

Chance is sixteen. She lived with horrible parents until they left her at school and never came back for her. She was dropped at an orphanage, where she met five boys who swore to protect her from getting hurt ever again. They called themselves Big Bang. after breaking out when she was ten, the boys became her family, the only good family she had ever known. Forced to start at a new school, TS High, for.... reasons,  Chance is met with six gorgeous boys, the "kingkas" at the school. They call themselves B.A.P. They, too, become extremely protective of her, turning her world up side down. She has to be careful though, or the reasons she ran in the first place will catch up with her, and rip her heart to shreds. Again.


My name is Chance. I have five brothers. I was orphaned and abused, and I thought that's what love was. Pain and tears. But this new family taught me so much more, so much better. These new people taught me that the world will hurt me, but they'll be there when i fall. And he taught me to love again. There is hurt here, hurt that cannot be erased by new schools and new friends. But it could be the beginning of so much more. Not just another chapter in this terrible life, but another novel entirely. There is fear that it will all be ripped away fromme again. They all promise to keep me safe. They promise.

hi guys! whoever reads this, i'm sorry i am terrible at updating... i'll have another chapter soon! please comment and subscribe! love you guys~


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Can't wait 4 u to start the story