
This big baby wants to be with you

Waking up to a cold empty spot next to you, on the bed, you couldn’t help but to feel sad and disappointed. It was your birthday after all. Sighing, you sat up and ran a hand through your messy bed hair. You eyed your phone on the nightstand and noticed a piece of paper. Curious, you grabbed the paper and could immediately recognise the messy handwriting that belonged to Jinki.

Baby~ Sorry T.T I have work today so I left early. You were sleeping so soundly and I didn’t want to disturb you but I left a note \(^.^)/ By the time you’re reading this, it would be already 2pm? Or maybe even later since we slept so late yesterday doing naughty things *wink wink*. Kekeke ^^ I’ll be home soon and I’ll bring back dinner so there’s no need for you to cook but do take your lunch, alright? Till tonight, I love you, baby :)
P.S.: Happy Birthday~!

Love, your big baby <3

Smiling unconsciously, you placed the note back on the nightstand, grabbing your phone to dial Jinki’s number. You held the phone by your ear as you waited for Jinki to pick up the phone but only to hear Jinki’s voicemail message.

“Hello!! Both Onew and Lee Jinki aren’t free right now so if you’re looking for Onew; please call my manager and if you’re looking for Lee Jinki; you can either leave a message or call back later. If it’s really really important, you can spam my phone with your calls and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible and if you’re my adorable girlfriend, happy birthday baby!! Just so you know, I’m not really avoiding your calls, I’m really having a photoshoot and busy being cute and handsome. So, baby, if you really miss me, I’ll be back home soon, I promise!! Oh, and go look into the fridge!! And, if you’re not my super adorable girlfriend and you’re still listening to this, you’re really really weird.” Jinki said, laughing as he ended the voice message. You couldn’t help but to laugh as well. Listening to Jinki’s instructions, you got out of bed, grabbing Jinki’s shirt, which was abandoned at some corner of the room due to last night’s activities, and your undergarments, putting them on before tying your hair into a messy bun before heading to the bathroom to wash up. After doing the morning necessities, you went to the kitchen and opened the fridge to find a piece of cheesecake and a note beside. Grabbing the plate of cheesecake, you read the note as you sat down by the kitchen island.

Hey baby!! Enjoy the cheesecake!!
Love, the big baby^^

Chuckling to yourself, you placed the note aside, taking a spoon to polish off your favourite layered mocha cheesecake. It was simply delicious and you simply finished it in 3 minutes flat. Placing the dishes in the sink, you grabbed your phone again to call Jinki but yet again you were directed to his voice mail and this time, you left a message.

“Hey big baby. I loved the mocha cheesecake. I’m surprised you actually remembered. Can’t wait for you to get back tonight. I love you.” Making a kissing sound at the end, you ended the call and glanced at the clock. It was nearing 3pm. Deciding to watch a movie, you grabbed your blanket from the room and made yourself comfortable on the couch before pressing play to continue watching the movie that you were watching halfway, last night, when Jinki disturbed you and heated things up but instead of ‘The Perks of Being a Wallflower’ being played, pictures of Jinki and you spending time together appeared. Playful pictures like when Jinki and you decided to bake but ended with flour all over your faces, and just plainly sweet pictures like when both of you were cuddling on the couch and were smiling brightly at the camera, filled the television’s screen as the background started to play ‘In Your Eyes’, the OST song that Jinki sang in ‘To the Beautiful You’. Smiling at those precious memories and Jinki’s lovely voice, you watched as the pictures faded away and Jinki filled the screen. He was sitting on the couch, smiling brightly at the camera.

“Hey baby!! It’s been a few years since we met and these years have been the best few years of my life. I know I’m not good with words and I just want to say that these years that we spent together, every day, every hour, every minute, I enjoyed it. I want to apologise for not being the boyfriend you want. I’m sorry that I’m not home most of the time. I’m sorry that I have to always leave for overseas promotion. I’m sorry for all the tears that I have caused. I’m sorry for all the pain I caused. I may not be the perfect boyfriend but I’m striving to be the perfect boyfriend for you. In fact, I don’t want to be just your boyfriend anymore.”

 Tears were b in your eyes as you gasped, seeing the Jinki in the video kneeling on one knee before taking out a ring.

“I want to be the man who stays with you till the day you die. I can’t promise that I won’t make you cry. I can’t promise you happiness but, like I said before, I will strive to be the perfect husband that will stay by your side no matter what. I love you and will you be mine? You don’t need to say yes now. You can have all the time you want. You can keep me waiting for years if you want. Now, before I end this video, happy birthday again, baby.” With that, the video ended and tears were streaming down your cheeks. Grabbing your phone, you called Jinki again and once again, the call went to voice mail.

“You’re a jerk, you know?” You croaked before ending the call and messaging Jinki’s manager for his location. Turns out, according to Jinki’s manager, the whole of SHINee was at SM Headquarter, practicing for their comeback. Wiping at the tears on your cheeks, you quickly changed into a simple shirt and jeans when your phone rang. It was Jinki calling. You ignored it and continued to get ready, grabbing your bag, keys and a coat before heading out with your phone still ringing.

After reaching SM with 57 calls and more from Jinki, you headed straight up to SHINee’s practice room with a wave to the receptionist to let her know that you’re here. As you headed up, you could feel tears gathering in your eyes again while Jinki’s words replayed in your mind. Slamming open the door, you spotted Jinki, in one corner of the room, panicking as he made calls while the others sat around him. His head snapped up and both of your eyes met. The tears, from your eyes, fell as Jinki stood up, quickly walking over to you.

“Why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?” He asked in a small quiet voice, reaching out to wipe away the tears that had fallen. Jinki pulled you into his arms and you hugged him tightly, crying into his shirt.

“Yes, Jinki, yes.” You sobbed.

“Huh?” Jinki asked, confused.

“I want to be yours, Jinki.” You could hear Jinki’s soft laughter while he softly patted your hair.

“I thought you’re already mine.” Jinki said. “Forever mine.”

“That sounds so creepy and demanding.” You joked and Jinki laughed, pulling himself away from you as he caressed your cheek with his thumb.

“Too bad. This big baby is stuck with you.”

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Meg1124 #1
Chapter 1: My heart is pounding! I wish the man I fall in love with someday will give me a proposal so touching! For me you can tell how much he loves her because he knew she was going to watch a movie so he knew she would see the video...ahh amazing story!! :)
Chapter 1: Short but I like it still^^
orange2806 #3
Chapter 1: Kyaaaa so cute ><
Chapter 1: This is soo cool :D