
A Ride Down Memory Lane


Seeing how fast time is passing, they quickly go on to the next question.

“What do you think about each other as lovers?”

“Ah, this question…” Myungsoo mumbles, “I need to think.”

“Suzy, do you have something in mind already?” Sungjong asks, “It doesn’t have to be very long.”

“Hmm…” Suzy purses her lips as she ponders.

“At the beginning, he was shy. He tried to do things for me and accommodated my wants, but you could tell he was nervous. After a while, when we got more used to the idea of being a couple, his romanticism and care comes through quite naturally. He likes to do these events that seem to be borrowed from manga or dramas.”

Myungsoo chortles. “But you like it, don’t you?” Suzy simply gives a quick wink in response.

“She says she doesn’t like these kind of things because it makes her cringe, but she really liked in it reality.”

“Ah!” Suzy exclaims at that moment, “I thought of something else! He makes ramen that I approve of.”

The two emcees wear a blank expression, as if they can’t quite comprehend Suzy’s thoughts.

“I really like ramen…” she goes on mumbling.

After some thought, Myungsoo begins to describe Suzy as well.

“Suzy… She’s really bright, she laughs a lot and just hearing her laughter lifts my spirits up sometimes,” he chuckles, and Suzy bursts out into laughter.

“Because we can’t meet often, she often expresses her concern about what I’m doing recently, and that makes me feel loved somehow. But one thing I don’t like is how she won’t initiate to share her struggles with me.”

“It can be quite obvious when she’s down, and sometimes it happens even when we’re meeting, but she wouldn’t tell me about it.” Myungsoo continues with vivid hand gestures and facial expressions as he gets caught up in the sharing, “She’d pretend like everything is alright. It makes me feel suffocated, to be honest – I know there’s something troubling her but I can’t ask because I feel like she doesn’t want to share.”

Myungsoo lets out a deep sigh after spilling his feelings in a long speech.

“I just really wanted to say that. Please edit it out,” He politely requests with an embarrassed smile.

“No, this is a candid program. It’s great that you can reveal your thoughts, so we can find a solution now. Suzy, did you know this?” Woohyun asks.

“Sort of?” She says and turns to face Myungsoo, “I don’t want to make you worry; you already have so much to stress about. Sometimes, my mood is just down due to really small things because of the pressure that built up. I don’t want to cause you worry over small things either.”

“What are you saying?” Myungsoo says with a small laugh, “I can even cry in front of you and you worry about that? It’s totally fine, I want to know what’s hurting you, too. Of course, if you really feel uncomfortable about it, that’s fine.”

“Trust and understanding are really important aspects in a relationship,” Sungjong muses.

Suzy nods, “Okay, next time I won’t hesitate to share everything with you then. Since you said all these, you’ll have to bear with me.”

“Sure!” Myungsoo returns confidently, “If I ever complain about it, you can just call Woohyun or Sungjong.”

“Call!” Suzy quips with a wide grin and tilt of her head as she makes eye-contact with Myungsoo.

“Excuse me, the two of you over there, we’re filming a show here…” Woohyun calls, noticing how they are beginning to get engrossed in their own world.

They give their attention back to the emcees, and Woohyun asks a follow-up question.

“Have you guys quarreled before?”

“Of course,” Myungsoo spills with a slight snicker.

“Which couple hasn’t quarreled before?” Suzy adds, matter-of-factly.

“Really huge ones?” Sungjong prompts.

“Really huge ones…” Myungsoo echoes under his breath, “Once or twice? It hasn’t been very long since we got together, so our records are probably clearer than other couples.” He barely manages to hide a chuckle.

“Yes, that’s right… We bicker a lot, but that’s just one of the ways we communicate. Those aren’t serious, but the serious ones were… I would say once,” Suzy confirms, gazing into space as she recalls.

“You almost broke up?” Woohyun tries to spice things up.

