Chapter 2

A Thousand Years
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Kim Jongin, so his name was Kim Jongin, Sehun barely caught the name being said, don't judge him, he was too busy staring at that face, put yourself in my shoes and you would do too, . In Korea it was actually kind of rare for somebody to have a natural tan to them, apparently people there only prefered milky white skin even guys, Sehun didn't though but he was born unnaturally pale so you can't really blame him. It wasn't that he was attracted to the guy, ok he maybe was, kind of, might be, just a teeny bit, but he was just so breathtakingly beautiful, apparently he wasn't the only one who thought that, almost all of the class could be seen busy picking up their dropped jaws off the concrete, he didn't look all that friendly though, Sehun almost forgot his older brother was there to prove him wrong.


He really hadn't expected Luhan to bring the boy to their usual table for lunch, he looked perplexed with eyes darting here and there, Sehun couldn't blame him though, Luhan can be really clingy, Sehun was surprised the boy hadn't run away yet or pulled his arm out of Luhan's grip, could be his brother's eyesmiles and aegyo that often times worked on Sehun, which he hated to admit, he was a er for cute things, the only cute thing though in his life was his older brother Luhan, you couldn't possibly resist his aegyo, Sehun shook his head at the thought of his brother pulling aegyo on the new kid, he was snapped out of his thoughts by the familiar high pitched voice of his brother introducing Kim Jongin to them, he didn't have to though, Sehun already knew his name but he did pay attention if not much, as to not appear rude, apparently Kim Jongin prefered to be addressed as Kai, the name was silly and anime-ish but weirdly enough suited him, Sehun didn't know why he thought that but he did anyway, Sehun rolled his eyes at his brother trying to catch Kai's attention by asking him stupid questions like why he chose this school or how many siblings he had or if he was the only child, as brainless as the questions sounded just by leaving Luhan's big mouth, they were successfully catching the boy's attention and he answered each and every one of them patiently much to Luhan's delight, he got to learn a few more things about Kai, not that he was eavesdropping or anything, how was he going to eavesdrop when Luhan practically yelled his questions thanks to his not so manly voice, it was a surprise that Kai hadn't snapped yet, Sehun tried to block out Luhan's cutesy voice as he listened to what Kai had to say, it was a distraction really, he found out that Kai lived not that far from school with a few friends of his, 


"Do they go to the same school?"


Sehun suddenly found himself asking, wow why the heck would he ask something like that, good now Kai was going to think he was some kind of a creep by prying into his life and asking about his friends, what had gotten into him that he decided to ask something as shameless as that, and no nobody is curious enough to ask people about their friends' whereabouts. He was really not one to poke his nose in anybody's business, nor has he ever been the curious type, he's always the nonchalant among his group of friends or the party pooper as he was labeled by them, it's been awhile since somebody has caught his attention like this, there was just something about Kai that wouldn't leave him and it's only been a few hours of Luhan getting the boy to fit into their dunce group, they've just met and Sehun can already see his brother stealing glances at the boy when he thinks he isn't looking, the way his eyes would linger a bit to be considered friendly, that was another reason that made him suspicious of guy, the shine in Luhan's eyes gave away, Sehun could read him like an open book, if he wasn't being obvious enough that is, it wasn't everyday Sehun got to see Luhan blushing crimson and giggling nonstop like a high school girl on drugs, all because of one guy,


Kai turned away from Luhan to stare at Sehun, the intensity of it causing the younger to squirm a bit in his chair, he then smiled, Sehun let out a breath he didn't know he was holding,


"No they don't,"


He replied softly before Luhan grabbed his attention by throwing another random question his way, Sehun picked up his abandoned sandwich to munch on it not missing the glances Kai gave him in between his conversation with Luhan, he sighed before turning his attention to Tao, he'd almost forgotten the boy was there the whole time, the voice of Kai still ringing in the background as he tried to focus his attention solely on his best friend. He didn't know why, but for some reason, this Kim Jongin reminded him of someone, there was just something so familiar about him, like he'd seen him somewhere but he couldn't remember where, Sehun was sure if he'd ever seen Kai, he wouldn't have forgotten a face so gorgeous, maybe it was just the overprotective beast in him that wouldn't stop over thinking petty things such as this, He quickly disgarded the thought and went on about their regular school activities after the bell rang, this new guy wasn't going to ruin his day for him, oh no.


