Yoongi/Jungkook sleeping on your side is bad for you

some infinities

It's not like he thinks his hyung is cute or anything.

It's not like that. 

He's not cool, either. He does this lame little dance that has just enough body movement and fluency to be called a dance (Jimin doesn't think so. But with Namjoon and Seokjin in the group, they kind of had to lower the standards) and when he smiles his gums show and his eyes disappear and for some odd reason that makes Jungkook want to punch himself in the face. He's not sure what it could be about his hyung that inspires that reaction.

He listens to him rap, listens to him record and get too close to the mic because he's just that into his words and watches the dissatisfied face he makes because the mic picked up his lisp a bit too well and the way he looks around to make sure no one noticed.

They all noticed, but they don't really care anymore. Jungkook knows that Yoongi hates it, that he tries hard to hide it and he crooks up the corner of his mouth so that the s comes out crisp, but Jungkook has never liked that. It gives the rap character. 

Jungkook definitely doesn't like touching his hyung and there's absolutely no way that he gets a little kick out of the fact that he's taller than him. Almost as tall as Namjoon. He ruffles Jimin's hair and makes jokes about his height but even though Yoongi is only one centimeter taller than Jimin, he's never quite been able to do that. It's not because he's the second oldest (because heaven knows he's teased Jin more times than he can remember). It turns out that maybe Jungkook respects him more than he thought.

Jungkook and Yoongi hang out in the studio sometimes. Yoongi practices his raps over and over and even though he doesn't like to be interrupted, and hates being distracted, he still doesn't get angry when Jungkook pulls faces that make him laugh loudly into the mic, completely ruining the recording. His laugh is a nice sound, Jungkook thinks.

He hates it when his hyung is sleepy because he bats his eyelashes and looks around like he's not sure where he is and his lips settle in a pout that Jungkook is pretty sure isn't intentional. He leans on Jungkook's shoulder sometimes. It's a bit too high up for him now, when it used to be the perfect level, but Jungkook always slides down in a way that is incredibly uncomfortable for his back but when he feels the weight of Yoongi's head there, he doesn't even notice. Not until he stands up and his back cracks in so many places that Seokjin gives him a dirty look, because the sound has always grossed him out. 

He thinks the worst thing that his hyung ever did was fall asleep on him. They were in this weird hotel in a small Korean town and they weren't supposed to stop there, but the car's tires decided one their own. There weren't beds, just cots layed on the floor. They were almost scarily clean, the white sheets so bright you could see the glow in the dark room. Yoongi and Jungkook had cots side by side and Yoongi fell asleep first. He always did. Yoongi could probably sleep twenty two hours straight and still wake up feeling a little sleepy. Jungkook was still awake thinking about something (it might've been Yoongi) when suddenly Yoongi rolled right over and threw his arm out around Jungkook. In his sleepy state, he nuzzled into the warmth of Jungkook's chest and Jungkook tried not to chuckle. He could feel Yoongi's hot breath through his shirt, making the fabric a little moist. He didn't mind a bit, but later when they were eating breakfast Jungkook would complain about the hardship he had suffered trying to sleep with his hyung on top of him, constricting his air passages (Jungkook had never breathed easier) and preventing him from turning on his side.

Yoongi joked about how sleeping on your side was bad for your spine anyway and he had done the maknae a favor, but really he was embarassed and he didn't meet anyone's eyes as he spooned bits of soggy cereal into his mouth. 

He thought that was the worst thing, but now he knows the worst thing his hyung has ever done is get hospitalized for appendicitis. He had groaned and held his stomach and he threw up so much that Jungkook was getting scared and the car ride to the Japanese hospital (they were lucky they had a translator, and when the translator had to use the restroom, they had Taehyung, using expressions he had picked up from too much anime watching. He might've added the word "chan" to a few too many things, because the doctor seemed thoroughly perplexed.)

When they heard the word surgery, Jungkook immediately felt cold, and his hyung just looked at him and smiled tightly, because he really was in pain.

"It'll be okay, Kookie. Maybe the ARMYs will like the scar. Women love scars." Jungkook laughed but it sounded weak even to him.

When they could finally visit Yoongi, Jungkook was maybe a little too eager to go and there is a slight chance that he forced Namjoon to sit in the back so that he could ride shotgun, but that was besides the point.

He got into the room first, taking notice of how pale Yoongi was, and he didn't even say hi before hugging him carefully, trying not to look at the IV drip, and whispering in his hyung's ear.

"Don't you ever let one of your organs almost burst again." Yoongi laughed. Jungkook had missed that sound.

"I'll try my best, Kookie-ah."

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Chapter 3: These one shots are amazing! And I can totally imagine yoongi getting mad at hoseok for being too nice xD
mhn7700 #2
Chapter 2: aaahhhh my Sugakookie feels ;AAA; ♥♥
Chapter 4: im dEAD this is so cute i think i'm going to have a heart attack '"Fight like Eren? Like Mikasa?" ' DEAD I TELL YOU
Chapter 3: Awww just look how tsundere Yoongi is ~
And btw, idk you have replied my last comment :( I just want to say thank you so much <3
kelsicks #5
Chapter 2: this is just too cute omg my kookie/yoongi feels ;;w;

/waits for vsuga story huohuo
pls write vsuga soon! ^^;/