365 days



      At the age of four, they met . Just like any other children, they became best friends. And just like any other best friends either one falls in love or both grew into a more deeper relationship.  One thing is for sure she fell in love.  He became the super hero of her "miserable" life. He wanted to fullfill that legacy until they grow up, to see the smiles that gives him goosebumps. He acted cool and tough just like any guy would do for his first crush. Many guys would be the jock of their school or even the has the bad boy pride, to more noticed by the girls. But not him, he wanted even more and that is why his crush fell in love with him even more. He wanted her to smile. After some years he fullfilled his dream. He became an idol, and took the title dance machine. He has the job of an entertainer, which gave thousands of people smile.But what happened to the little girl. She just simply admired him from a far and never left his side. He was always busy from his work. She became a fan to him. She was constatly hurt by the  pushing and pulling with the other fans like her, just to see him, his hero. And of course just like what any other fans would do, give him presents. She bacame his number one fan.

    For 365 days, she gave him a present. A stuffed toy. Every where he goes she finds a way to deliver those stuffed toy.she has been through many hardship every single day but she still manages to give it to him. And every single day, she sees the reality. She was giving up on him. She assumed that they were together forever. That they even have the boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. But each day, it came to her mind the she is just one of his fans. He gave me attention just like the fans. That there was no us anymore. Superman was gone.


My best friend confessed her love to me on the day  of my birthday......

I love you........

365 days after she hasn't said those words again.......

Everyday I gave him a stuffed toy and never said those words again....

It was my birthday again, excitement flowed all over my body.....

It was his birthday again....

I wanted to hear her say those words, words that didn't even leave my mouth......

I was busy that day.....

I waited, but she didn't come.....

I had to prepare myself......

The only day that I have free time, the day that I want to spent with her.....

I'm ready....

She came....

I gave my present....

but it was too late....

I smiled at him.....

"What do you think I am some trash that you put away your toys?"

I froze...

I saw her with a man before my birthday....

He gave my present back to me....

"I know that I'm not the bestest boyfriend that you'll ever have. I'm trying, alright.

Don't smudge it on my face that....those guys that you spend with...longer than me

giving you these toys are better than me"

I gave it back......

"Say something"

"I'm sorry that I'm late".....

I threw the big stuffed toy on the road....

My heart shattered.....

"Explain, why you did that to me?"

I picked up the stuffed toy on the road.....

She never explained....




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Red_lantern #1
this is really good
BabyTaem #2
Whoooaaaaa, looking forward for this story! Pls update soon author-nim♥♥
LooserMc #3
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^