02: The Tributes


02: The Tributes



After dinner, Kyungsoo was the first one to excuse himself. Ignoring Jongin and Jonghyun's worried looks thrown his way, he bowed down low before escaping to the train car where their rooms were supposed to be. The trip to the Capitol would at least take a day, even with their speed, so a room was necessary.

Upon entering, he was hit with a wave of longing. Inside the dimly lit room were two beds, both occupying corners. Just like the previous car, this room was heavily decorated, the heavy red brocade curtains pulled down to block the sun from getting in. The bed was laden with clean, white thick comforters, and on each bed were two big fluffy pillows. Had it been any other day, had it been any other occasion, Kyungsoo would have felt happy and thrilled at the prospect of being able to sleep on a real, actual bed.

However, Kyungsoo only felt emptiness.

He went nearer to the bed, his fingertips brushing the silk cover of the comforter. He sat down on the edge, gripping the material in his hands, and finally let himself break. The tears flowed down his cheeks in a steady stream, his sobs hushed down as he bit his lip. He pulled up his knees to his chest, wrapping his arms around them and pressing his face on the bony part of his kneecaps. It was a little painful, but it was what he needed. His shoulders shook with each sob, and with each sob that he let out, thoughts of the family he left behind and may never see again surfaced. It was all too painful, especially for an eighteen year old boy who had everything to lose and was experiencing loss for the first time.

Kyungsoo was pulled out of his self-pitying thoughts when he was abruptly pulled up into a standing position, his body suddenly engulfed in a tight hug. It wasn't as bone-crushing as Key's hug was, but it was tight enough to keep him standing up. He tried to look up, but his head was held down firmly at the back, his face pressed against the coarse material of a shirt.

"Hey, I know you're not okay."

"...Jongin?" Kyungsoo managed to utter, his hands automatically clutching the hem of Jongin's shirt.

"But you don't have to keep it all to yourself. I'm here. We're in this together."

Kyungsoo really wasn't one to favour physical contact unless it was his sister or mother, but something about Jongin exuded safety and reassurance. It was the last thing he needed from Jongin, a fellow tribute in the games. Breaking free of his hold, he quickly stepped away, clumsily falling back down on the bed. He stared up at Jongin.

"Jongin...you're not supposed to do this. We're not teammates." Kyungsoo mumbled, looking down at the floor.

"I know."

"Then stop. It's only going to be harder for us when we're on the arena."

"But you said you wanted to go back together. It'd be nice, you said."

"That was wishful thinking."

"So you're really going to kill people?" Jongin asked, stepping back to sit down on the other bed facing Kyungsoo. He sounded amused.

"Why? Aren't you?" Kyungsoo snapped back. He didn't really mind facing Jongin with his tears still fresh in his eyes and on his face. He was going to the arena with him; what was crying compared to that?

"For what?"

"For 12. For your home."

"I don't have a home. As far as I'm concerned, this train is my home. Then when we arrive at the Capitol, my room there will be my home." Jongin answered nonchalantly, lying on his back with his hands behind his head.

"That's not--

"Precisely. I don't really have a reason to play the stupid game."

Kyungsoo remained silent, not knowing how to react. He wasn't really close to Jongin in the first place, and this was the first time that he'd actually talked to the boy. Wiping the tears on his face, he sniffled before kicking off his shoes and scooting up to the centre of the bed, his knees pulled up to his chest.

"...what are you going to do, then?" Kyungsoo asked, willing the depressing thoughts away.

"Hmm...I'll help you win? Maybe you won't even have to lift a finger. I'll be your personal butler, here to do your bidding, your majesty."

Despite the darkness of the situation, Kyungsoo's lips curled up into a slight smile. It was sad, their predicament, but it amazed Kyungsoo how light Jongin was making of it. Turning to Jongin, he raised an eyebrow.

"You will? Then what if I tell you to fight with me so that we'll both get out as victors?"

Jongin sat up, propping himself on his elbows. He looked at Kyungsoo strangely before smirking.

"And why would you do that?"

"Because...because like I said, we got out of 12 together, so we're going back together, too. That's an order."

Jongin laughed, pushing himself up. He went over to Kyungsoo's bed, sat down next to him, and bumped their shoulders together.

"Your wish is my command, then."

An empty promise. That was all it was, and Kyungsoo knew this. The fact that they were both tributes playing in a game with only one winner still remained, but he didn't care at the moment. All he wanted, even just for a second, was to forget the gravity of their situation, and if he would get that from empty promises, then he'll make more.



