I'm Here To Grant Your Wish

A Match Made in Paint

I watched him sleep all morning. It wasn't until twelve that I remembered I had morning classes. I ran to take a quick shower and changed into whatever outfit didn't smell too bad from my hamper. I examined the mess of a girl staring back at me in the mirror. "And you wonder why Kai doesn't like you..." When I walked back into the living room, I found Fabio sitting straight up on the couch. Part of me wanted to run away screaming, but I had to remind myself that he was harmless. Just a painting. 

"Good morning..." I crawled onto the carpet in front of him and sat on my knees so we were at eye level. Fabio wore a puzzled look on his face, kind of like a puppy. Except this puppy was a grown man/painting sitting in my living room. "Um..I'm Jaeyi!" I spoke slowly like I was speaking to someone who didn't understand Korean...did he? "Me, Lee Jaeyi," I pointed at myself. "This, Jaeyi house. I sleep here!" I was being more animated than a cartoon character, resting my head on my hands to show me sleeping, and pointing to the carpet to show my home. 

All I got in return was a wide grin, and a small chuckle. He ran his fingers through his hair and looked out the window. I wasn't prepared for it, but as soon as the light hit him at the right angle my breath escaped me in a deep sigh. He was more than gorgeous. He was truly stunning. I almost lost my train of thought, and snapped myself out of his trance. "Yah," I pulled his head back to me, holding onto his chin with my fingers. "You!" I said pointing to his chest. "Why, here?" Fabio's hand wrapped entirely around my wrist and he brought my hand up to his nose to sniff. I snatched it back and laughed. He was exactly like a puppy. 

A knock on my door erased any laughter inside of me, and when I heard Kai's voice on the other side I started panicking. Oh, shoot! He knows my passcode!

"Uhh, coming!" I scattered to pick up all the books left on the floor, and when I turned around Fabio was behind me copying my every move. He was able to reach the highest shelf that I was always too short to use. "No! You need to hide, Kai can't see you here! Understand?" 

"Jaeyi, what are you doing in there?" Kai started punching the door. "Are you or something?" 

"Y-yeah! I'm don't come in!" I shouted while shoving Fabio back under the covers on the sofa. I pulled them far over his head and sprinkled his entire body with pillows. Running to the door, I messed with my hair a bit, and unlocked for Kai. 

"Why haven't you been returning my calls? You missed class you know.." He started forward not expecting that I would hold the door still so only a crack of my apartment could be seen. 

"Sorry, I was uh...busy!" I smiled. "Do you need something?" 

"What?" Kai chuckled. "What do you mean? I can't just come in?" He pushed forward again, and I held the door still this time with a little bit more difficulty. 

"No, Kai. You can't just barge into my apartment whenever you feel like you know." As I spoke I noticed Kai's focus was on every inch of my apartment that was visible through the crack in between the door and wall. I tried to move my head each time he moved his. "Is there something you're looking for?!" 

"Jae, you're hiding something in there, aren't you?" 

"Don't be silly Kai-"

"I know when you're lying," he smirked at me. "You're really bad at it too," his face was inches from mine, and seeing him so close just reminded me of why I was in this mess in the first place. Because of him!

"So what if I'm hiding something? It's none of your business!" I snapped.

"Don't be stupid. We're friends, Jae-"

"Yeah! We're just friends, Kai." His diverted attention shot back to me. His eyes were wide with shock. "So, I don't have to tell you everything."

"Whoa, chill out for a sec..." Kai leaned in close and whispered in my ear. "Is it that time of the month?" Blood boiled so hot inside of me I was surprised smoke didn't start coming out of my ears. 

"No! But someone is about to start bleeding in a second!"

"Okay, then you're just being y." He shrugged. 

"y?! Please, don't mistake me for the girls you take home every night! I'm nothing like them." 

"You know nothing about what type of girls I take home! Mostly because you're such a child you can't even make it that far into the night without blacking out!" 

"Oh, yeah!?"

"Yeah! If you act like a child then you I have to treat you like one!"

"Well, I'd rather be a child than be a selfish !" I yelled.

"Selfish? How am I selfish?!" The clueless look Kai gave me was enough to deflate any anger I've had built up. He truly didn't know. 

"Lose my number-" As I was about to slam the door in his face, he stopped it with the back of his arm. 

"W-what was that!" He pointed to my couch, his suspicion clearly satisfied. "There's someone there!" 

"There is no on in my house." I said through gritted teeth. I looked back annoyed at whatever it was that Fabio was doing, and found him sitting up on the couch completely exposed, playing with one of the many pillows I hid him under. "Except for him..."

"Jae-," Kai's mouthed dropped and a laugh escaped him. "You have a man here? Is that why you wouldn't let me in?"

"It's not what you think!" I looked back and Fabio was making his way over, with that goofy smile of his. He stood behind me, and put his arm over my shoulders.

"I um...I'm sorry I didn't know I was interrupting." Kai smirked. If I could wipe that annoying look of his face I would. Here I was calling him out for being a man , and now he thinks I'm just a hypocrite. 

"J-just leave!" I had to keep this going, he couldn't win this fight. "Go to class without me!" I slammed the door in his face this time putting the chain lock on so he couldn't get in even with the passcode. Fabio looked back at me with his grin and ruffled his hair. "I guess it's a good thing you can't talk, huh."

I skipped classes for that day and locked Fabio in my bedroom. I had to go to the museum to check his painting. My worst fear was that since Fabio was in my bedroom, then his painting would be-

"Jaeyi, what are you doing here? I thought you had the day off today?" Nicole asked. My hoodie and sunglasses weren't enough to keep me hidden, instead I must've just looked like a fool. 