“No!” Suzy denies instantly, shaking her head furiously as she laughs.

“Both of us are the kind of people to avoid huge conflicts, so usually we’ll try not to get on each other’s nerves, especially when we know what will make the other party angry. But we’re also stubborn people – that’s why we bicker a lot, even over small matters,” Suzy elaborates more on the issue.


“Food preferences?” Myungsoo answers, “We’re very particular about that, especially when we get cravings.”

“He has obsessions, so he can eat the same thing for a month if he likes it, but I appreciate variety,” Suzy states, her fingers unknowingly playing around with the ends of her long hair again.

The two emcees shoot Suzy empathetic looks and murmur, “We understand.”

“Yah, you can also eat ramen everyday and be fine with that!” Myungsoo retorts.

“Ramen has different flavours!” Suzy fires back, and that is how the couple’s banter begins, “It… it’s different. Ramen is an exception!”

“Grilled stingrays have many flavours too!” Myungsoo begins to raise his voice, but his smile is still intact.

“Ah, let’s end this quarrel now; the show is ending soon,” Sungjong mediates.

“Yes,” Woohyun continues, “Going on to the next segment: Future. Let’s discuss a bit about your thoughts regarding this public confirmation and your plans after this. What kind of thoughts do you have?”

“Firstly, because this is a decision we have come to after much consideration, we have no regrets about this,” Suzy says, nodding her head as she does so, her gaze towards the emcees.

“I’m still getting used to the fact that it’s public now, but I believe it’s for the best. We’re both still at the peak of our career now, so I think it’s definitely too early to talk about marriage… And we’re still young, actually. But you’ll have to ask him – he says he wants to do it quickly.”

Myungsoo guffaws, his jaw hanging wide open.

“What will people think when they hear this?” Myungsoo says with rounded eyes, his cheeks rested on his palm.

“Everyone, it’s not what you think,” he begins to explain, pausing as a giggle slips through, “What I mean is… When I think that I have found my soul mate, I don’t mind setting up a family quickly –”

At this point, the other three in the studio break out into fits of laughter.

“This person,” Woohyun says in between cackles as he points at Myungsoo, “This person really isn’t good at explaining himself!” He shakes his head while still laughing, a hand on his tummy.

“Why?” Myungsoo exclaims in distress, “That’s just what it means! What are you guys thinking of?”

“I understand,” Sungjong offers, after he has stopped giggling, “It means you’re ready to commit to someone once you know she’s the right one.”

“Whoa, it sounds so much better when Sungjong says it,” Woohyun mildly disses, yet stating the truth.

“But Suzy doesn’t seem to want to settle down yet?” Woohyun says, directed to Suzy.

“Oh,” is all that she says, coupled with a blank expression, indirectly confirming Woohyun’s inference.

“I’m not saying it’s a must, I just said I don’t mind,” Myungsoo attempts to explain himself again in the firmest tone he can muster.

“Only you know what you truly think deep inside,” Woohyun shoots.

Myungsoo lets out a helpless laugh, and then hangs his head down in defeat, shaking it absent-mindedly.

“Would you two go on a honeymoon?” Sungjong asks out of curiosity.

“Of course, honeymoon is a must!” Myungsoo replies without hesitation this time. Suzy simply laughs at how embarrassing, yet endearing, Myungsoo is.

“Well, but the two of you are busy people…” Sungjong adds.

“We can go anytime though, it’s not a problem for me. I don’t even mind having it in Korea,” Suzy says, earning skeptical eyebrow raises by everyone else. “I do want to go to Europe though. The architecture and landscape there is nice.”

Myungsoo appears to be pondering for a few moments, and then replies, “We’ll need to practice English then.”

“Ah, that’s fun; I’ve always wanted to learn English properly anyway.”

“Europe will be really good for photo taking too. Let’s go.”

At this point, Woohyun clears his throat. “Excuse us.”

“Ah, there are other people in this place too,” Myungsoo disses.

