
Red Strings

-Sorry for the superduper late update, had to catch up with all things kpop jk, but seriously why do teachers give us a megaton load of hw for the weekends: 5 paragraph analysis essay, five thousand pages of algebra homework, and a world history project...all due within two days. Living on five hours of sleep. Hope you enjoy this chapter, might be a little short.might have some grammar errors, too sleepy to check-


The girl, hesitant whether or not to run or help him, chose the lather. Just by looking at the tattered cloth covered, lanky body, Maeli knew the boy had a lack of nourishment and care. Seeing that no one had heard of her escape yet, her motherly instincts took over, and she ministered the boy up. Once the boy was standing in front of her, she took a double step back. Golly jeez was this boy tall, not to mention handsome, and she was pretty tall for a girl herself. A faint blush crept up her cheeks and she quickly turned her head and coughed, hoping he didn't she her cherry-kissed face. The boy slightly coughed too, heat soon rushing to his face. Maeli was glad he had missed her scrutinizing his delicate facial features. The awkward atmosphere was back, and both were unsure what so do or say.

Just when Maeli was going to ask if he was alright, the boy starting speaking too.

 "Umm, are yo-.."


Both flushed bright red again, not use to conversating with the opposite gender. Maeli had only encountered several men, which included her father, brother, cousins,and teachers. The boy had always been working and slaving away all day, that he hardly encountered a girl whether she be older, younger, or the same age. 

The boy took advantage of the silence, and once again began speaking.

"Umm, are you ok? That was one harsh fall"

Maeli blushed again.Well, I wasn't the one that got sat on. "Oh,no I'm fine. You're the one that took most of the damage. Wait here's my hanky"


The boy looked at her with a confused faced as Maeli soon thought she was going to faint from all the embarrsment she had endured today. She had accidently called her handkerchief by its nickname, the only people who knew was her chambermaid and her close cousion, Sohyun. 

"I meant handkerchief," she said again while handing him it."You should clean that knee of yours, it might get infected. I would help you but you know..."

"Oh, ok 谢谢(Xièxiè:thank you)," the boy gentle grabed the clothe from her and sat down, inspecting his injured knee. 

When Maeli was about to sit down with him, she heard shouts, mostly calling her name. She quickly stood up and upon leaving, she felt a hand enclose her wrist. 

"Wait, where are you going?"

"Umm, I just remebered that I have an errand to run, sorry for that knee"

"Oh, its ok I get injuries like these all the time, I just wanted to know your name before you leave."

"Its Maeli, Xi Maeli, yours?"

A beautiful name to match a beautiful face, the boy thought. 

"Zhang Yixing"




Well I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, I'm trying a variety of ways to write this whether it be in first/second/third person point of view or from the narrator. Going to soon introduce a very important, doe eyed handsome(hot mess that makes my knees weak),manly(or so he thinks) boy soon, gave you all a hint ^^^ Can you guess? Obviously, he's from EXOOOOOOOO<3 




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