It was around 6 P.M. when they got home. Apparently by living not so far away meant their neighbourhood and Luhan being the nicest person that he is decided to take Kai on a tour around the neighbourhood, it was obvious that he didn't need it but Luhan was going to do it anyway, the simple things he did for Kai just so they could spend some time together was actually amusing, it did tick him off but he decided to put away the protective younger brother in him aside and be happy for Luhan for once, when it came to the older boy, he could almost sense the danger from a mile, that's right, the overprotective beast him was not to be underestimated. He decided to leave the two while they were at it.


Taking a quick shower and changing into something more comfortable, he pulled his books out, getting down to work on his homework. Not fifteen minutes past, he was completely lost in the books when he heard a loud slam of the front door from downstairs making him jump and almost fall off the chair, his heart thundered in his chest, he got up with much effort, his felt numb, he almost couldn't feel it anymore, sighing he walked out, if it were Luhan, he would've probably freaked out and gathered the whole neighbourhood by now, Sehun shook his head, his brother would do just that, thankfully he wasn't home, or maybe it was Luhan? Still a bit weirded out, he picked up what he could find the last thing before completely leaving the confines of his room, it happened to be a ball, what if it was a burglar, how was he going to hit him with a ball? Was he supposed to throw it at his face or something? God why didn't he just pick up his baseball bat or something much useful, a ball? You must be kidding me, he grumbled low, climbing down the stairs, trying not to make any sound, 


It took him a minute to get down, he'd never felt so scared in his life, like he knew something was there and it wasn't Luhan, why didn't he just the lock the door when he was coming in?! What the heck has gotten into me, Sehun thought out loud, his right hand shook lightly as he brought it up to ruffle up his hair, his forehead was sweaty even with the air condition on, his eyes widen just the slightest bit, cold shivers running down his spine as he turned to the living room, knees shuddering, he couldn't think straight, he swore he hadn't felt so trapped and suffocated by fear, he almost wanted to close his eyes and stop breathing but he didn't, a part of him wanted to run away and never look back and at the same time he wanted to stay, a man in black stood in the middle of the living room, his back facing Sehun, his throat felt parched like he hadn't drank water for a long time as he gulped what saliva was left in his mouth, as if on cue the man turned around, Sehun's eyes immediately going to the crimson in his hand, his eyes couldn't go any wide as he stared at the thing that was squished into the palm, what little life left in there was probably gone now, droplets of red hit the ground, patches of crimson forming on the concrete, the ball he'd picked up long forgotten on the floor, he snatched his eyes away from the bloody mess only to stare into a pair of yellow orbs, something about them was so familiar that even if he wanted, he couldn't possibly look away, the shuddering in his knees came back, the alarming ferocity in those eyes almost stopped his heart from pumping, as if he were put under a spell, the man started moving, a slow smirk forming on his deranged face, Sehun couldn't move, he lifted his hand up and Sehun thought he couldn't have done more dama

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Finally! updated omg


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yulitacassie #1
Chapter 3: like this story...update please
Chapter 3: Oh hohoho. Jongin's with those group of people? I really wanna know what's happening!
opikonew #3
Chapter 3: sekai plissssssssssssssss :)
Chapter 2: Sekai or ChanHun, I'll be fine with either
Camilachawy #5
No KaiLu.... :c
lalicesarang #6
sekaiii yassss
Chapter 2: I thought it would be KaiLu....
Ontofu2014 #8
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^