The Jerk, Old Woman and Sailor Moon


Nicole gave a loud yawn as she sat down on the bench, her hands holding the sandwiches she made from home, but her eyes were barely opened. She had a long night yesterday. After she passed the keys to Jiyoung, she was also interrogated by her for an hour.

"Nicole, you looked so flustered! What happened, did you meet some guy on your way here? Who is he? Is he handsome? How old is he? How's his family like?"

Oh God.

Furthermore, she spend another half an hour looking around her home area for the cause- Son Dongwoon. She assured herself that it's only polite to care for any injured people, nothing more. Only when she realized he really is gone, then was she able to go back home in peace, and silently vowed to herself that no matter what happens to him, it doesn't concern her anymore.

Nicole slowly opened her eyes when she heard some laughter, it was then she saw a group of girls surrounding Dongwoon in the eatery.

"Oh dear, what happen to your head?"

"It must have hurt so badly!"

"Let me take a look!"

"But the plaster...."

"Yeah, it's kind of weird, Dongwoon ah, why don't you peel it off?"

Nicole frowned, how could these girls just criticized her and her plasters like that, they should even be thankful that their male God and his ugly wound were being saved by the plasters!

Then, Nicole gulped when she saw Dongwoon slapped away a girl's hand that was about to go near to his forehead, before he gave a deadly stare. Did he just..... try to protect the plasters? No, that doesn't make sense. He probably just doesn't like people touching him, Nicole thought to herself, but another voice was appearing in her head, but he just let you touched him yesterday, didn't he?

She saw Dongwoon staring at her, before he gave a smirk. "You all want to know who did this for me?" He asked, pointing to the plasters. "Some old woman, who doesn't have very good eyesight as you can see from the way these plasters are placed, and she isn't very gentle too, she must have ate a lot to gain the strength."

The girls laughed and Nicole widened her eyes as she unknowingly clenched her sandwiches so tight that the tuna were all spilling out. She was right about him all along.



Jiyoung hummed a song as she skipped her way to school. She was already late for an hour, but she consoled herself that since she was already late, it doesn't matter how long anyway. Jiyoung stopped when she saw a blonde guy in front throwing away a box of biscuits in the bin, with the old woman begging for it in vain.

She rolled her eyes and before she knew it, she had already walked up to the guy and delivered a slap across his cheeks straight away. Without even waiting for him to respond, she took out some money from her purse and placed it on the old woman's palm.

"Buy some food with this, Granny."

Instead of receiving words of gratitude, the woman just stare blankly at her.

"HEY! What was that for?!" The guy yelled.

Jiyoung turned and she immediately recognized this guy, Yang Yoseob, one of the famous people from her school, but that still doesn't give him the rights to do what he just did.

"That, was for you bullying an old woman. Shame on you!"

"Did not!" Yoseob yelled back.

"Yeah, as if her food just walked to the bin by itself!"

"You don't even know the whole story, damn it! I was helping!"

"As if! If this is call helping, then you might as well call me Sailor Moon who just did justice!"

"Hey Yoseob! Thanks for finding my Grandma, she just went out by herself this morning and my family are all worried sick! Grandma, did you picked up the garbage from the bin to eat again?!" A guy ran towards the two of them and interrupted their debate.

Jiyoung recognized this guy instantly too, Yoon Doojoon, also another popular person. But wait, did he just say what she thought he just said?

"Don't worry. I stopped her just in time." Yoseob replied, then turned to Jiyoung.

"But, why do you have a red mark on your cheeks? And, who is she?" Doojoon asked, pointing to Jiyoung who was statue-like now, her eyes doesn't seems as bright anymore.

"Yeah, why do I have this red mark on my cheek, huh?" Yoseob gave a smirk as he rubbed his cheek,with his gaze still on Jiyoung, "Oh Doojoon, meet Sailor Moon."


He did not just did that! Did he really think it's funny to do that after how she helped him out yesterday? True, the plasters wasn't of that much of a great help, but at least she did something, right? How could he just make fun of her like that? And to add on to her misery, she didn't even had her breakfast thanks to him, her tuna sandwiches was all messed up when she realized it.

"But he wouldn't peel it off, I wonder why."

"Yeah, he wouldn't even let us touches it."

"Why did he treated that like some gem anyway? It's just two stupid plasters!"

"Which is from some old woman!"

Nicole stared at this three girls who just entered the class, and she noticed that they were also present in the eatery previously with Dongwoon. Were they talking about the same plasters, the same Dongwoon, the same old woman? Nicole shook her head furiously, then breathe in deeply before she decided to focus on her notes instead. Reaching out her bag for the textbook without even looking in it, she feel something that doesn't have the same texture like her hard-cover textbook, it seems a bit soft but she doesn't remember placing other things in her bag than the books, then before she knew it-


She had just accidentally squeezed this packet of milk so hard that it burst and the liquid spilled everywhere in her bag and book, and some on her face too. Everyone turned to look at her, some was just in shock like her, others was simply chuckling. Who the hell just placed this packet of milk in her bag?!





A pretty short chapter cause it isn't easy to update this story whilst remembering the fact that both my biases will be out of my favorite girl group. I felt so heavy hearted whenever I type Nicole and Jiyoung's name, because I will keep getting reminded by this fact T^T I don't even know if I can support KARA the same way anymore, it just feels so different to me now.


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me4micky #1
Chapter 6: please continue the story..i like it a lot :D
Chapter 6: Oh, hi author nim.. I just found this fic..
ann_iiie #3
Chapter 6: suspense. ...
Im waiting for your update
hopefully soon
you have a wonderful way of drawing me in through your writing.
bravo to you. I don't follow much nor comment much
Chapter 6: AHHH!!!
Can't wait for their date..
hehe..must be cute..
k_pop_lover_89_91 #5
Chapter 6: *woof woof* still here XD
thanks for updating... ^^
JaeCole501 #6
Chapter 6: still here ;)
Update soon authornim....please!!!
ann_iiie #7
Chapter 5: thanks for the update.
I will wait for the next update.
and many more after that haha
Chapter 5: love it author-nim..
hope for more DongCole moments..
ann_iiie #9
Chapter 4: I am in love with your story. Please continue to update regularly :)
Thank you for letting your inspiration flows out physically ...

ps: I have always shipped dongwon with Nicole but they don't talk anymore!
Chapter 4: Yes! I can't wait for her to be back too! I've been in nicole deprived for years now T.T

And I can't wait for more of your dongwoon cole interaction too :) esp now that both had feel the attractions for each other~