Like Ink


Kyungsoo swallows and makes a nervous gurgling sound in the back of his throat, knowing that it’s too late to try and hide everything now- Jongin’s eyes dart from his wrist to the blood drops and the razor on the floor and back to his wrist, over and over again, and then he talks.


wOW i'm not very proud of the fact that i just contributed to the already huge archive of angsty kaisoo fics but this one just demanded to be written i swear to god

i'm sorry if this made you sad oKAY I AM SORRY

btw i was heavily inspired by this edit


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chomesukesharp #1
Chapter 1: uuuuuuuuuuuggggggggggggghhhh *strangled cries of feels *
taoris_ultimate_fan #2
Chapter 1: Wow!!!i'm speechless....this fic is so sad and nice to read....good-job author nim~~~
Chapter 1: Wow.....that was scary, but really well done. So much emotion in such a short time!
Chapter 1: But why is there no comment for this story ????

So glad I stumbled upon this - It's really well written, though short. Great job!