Author's Note ^.^

No Rose Without Thorn

Sorry but this is not a chapter update. I just wanted to explain why I hadn't posted up a chapter yet.

I have no idea why, but my writing has turned into complete chaos these past months. Whatever I wrote just didn't come out good. 

I'm struggling just to even write this first chapter. >.<

I know this story has been up way before GOT7 had debuted, and now it's been more than 2 months after they had debuted, so I sencerely apologize!

Hopefully I can have a good comeback with my writing as soon as possible. You guys can unsubscribe if you can't stand waiting anymore, I understand(: I don't want to make you wait.

Thanks for those who plan to stay with me! I really, really appreciate it, and I love you guys! <3

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Stupid autocorrect! I meant "subscribing". -_-; Lol.


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am_exogalaxyforever #1
Chapter 1: Choice a please!!!!
Chapter 2: I completely know what you mean! Take your time though :)
ImAFallenAngel #3
Chapter 1: choice b! please!
Chapter 1: Hmm...B I guess? In honor of the mv. :D
Chapter 1: B!!
And oh my dear god Mark stop you're too cute it's not fair to my bias list
ayuzawarei #6
Chapter 1: Choice B ^^
Chapter 1: I'll choose B. :)
shineendbigbang4ever #8
Chapter 1: Choice B and nice gif lol
jongeetos #9
Chapter 1: choice B whoop.