"What do you think of the other tributes?"

Kyungsoo looked away from the window, his gaze falling on Jonghyun and Taeyeon who were sitting at the table in what Kyungsoo supposed was the living room. Jongin was raiding the mini refrigerator in the room, and Key was sitting in a corner by himself, drawing something on his sketchpad.

"Kyungsoo? Hello? Panem to Kyungsoo?"

Taeyeon waved her hand in front of Kyungsoo's face, and he blinked as he snapped out of his trance. Turning around to fully face their , he tilted his head in question, eyebrows furrowing. Taeyeon placed her hands on her hips, waiting.

"Sorry, were you saying something?" Kyungsoo asked, and Taeyeon puffed her cheeks in reply.

"The other tributes. What do you think of them?" She asked again, and Kyungsoo shook his head.

"I don't know the other tributes, noona..."

"We didn't watch the Reaping of the other districts." Jongin sat down on the seat next to Kyungsoo, and the latter felt relieved.

His talk with Jongin the previous night had gone on for hours, completely taking his mind off his depression. Jongin was nice and funny, and his dark humour never failed to make Kyungsoo smile. Their newly-developed sense of camaraderie was helping Kyungsoo calmly pull through their predicament, so even if he didn't admit it, he wanted to feel Jongin's presence every second.

"Oh. I see. Let's go watch it, then! You need to at least know who you're up against." Taeyeon waved her finger in the air before hurrying to the large television screen hanging on the wall.

She pressed a few buttons and the screen came to life. She went to a seat next to Kyungsoo, and they all focused on the screen. The introductions were pretty boring and monotonous, what with the retelling of the rebellion that District 13 started before that led to the establishment of the Hunger Games. Finally, the first District was up.

The female tribute was a lean red-headed girl with sharp, slightly feline-like features. She had an intimidating smirk, and the way her eyes glared directly at the screen was nothing short of strong. Her name was Jung Krystal. The male tribute was named Oh Sehun, his strikingly multi-coloured hair standing out. While Krystal was very open with her feelings toward the game, Sehun wasn't very expressive, choosing to just glare into the horizon with an unmatched poker face. Kyungsoo saw how Jongin checked his own biceps when the camera passed very briefly on Sehun's exposed arms.

"Don't feel too bad about that, Jongin. District 1 kids are trained to fight in the Hunger Games." Jonghyun said, and Kyungsoo patted Jongin on the knee before focusing back on the screen.

If Kyungso thought that the District 1 tributes looked intimidating and strong, they were nothing compared to the District 2 tributes. They were called Park Luna and Huang Zitao, and they both had strong auras. They looked strong, and just like District 1, they were trained for the Games, too.

The District 3 tributes seemed pretty harmless. The female tribute had an elegant and sophisticated aura around her, and she looked slightly scared as she walked up the stage. The male tribute, Kyungsoo noticed, had a pretty and delicate face, and unlike the male tributes of 1 and 2, he looked weak, soft and scared, just like him. Song Victoria and Byun Baekhyun were their names.

The District 4 tributes held the same aura as District 1. The female tribute, Choi Sulli, with her dark black hair and flaming red lips, looked absolutely fierce and ready to kill. Just like Krystal, she was smirking at the camera. The male tribute was a tall boy by the name of Park Chanyeol. Just like Sehun, he never smiled at the camera. Instead, he frowned, seemingly finding everything ridiculous and a waste of his time.

Son Naeun and Kim Jongdae were picked from District 5. Naeun looked like a fragile little girl, and Jongdae, just like Kyungsoo, tried to put on a brave front at the Reaping, but Kyungsoo could see through him. After all, it takes one to know one.

From District 6 came Bang Minah and Kim Junmyeon. They looked pretty harmless, but they still looked like they didn't want to die in the arena, so there was a certain glint in their eyes that Kyungsoo didn't fail to notice.

From District 7 came Choi Sooyoung and Zhang Yixing. Sooyoung was pretty thin and tall, but the way she strode to the stage was enough to cover up whatever weakness she may have had portrayed. The male tribute, Yixing, was humble and quiet, but Kyungsoo could see his muscular arms through his shirt.

District 8 had Kim Hyoyeon and Wu Yifan. They both looked fierce and strong, and they looked proud despite their predicament. With each district that showed on the screen, Kyungsoo was starting to feel nervous.

