
Cold [EXO-Story Compilation]

 Pairing: Xiumin & Lee Hojung

Rating: PG



Xiumin carried the last and final box of christmas ornaments he'll use to decorate his living room and his christmas tree. He finished decorating the living room first so that he could move on to the pine tree next. Scattering all the christmas balls on the ground, Xiumin sorted it out by colors. Picking up a silver one, he saw Hojung's reflection. In shock, he widened his eyes but eventually smiled. Reminscing sweet memories.



A year ago before Hojung was diagnose with cancer, they lived as a happy couple like in the movies for six years, including their last two years in college. They met in an ice rink, where Xiumin worked part-time. He would always watch the tall, simple girl that would practice with utmost effort. It took Xiumin about two months of admiring her from afar but gathered his courage and asked her out. 


In Christmas, Hojung would always ask Xiumin to help her decorate their apartment. Which they moved in together after college. There was this time when Xiumin debated whether to use the gold or the silver christmas ball on the last branch. Then he saw Hojung's reflection and hugged him. Which Xiumin made up his decision to use the silver one since he stated that he could always see Hojung there clearly.


Both of them loved places that was cold. An ice rink is a very good example, since their dates would always be there. When it comes to snowing on Christmas they'd stay about the whole day outside. Time went on and on with their perfect relationship. That really was perfect.


Xiumin got home from work with  hot porridge. Hojung had been pale and ill. Not to mention her weakness the entire month. But as Xiumin called out her name multiple time, she didn't respond. He went in their bedroom and saw her lying on the ground, unconscious.


She had leukemia. Well, that was what the doctor said.


Upon hearing the news, Hojung cried. It was hard to accept. It might be hard to do but Xiumin remained stoic in Hojung's eyes. Not showing that he didn't care, but he wanted to show that he will not cry. For both their sake. Xiumin knew that he needed to stay strong. Time passed, Hojung's condition had gotten worse. Xiumin didn't like the part when they would inject something to Hojung that will lead her to screaming and crying. It was too unbearable to see.


Sometimes they'll be arguments, about Hojung wanting to break up with Xiumin, since she told him that she couldn't put him in a much harder position. She was pulling him down. But Xiumin burst out telling her, No. Telling her that he'll be there, never leaving.


Hojung stirred while sleeping one night, eventually waking up. She felt sore. So she woke up Xiumin. They were hand in hand as she lied on the hospital bed, while Xiumin rested his head on the bed she was lying.


"Is there anything wrong?" Xiumin asked. "Do you want a glass of water?


"No. It's nothing, I just.. wanted to talk to you.'" Hojung answered weakly.


"You look pale." Xiumin said brushing a thumb over her cheeks.


Hojung grabbed his whole hand and placed it on the side of her face. Tightly holding it, afraid to let go. She knew that she'll miss those hands. A tear escaped her right eye. Xiumin wrapped his other arm by Hojung's waist.


"I love you." Hojung said sobbing.


She couldn't feel her feet and her legs anymore.


Xiumin felt it, how those words came from her lips as if it hurts. He knew that she was getting weaker. He stood up and kissed her forehead and hugged her. " I love you so much."


Hojung cried harder. Pulling Xiumin down by his neck. Feeling every bit of him one more time.


"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry."


"No, we're in this together."


Hojung got Xiumin's face and planted a kiss on his lips. Breaking the kiss, Hojung said as tears endlessly fell from her eyes.

"You'd do things better, move on, don't let me hold you down. I love you so much, Kim Minseok."


As they settled down Hojung let Xiumin go back to sleep. Admiring her peaceful sleeping lover. She kept brushing her hand through his hair.


Smiling, she said. "I can't feel you anymore." Silently crying once more. "I told you I love you and kissed you on time, atleast I wasn't late."


The next day Xiumin burst out of the room with tears.






Hojung already died.



Everything was so bitter but as Xiumin found a way and lived on for Hojung's sake. He found a reason once more, but would never forget the beautiful ice skater he met 7 years ago.


He finished the tree and headed out immediately with his gift. Actually a gift for his current girlfriend. He was late for their date. As he stood out the snow looked like it was going back to the sky. He spotted a guy who was already leaving and caught his sight. He smiled at the guy kindly, then the latter responded back by doing the same then leaving after. Looking back at the sky, he smiled gripping the box tightly and smiled.


I miss you Hojung and I love you, he thought.



A/N: 897 word count, this was short :3 mianhae >.< if you'll ask who is Hojung,, it's the girl that Chanyeol had been with in K.Will's music video, Lee Ho Jung :)  :3


and if you guys want a tip,, listed to MID's orchestral version while reading this..it'll much more emotional >.< LOL.

next is LAY's :)




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Dream-Lightz #1
Chapter 10: TT-TT ... I'm Sustal shipper :'(
HunTy1204 #2
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I'm still waiting for the next update
baekkie21 #5
Chapter 8: This is amazing author-nim!!!
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Chapter 7: I thought Tao is the next o.o ??
Dream-Lightz #7
Chapter 6: TT-TT daebakk !! I like it ~~ BaekYu <3
Chapter 6: LOL at the doe-eyed looking guy and the chinese-panda looking guy~ <3 Anyway, your stories are really daebak~ Authornim..
Yah~ This is amazing~
Chapter 6: this is good
good job thor