“This is the problem with interviewing couples,” Woohyun grumbles, “Come on, guys, we just have like 10 minutes to go.”

“Okay, okay, what’s next?” Suzy replies with a soft smile, her hand gently and naturally placed over Myungsoo’s.

“It’s the very last segment of this episode,” Sungjong says, “Get up.”

The couple widens their eyes and glances around in suspicion as they stand up.

“What is this? Are you guys going to pull some prank on us?” Suzy blurts out.

The emcees position Myungsoo and Suzy in front of the camera such that they are facing each other.

“Look each other in the eye for the next ten minutes.”

“This isn’t a staring game, is it?” Myungsoo asks.

“Nope. To end off, the both of you will give a heartfelt message to each other,” Woohyun finally reveals, “Myungsoo can start first.”

Myungsoo chuckles and blushes slightly before he manages to look directly at Suzy again and start his message. Suzy’s blissful smile never wears off as she looks back at him.

He begins with several dry coughs.

“Bae Suji, to be honest, I had noticed you the first time I saw you, but I had never thought we would be together. I am really thankful for all the opportunities we had, and thank you, as well, for being spontaneous and speaking to me even when I was so shy and could barely look you in the eye when the two of us are alone together. After getting to know you better, I realized you were not quite the girl everyone else sees on the outside. You have times when you’re broken as well, and you have your own imperfections. We fight occasionally too, but even in all the times I got angry with you, I never once regretted being with you. I only loved you more and more and I believe that it will be this way even in the future. Hmm… I hope you’ll tell me all your troubles from now on though… Unless, of course… your trouble is about me.”

Suzy guffaws at this and nods continuously.

“So, well…” Myungsoo starts again, but his gaze begins to falter and shift to the ground as he touches his neck. He musters his courage up again and looks into Suzy’s eyes with a nervous smile.

“I love you,” he says, making a heart with his hands.

The two emcees at the side listen on with great excitement, making all sorts of hand gestures and facial expressions in response to their friend’s mushy message.

“Suzy, you can start!” Woohyun exclaims.

“I’m thinking!” Suzy shoots back. “Hmm, okay,” she murmurs to herself before beginning.

“Kim Myungsoo, you don’t have to thank me, because you’re not the only one who enjoyed the times we had together. It was a really strange yet delightful feeling when I found you, because we just matched each other in so many ways… And…” Suzy bites her lips as she thinks again. “You took all the words I wanted to say!” she complains out loud with a grin.

“It can’t all be the same!” Myungsoo retorts.

“Guys, this is supposed to be a sweet ending,” Sungjong reminds the two of them.

“That just means you two have the same thinking!” Woohyun says, trying to salvage the sweet atmosphere.

“We’re being really sweet now though,” Myungsoo says, turning to the other two members. Suzy shifts her gaze there as well and nods in agreement.

“Um, okay,” Woohyun says doubtfully, “Finish your message, Suzy.”

The two obediently turn their gaze back to each other again.

“Hmm... People tell me that I should find someone more mature who can take care of me, but they don’t understand that you do that just well. Your child-like smile always gets me, and the times that we spend being childish together are unforgettable as well. My ideal type changes all the time, but for now, it’s you. I love you, too.”

“I actually have so much more to say,” Myungsoo adds with a meek smile, “But it’s kind of personal, so I’ll leave that for after the broadcast.”

“Ah, right, before the show ends, we have an announcement to make,” Suzy says.

“Are you two getting married?” Woohyun teases, earning himself an eye roll from Suzy.

The camera pans onto Myungsoo who makes the announcement.

“We’ll be releasing a duet single for our fans that have supported us this whole time. We wrote the song together, and we really hope our sincere feelings will be brought across through it,” he proudly says.

“Yes, we truly thank the fans who have given us their unwavering support since we came out like this,” Suzy continues, “We were really worried at first, but all of you have been so sweet. Our hearts are really touched. Really.”