"They all look so strong..." He whispered, and Jongin slung an arm around his shoulder, pulling him closer.

"We'll win, Kyungsoo. Don't worry, we'll go back."

Jonghyun looked back at them with something akin to pity, but he quickly looked away.

From District 9, came another pair of tributes that reminded Kyungsoo of District 3 and 6. Jung Eunji looked like the type of girl who wouldn't be pushed around, but her small figure and short stature made her look otherwise. Lu Han, just like Baekhyun, was a pretty boy. His peach hair only made him look softer, and when he fidgeted on the stage, Kyungsoo briefly wondered how he himself looked on screen.

District 10 had Liu Amber and Kim Minseok. For a second, Kyungsoo thought that they also had two male tributes, but upon closer inspection, he concluded that Amber was a girl, and a strong looking one at that. The same goes for Minseok.

District 11 had fragile and sickly looking tributes, and then District 12, at which point Taeyeon stopped the recording, She turned to Kyungsoo and Jongin, an expectant look on her face. She clapped her hands once, startling them.


"...so?" Kyungsoo repeated, and Taeyeon rolled her eyes.

"What do you think of the tributes?"


Taeyeon proceeded to pinch the bridge of her nose, gesturing for Jonghyun to continue. The man chuckled softly before leaning forward, hands clasped together. Kyungsoo sat up straight, sensing serious talk. Jongin did the same, putting down his bread roll and looking at Jonghyun.

"What Taeyeon-noona wants to say is, which tributes are you going to team up with?"

"Team up?" Jongin asked, clearly confused. Kyungsoo frowned, as well.

"But...the purpose of the game is to kill each other, not team up."

"Yes, but let's not be technical here, okay? That mainly happens at the end, but at the beginning, you need all the help you can get. So what better way to do that, than to team up with people equally desperate to live?"

Kyungsoo opened his mouth to speak, but Jongin beat him to it.

"I'm teaming up with Kyungsoo." He said, determined as he took hold of Kyungsoo's hand.

Jonghyun smiled. "I know, I know. But I want you to team up with other tributes, too. If you want to win, you'll do as I say, Jongin, Kyungsoo."

Kyungsoo didn't really see a reason to fight what he was saying, so he shrugged. "What do you suggest we do? Do you have any tributes in mind?"

Jonghyun grinned, leaning back in his seat and holding out three fingers in the air.

"I personally recommend Districts 3, 5, and 6."



A/N: Short chapter yoyoyoyo~ a little KaiSoo interaction and the intro to tributes. Jonghyun didn't recommend those districts for no reason /wink wink/

Thank you for the votes, subbies, and comments! Although I feel a little pressured with all the expectation, I'll try to do my very best that no one ever was, to catch them is my real test, to train them is my cause, okay I'll stop with the Pokemon reference now

Also, check out the new poster in the foreword from "kaisoo heaven"! It's really pretty ♥

Twitter: @alevuy95 | Tumblr: baekoneggs

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satanismychild #1
Chapter 8: hey, just wanted to say that i jad fun reading this, even if it's not finished yet. in the previous to last chapter uou said that you wouldn't stop posting this work without an announcement unless you died, so i hope that's not the case and one day you will come back to continue it. it would be awesome.
Hi! I just wanted to know if you're going to continue to update the story. I love this story very much so I hope you do! :)
omg this fic is sooo on point. the plot, the characters l, wow, everything!!! i fell in love with your writing. a little bit sad at the kris part, i didn't expect him to be killed ;; and then yixing shows up and i hope he won't be killed. i will wait for your updates! no rush tho~
omg this fic is sooo on point. the plot, the characters l, wow, everything!!! i fell in love with your writing. a little bit sad at the kris part, i didn't expect him to be killed ;; and then yixing shows up and i hope he won't be killed. i will wait for your updates! no rush tho~
Chapter 8: yJHsjkh just found this and holy it's amazing where are the missing 1000 subscribers and this is an actual work of art jcs
Lualmu #6
Chapter 8: I screamed when Yixing came out, in a NO DON'T KILL HIM PLEASE NO sense, but he survived (for now) so yey. I love how you managed to sneak in ChanBaek in the story. I love how you managed the story in general. I'm not a big fan of Hunger Games AU but this is a major exception. Update soon~
FINALLY! I finally found this.. going to reread <3
Chapter 8: pleasee update this its to good to be left incomplete!!!
kpoplover_160 #9
Chapter 8: Wahhhhh I'll be waiting for more chapters unni