy food since it will harm baby. You will feel morning sickness for maybe till 4 months of your pregnancy but that's natural. Also mood swings are going to be there too so Mr. Kim, its your responsiblity to keep her happy most of the times." At this sentence Jonghyun grumbled something along the lines of I always do but smiled politely to Minho.

"Now most important thing, during pregnancy, she is going to have unusual cravings. It's just one of the effects of pregnancy but you have to be careful so as to not hurt baby. I suggest you to stop having once her belly starts to show up. Is that clear?" Jonghyun swore to himself to kill this doctor once his baby is born. He was making Eunsook as well as Jonghyun to feel all sorts of awkward but at the same time, Jonghyun knew it was very important for their baby's health.

"So, do you have any queries?" Minho asked.

Jognyhun thought for a moment, debating whether to ask it or not but then he decided to just ask it.

"Uhh can we have oral , at least?"

And next thing he knew was Eunsook smacking him on his head while that freak doctor started to laugh.




Jonghyun was talking with his assistant Taemin about some of his compositions when His phone rang indicating Eunsook was calling him. He literally froze as he saw her number flashing on screen. It had been two months now and he was experiencing every little thing Minho had said that day. Eunsook was generally sweet girl but after being pregnant, Jonghyun swore she was just second Kim Kibum. She would be smiling this moment and throwing things at him the next. She would have all these weird cravings and sometimes she would eat things in such a manner he would never ever even think about.

He prayed to the god before taking a phone as he greeted her in a sweet voice, which he had been practising for days.

"Hello Sookie-ah~~! How are you doing babe?"

"I'm fine but I just want something."

Of course you do! "Oh really, yeobo? What is it? You know you can ask me anything, and I'll bring it for you."

"Aww you are sooo sweet, Jjongie~~ But the problem is that, the thing I want is not possible if you aren't here. it requires you, bebe!" She said in her impossibly irresistible voice.

"Me? Don't tell me you want me to dance in front of you with those puppy ears again? Please I don't want to do anything like that ever again." Jonghyun shivered as the memory of him dancing in those puppy ears, went through his mind. It was rather terrifying and he don't have enough guts to do anything silly like that again, Thank You Very Much!

"No babe! Of course not. But you were so cute in those ears..." She squealed and Jonghyun frowned.

"Ok! So what do you want?"

"I want a kiss from my husband~~ She cooed.

"You what? But babe I have meeting within few minutes now, I can't just come rite away..." He whined.

"Oh really? Fine! Key is here in house too, since you are too busy to kiss me, I think I'll just have to go and kiss him."

Jonghyun's eyes widened. That was true, ever since Eunsook had stopped working, Key decided to accompany her in Jonghyun's absence. And he knew Kibum would agree in a heartbeat to kiss his wife. No! He can't take that chance.

"Nope babe! I'm coming. Don't you dare to kiss anyone else but me. I'm coming in minutes." He hanged up before grabbing his keys as he shouted 'Cancel Everything' to Taemin who looked more amused than ever and ran towards his car.

Half and hour later he rushed to home and found Key and Eunsook cuddling and stomped towards them.

He forcefully pushed Key away before sitting on that spot and quickly pulling his wife on his lap. He glared at Key before asking, "You guys didn't kissed, rite?"

Key looked at him like he was crazy and that was enough for Jonghyun to know nothing like that had happened and he sighed before turning to now giggling Eunsook in his lap. He couldn't just watch her making fun of him so he just pulled her in before kissing her like there is no tomorrow, forgetting that they weren't alone and that Key was gawking at them.

After they pulled away, lungs burning due to lack of oxygen, she hugged him close before mumbling, "I only said that to have you here. I was just missing you!"

And that was enough for Jonghyun to smile fondly before hugging her closer.







   Thanks for my subscribers and to those who commented. Hope this chapter was good enough! I don't have any idea about what pregnant ladies suffer through and all so just bear with me.

Also thanks to my co-auther for so many lovely ideas. Thanks everyone and wait for next chapter. It will come quickly if you guys give nice response, if not, I might take long time to update, lolll...

Till next update, Bbyeee<3

p.s. Who likes jelous Jjong???

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Chapter 1: oh my gosh....
i love the way eunsook make jonghyun doing anything she want
Chapter 1: lol minho, lol
OMG... So cute T,T so cute omg my god oh gosh woah extremely cute, eunsook jonghun T,T *waiting for ur update
Chapter 1: OMG my god soo cute lol eunsook and her mood swings!
Chapter 1: awww.. awww.. aww..
they're so cute..
eung.. jonghyunie.. you're jealous,eum.. kkk~

ayy.. eunsook missing jonghyun so much..
author-nim.. updet soon please..
flychicken97 #5
Chapter 1: Awww so cute, how many guys flirt with eunsookie?? She's very pretty, eh? Hahahaha~ i love jealous jonghyun! But it's better if you add some serious problem inside their family, not only fluffy things ^^
Chapter 1: Auw so cute! Ahahaha
Chapter 1: author nim~ this is so cute...mewwwl... i love to see jjong get jealous all d time...kekkeekek...
Chapter 1: ^^ i want twins! jinki and junghee lol
hmm as per my experience with my sister-in-law's pregnancy, she took the ultrasound at 5 months into pregnancy bec. it can harm the embryo.

then ~ the belly starts to swell at 6 months ~
that's what i observed.

this is fluffy and cute wahahahah

she should crave some weird food right about now
kyaaaa~ sequel.. sequel...

go! go! author-nim... updet soon, ne
can't wait..