"Me? Oh, I'm just here to pick up some paperwork...you know for college and such." I smiled. Good job!

"Oh! It's funny that you're here actually! Something really strange happened." My heart started sinking. 

"Really," the enthusiasm in my voice was missing. I didn't really want to hear the rest of this story. "Strange how?" 

Nicole led me up to the third floor and the painting that used to be known for it's exquisite portrayal of the perfect man was surrounded by people looking at an empty canvas. "No one knows what happened, but someone obviously snuck in last night and stole the painting."

Snuck in...suddenly small clips of what I did last night played in my head. I was on the elevator...I was looking up at the painting...I sat on the floor crying for a few hours. What did I do? Something I did last night brought Fabio to life. "I have to go Nicole!" I put my sunglasses back on and hooded myself, I had to be on those security tapes. I don't know how, but I ended back at my apartment before I even had time to think about being tired. When I slammed the door behind me however, the miles of running finally caught up.

"Oh, you're here!" A man's voice sang from the kitchen. My heart jumped, I looked to my right and saw Fabio sitting on my kitchen counter with a book in his hand. "Went out for a little run?" 

"Y-you, you can talk?" I pointed in disbelief. 

"Now, I can" Fabio smacked his book shut and hopped off the counter. "It always takes me a little while to learn the language of my client. I was reading for a good hour." He pointed to the bookshelf. 

"You read all of those in an hour?" There were some books up there I couldn't bring myself to finish even after years of reading. 

"I know," he laughed. "I'm getting rusty." He made his way closer and by instinct I took a few steps back. 

"What are you doing here? In my house! You're a painting...and right now you're a stolen painting!" 

"I'm not stolen, I'm right here!" He smiled wide. Again, I had to catch my breathe at how stunning he was. And he was standing before me! 

"You are right here..." I said out loud but was really talking to myself. If he was really said to be a cupid, and after remembering my drunken activities last night...I must've made a wish!

"It always takes me a little while to learn the language of my client." I'm his client! 

"You're here to grant my wish aren't you!" I gasp.

"Bingo!" He grins. "I have to say, this era might be one of the most peculiar ones I've seen." Fabio bends down and examines my toaster. "What is this some type of heat radio?" 

I have to pace around my living room to think this through. Last night I was upset because of Kai, so I go to drink. Blah blah blah somehow I end up at the museum, I must've used my employee card to get in. I cry about my troubles to the painting I make a wish, and-

"And now I'm here!" He hugs me from behind and squeezes tight. "Isn't this fantastic!" 

A scream escapes me, and I struggle out of his grasp. "This can't be real! I thought all the cupid stuff was just a story to tell guests! You can't really be..." I sighed, not able to gather enough words to finish my sentence. I sat down on my couch to take a breather and Fabio sits next to me.

"It's alright, you're doing great. All of my other clients tried attacking me. You're taking this a lot better than most." He looked at me and smiled, meanwhile his stomach was making disturbing noises. 

"I think you need some food." 


I took Fabio to the nearest cafe, with much difficulty might I add. He would take a few steps only to stop and gawk at any and everything. I had to stop him from nearly stealing a woman's hat because he wanted to put it on his head. 

"Hey! If you're going to be here, you have to act normal! You're bringing too much attention to yourself!" I pulled him aside. 

"I'm sorry! Everything is just so...beautiful here! The last client I had was from America in the year 1930. So much has changed, and so many things are different here!" He breathed in the air and smiled. "Where is here anyway?" 

"We're in Seoul, South Korea in the year 2014." I rolled my eyes. 

"What?! 2014! Oh my god!" He said in English. I couldn't hold back a small chuckle. 

"C'mon, we're almost there." Fabio and I walked into the cafe hand in hand only so I could keep him from wandering. "Okay, I'm going to order for you...just keep quiet." Fabio nodded at my orders and squinted his eyes to look up at the menu. 

"Hi, can we get two mocha iced lattes, and two muffin tops-"

"I want a magel!" He whispered in my ear.

"You mean a bagel?" I asked.

Fabio squinted once more and laughed. "Yeah, I meant bagel." The cashier started smiling at him. He was obviously cute, what girl wouldn't. Something that felt like jealousy stung inside me, and I held onto Fabio's hand. 

"One bagel for him as well." I grinned to the cashier so she would back off. If she was taken back, she didn't let it show on her face. I took our food and found a window seat with Fabio. 

"Wah,-" I stopped him before he took a bite. He needed to learn food etiquette now, before it was too late. 

"Just for future reference, before you eat something that someone has prepared for you or bought, always say "I will eat well" before your first bite, and when you're done you say I ate well." 

His chest inflated. "Did I just offend you? I'm sorry I didn't know-"

"For right now it's okay, cuz we're just eating together. You didn't do anything wrong." I patted his head like a puppy and his usual grin returned. 

"I will eat well," he said before taking a bite out of his bagel. He looked around at the cafe with squinted eyes. 

"Hey," I put down my drink. "Do you need glasses?" 

"Glasses? I've never needed them before..." 

"But, you need them now."

"I guess...now that I think about it, everything is a lot fuzzier than it used to be." He bit down on his food some more and I just watched. 

He's going to need a lot of things...food, clothes, glasses, shoes, a place to stay. My apartment was already cramped with just me. "Aigoo," I stretched back in my chair and took a deep breathe. Instead of getting all those things for him, maybe I should come up with a proper name.  

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Chapter 3: He is cuuteee xD
Infinitely4k #2
Chapter 2: Wouah... Kai really is a jerk. Thanks for the updates!!
GeneralPanda #3
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^