Woohyun prepares the ending statement. “Yes, we had a good time spent with L and Suzy, even as they shared with us their embarrassing and sweet moments. We hope all our viewers enjoyed this episode as well!”

“We are also looking forward to hear more from this couple in the future, and we wish that their honey-like sweetness and love will never fade. Everyone, until next time! See you!” Sungjong ends off the episode with some well-wishes and a goodbye greeting.

The four of them stand waving at the camera as it zooms out and pans away from them.

The director then shouts “cut!” and all of them relax their postures. 

“Any of you have other schedules after this?” Sungjong asks as they walk out of the studio.

“I have a radio show,” Woohyun says, and the two boys turn their attention to the couple.

“Are you two going on a date?” Woohyun honestly speaks what is on both his and Sungjong’s minds. Myungsoo and Suzy do not answer but give similar toothy grins.

“It’s a rare occasion when our schedules don’t clash,” Myungsoo tries to explain.

“It’s fine, it’s fine, there’s no need to explain…” Woohyun says, waving a hand dismissively, “There’s nothing wrong with a couple going on a date because they miss each other. Go, have fun!”

Myungsoo simply chuckles. “See you guys later then!” he shouts, before leaving with his hands hung over Suzy’s shoulder. They watch as Suzy removes his hand and they begin bickering again.

“We’re in public, Myung!”

“It’s alright, everyone already knows!”

“I still get embarrassed.”

“I get embarrassed, but this just happens naturally for me.”

“Fine, but you dare put your hands anywhere else and you’re dead!”

“Yah, what kind of person do you see me as?”

“I don’t know, I’m saying that just in case.”

“Yah Bae Suji, why do you keep breaking my heart?”

“Where are we going?” she says, indifferent to his grumblings.

“Oh, you’re playing this tactic now huh?”

“What? I’m asking you where we are going. Are we just going to walk aimlessly?”

“Let’s have dinner then.”

“Okay, but no more grilled stingrays please.”

“Why?” he whines animatedly and exclaims indignantly, “I love them!”

“Do you love me or do you love grilled stingray?”

“What kind of question is that?” he rebuts.

“A sincere question. I really don’t want to eat the same thing anymore. Grilled stingrays are nice, so I bore with it for a little while more.”

“Fine, you can decide what to eat,” he sulks in pretense.

Suzy holds his hand firmly, and a smile quickly spreads across Myungsoo’s face.

“Let’s go!” she chirps gleefully, pulling him towards a beef noodles restaurant ahead.

A/N: Yes, I finally finished the story! I really didn't know how to end; I hope the ending is still decent? ^^" Even though this fluff kinda became crack sometimes, I hope you guys enjoyed the ride! (:

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AinAinn #1
Chapter 5: Can i get this kind of story for Myungzy again? I love them so much ;;
loveKD #2
Chapter 4: Haha I was always thinking this was real haha gud job author nim... I wish myungzy was real though
thekeytodestiny #3
Chapter 5: OMG! I loved this! It's not too fluffy, but sounds realistic as well. I dislike it when authors write romance unrealistically.
Chapter 5: How I wish this will come true even if without variety show nor interview like what happen in this story. Just a confirmation about Myungzy officially dating, I'll surely crying out loud of joy >.<
Chapter 5: This was pure beautiful and omywoohyun let me just go squeal and cry in a corner from overflowing feels THE MYUNGZY SHIP HAS SAILED Y'ALL !!
lennah-chan #6
Chapter 5: MYUNGZY my number one OTP! Thank you for writing this! :)
Chapter 4: hahaha i really really hope this will happen in the near future...myungzy
farabigail #8
Chapter 5: awwww this is so cuteee^^, i hope it can be real, but im rooting for exozy now :(
still, i love myungzy <3
Precious421 #9
When r u going to update????
Chapter 3: i love this chapter and hope to read the next chapter