Global Audition

A Story of an ELF

~At Nikki's House..

Nikki: Yah! d'ya know the group GP BASIC?

Darlene: No, Why?

Nikki: Pabo-ya.. They are a new group. their ages are 12-15.

Darlene: Really? WOW!

Nikki: Let's take a look at the SMent's Website

                *Nikki opened the SMent's website*


Nikki: Oh my god! Let's have an audition!.

Darlene: Yeah! Kyaaa! I want , i want, I WANT! Just imagine were gonna be stars and we'll meet super junior !

Nikki: Oh My God! I'm getting more and more excited!.

Darlene: But how can we have an audition? Philippines is not included in the list

Nikki: how  'bout a video?

Darlene: Sure? okay so let's meet at the clubhouse this saturday and make a video audition.

Nikki: Okay *smiles*

Darlene: Why do you keep smiling? It's kinda wierd..

Nikki: I'm just imagining what our life is when we became stars.

Darlene: Kyaa! Don't make me spazz here!.. let's go to your room and let's play all of our Super Junior Albums. 

 *They go inside nikki's room..*

Darlene: Woah!. Sj world! btw, where's your collection of your albums?

Nikki: Here it is.. 

*Nikki hands darlene the cd holders*

Darlene: Where is you Justine bieber's album?

Nikki: I throw it away, i don't like gays' cd's

Darlene: Hahaha, when is the release of the first teaser photos?

Nikki: Maybe tomorrow?

Darlene: OMG! who will be the first?!

Nikki: I don't know. let's just wait for it..

Darlene: Oh, it's kinda late now, i gotta go home, ~Bye!

Nikki: Bye!

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i can't wait 2 read more