The Boy in the Painting

A Match Made in Paint

“Someone is needed on the third floor, our exhibit tour guide called in sick last minute.” The radio buzzed in the break room just as I was about to take the first bite out of my lunch.

“Third floor?” I mumbled to myself, remembering there was something special about that floor. “Ah, that’s right!” My mood suddenly changed.

"Aish, can't we have any peace-" Just as my co-worker was about to take the call I shot out of my seat.

"Ani, sunbae! I'll take this one, just eat." I couldn’t reach the elevator fast enough to make it for the tour. When getting there I found my group of visitors which consisted entirely of middle school students.

“Annyeonghaseyo,” A woman who I assumed to be the teacher smiled at me. “Are you our tour guide?”

“Ne,” as soon as I reached the group I put on my fake tour guide smile, and voice. “Welcome to Seoul’s Museum of Culture and Art. I’m your tour guide for today, Lee Jaeyi.” I’ve been interning with the museum for about three months now, and every day I looked forward to visiting the third floor. It had my favorite painting in one of the most beautiful exhibits.I knew the ins and outs about everything on this floor. 

"Miss, what is that?" A female student pointed at my favorite painting.

"Oh! That's Fabio..." I accidently used my personal nickname for the mystery man. "I mean...his name is unknown actually. We just know that an Italian painter from the 1800's painted this man for his wife who was going through a deep depression. He is said to give good luck with love. In other words he's cupid." I smiled. "Interesting, huh?" I couldn't stop staring at the gorgeous figure with a giant grin on my face. 

"He's ugly, what's with that hair?" One of the male students snickered. 

"Mwoh? Ugly?" If there was anything to snap me out of my fantasizing it was that word. "Did you just call Fabio ugly?"

"Who's Fabio..." I was starting to freak the students out with my obsession. 

I quickly plastered the fake smile onto my face. "Umm, I mean, let's move on to the next piece. Shall we?" 

      After my long shift I got a text from Kai. It was Friday night, and time for another round of drinking with the group. I don't know why I ever joined this drinking club to begin with but at least it gave me a reason to hang out with Kai most Friday nights. I hurried to my apartment first to change into a cute outfit and walked over to the bar that was down the street from my house. 

"Annyeonghaseyo!" I bowed to the sunbaes of my group, and my friends. 

"Jaeyi's finally here, what took you so long?" Minho one of the older guys slurred his words. He was probably on his third shot of the night. I could tell. 

"Ne, annyeonghaseyo." I looked around and didn't see Kai anywhere. Why would he tell me to come if he wasn't even here himself? That kind of ruined my night. 

"Yah, Lee Jaeyi! Aren't you going to hold up your glass?" Minho slurred while jabbing a bottle of Soju at my shoulder. 

"Oh, yeah." I took a seat at the end of the table and held up a small shot glass so Minho could poor me a drink. "Cheers!" I smiled. Drinking wasn't my thing, but I couldn't be in this group unless I drunk a little. I closed my eyes and let the bitter burning sensation run down my throat.

"You started without me?" I heard Kai's voice as I still had my head tilted back. He startled me so much I started choking on the Soju.

"Yah," a line of clear alcohol rolled down from the corner of my mouth. "what took you so long?" I frowned.

Kai shrugged and greeted everyone at the table, while taking a seat next to me. "I didn't know you like Soju," he smirked. 

"You know I don't...Minho wouldn't let me sit quietly." I mumbled. 

"Yah, Jongin-ah, get a glass!" Minho insisted. 

"Ani, I think I'm fine with beer for tonight." Kai held up his can. 

"Oppa, aren't you being modest? Last week you weer so drunk, and you disappeared with Minhee," one of the girls at our table giggled. I looked at Kai to read his expressions. Was that true? I couldn't come last Friday.

"Ani, I just walked her home." Kai scratched his head sheepishly. 

"Sunbae! Give me one more please!" I stretched out my arm in front of Kai for another shot of Soju. 

"Assa~! Jaeyi is in the mood tonight!" Minho smiled. I downed that glass of Soju quicker than I did previously and didn't feel anything. 

Before I knew it, Kai was supporting me to the bathroom. "Jae, how much did you drink before I got here?" 

"Shut up, I don't need your help!" I pushed him away. 

"Aigoo, stop being stubborn. Go in and wash your face. I'll take you home." He said he would take me home! Just like he did for Minhee! 

"You will?" I grinned. 

"Ne, hurry up." He pushed me forward with a smile, and I splashed water on my face to at least return to some of my senses. 

"Good job Jaeyi!" I giggled in the mirror. "Don't blow this!" I washed my hands and stumbled back to the table. Kai was talking to some girl. My mood dropped below the lowest layer of Earth. He couldn't wait for me?

"Jaeyi, why do you look so pretty today?" Minho played with my hair. I was more than disgusted.

"Don't bother me." I kept my eyes on Kai and that girl, trying to read every word said between the two. He suddenly touched her shoulder and left. "Ugh," My head slammed onto the wooden table. My phone lit up with a Kakao message. 

"InJongKai ^^"

"Jae let's get out of here! :)"

I didn't need to say anything. The smile that spread across my face was enough for him and Kai was out of the bar by the time I reached the door. "How was work today Jae?" He asked as we walked slowly. 

"Same, as always. Boring..." I smiled to myself thinking of Fabio. If only I could be as enchanting as him. 

"Ah...I think you're lying. You really like being around all those old paintings and stuff." Kai stuffed his hands in his pockets. That was a habit of his when he ran out of things to say.

I like being around you too, stupid

"You're right. But...was that true about you and Minhee?" If we were just friends I could at least ask him about this without it being weird, right?

"Does it matter?" He looked up at me. "If something happened would it even matter?" I didn't know which answer he wanted. If I said no would I lock myself in the friend zone forever? If I said yes would it be awkward? Before I even got to answer, we were already in front of my complex.

"It might...-" 

"Hurry, and up in so I can go." Kai cut me off.

"Where are you going?" 

"They're still going to the second round," Kai pointed in the direction of the bar. "I'll stay with you a little next time I promise," 

"Why'd you walk me back, if they're still hanging out?" Embarrassment filled me up. 

"You can't handle too much drinking. I know you," just then Kai did something no girl wants her crush to do. He ruffled my hair like he would a little sister. "Hurry and get some sleep, Jae." 

"Geurae..." I forced my smile and took my time going up the stairs. When I looked back Kai was already walking away. 

[A/N]: Welp, this B1A4 album is probably the best thing to listen to while writing this fanfic! Seriously. So I think I might update this story once a week at the least. I usually write during school then edit whenever I have free time. I hope you enjoyed this so far. (and I really hope you don't mind Kaistal cuz that's what I'm picturing while I write this ^^) Byeyeom~ 









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Chapter 3: He is cuuteee xD
Infinitely4k #2
Chapter 2: Wouah... Kai really is a jerk. Thanks for the updates!!
GeneralPanda #3
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^