Book One: Elitist





Book I

written by taurus-star
layout by BleedLikeMe


Lorem Imperious Academy.
Imperium propria fatum

The school boasts the largest populace of diverse creatures than any in the world.
This has labelled it as the safest place to hold council between races.

There has never been a war they have participated in.....until the new student shows up.


Supernatural/Fantasy Races

Werewolves: Werewolves usually live in packs of (minimum) 5 to (maximum) 15. They're mainly found in Asia and Europe but s travelled to places as far away as Australia. Werewolf packs have a hierachy that falls naturally; Alpha, the leader. Beta, the right hand and Hunters. Delta, the Scouts, and Omegas. The Medics and Guards.

Unlike most other races, werewolves are polygamous in their Bondings and they only Bond once. The werewolf will, more or less, unconsciously gravitate and fixate themselves on their Bondings before consumating their Bonds during a full moon. This Consumation is started with the female rising to meet the challenge of the male (or plurals). The subconscious instincts of their bestial counterpart rise to the surface and prompts the potential Bondings to fight. This is to test whether each is good for the other. If so, the battle ends with the subconsciously dominant wolf marking their Mates with a Bite. Their has ben recorded Bonding Bles ending in death.

Werewolves do not require the full moon to change, but it does affect their senses and overall physical limits. Their senses are heightened, as are their hormones, and they become more reactive than normal.
Werecats: Werecats are similar to the wolves, but  do not have a hierachy. They simply have one who leads them but all roles and jobs are done equally. Werecats can also Bond but their Bondings are not polygamous. They have one lover who they stay with until they die, but this doesn't mean their Bonds are any stronger or weaker than the wolves Bonds.

Werecats also do not need the moon to change. However, instead of their hormones rising during full moon, werecats hormones rise every fortnight, and this makes them one of the more provocative species. The chances of werecats Bonding with werewolves are low, but not rare.
Halfings: Halfings are fairly simple. They can either be half human/half werecat, half human/half werewolf or half wolf/half cat.

Vampires: Vampires are usually in covens of about five to ten and live mainly in Europe, parts of Asia and America. They have pale and nearly impenetrable skin, sharp but beautiful features, no matter male or female, and have red eyes. They are immune  to religious artifacts, garlic and wooden stakes but can be pierced by solid silver and burned by the sun or holy water. If anything but their head is ripped off, it can reattach and they can continue fighting.

Vampires do not Bond, but can tell their Mate through their scent, meaning they can smell who is the most compatible with them and they bite them to form the Mate.
Succubus: Succubus are cousins to vampires and hold many of the same characteristics, but are not as strong or fast and they can die from old age. Succubus live and feed their energy by seducing and then drinking the victim's blood. Their eyes are usually an royal blue and all succubus are female.
Incubus: Incubus are the brothers of succubus and work in exactly the same way but are male.

Fairies: Fairies have one King and Queen and generally live in or near large forests and prefer a cooler climate. They are identified by their glittery sheen on their skin, their bright orange eyes and their different hair colours (i.e. lavender purple, salmon pink, lemon yellow, icy blue, highlighter green, bright red etc.). Fairies are indentifed by their translucent dragonfly-esque wings and feathers around the wrists, ankles and fair line.

Fairies have no Bonding or Mating, they simply have ual partners and are one of the more provocative races.
Faeries: Faeries live with their cousins but are identified by their uniform silver hair and purple eyes. Their wings more resemble butterflies and are opaque. Faeries only have telepathy or empathy abilities.
Pixies: Pixies are also related to fairies but live in trees and have wings resembling semi-sheer leaves. Their skin lets off a soft glow and is a pale gold colour, while their hair and eye are usually a soft chestnut brown.
Dryads: The spirits of the trees and forests.

Mermaids: Mermaids are aquatic creatures but can walk on land and breathe air and can be found any place on earth that has a port or beach. They also only have one King and Queen. When in water, mermaids have scales on their skin that glitter when the sunlight hits it correctly, long hair with sporadic braids, and sharp shark-like teeth. Their tails are usually long and have several trailing fins coming off it at different places. They tattoo themselves and their tails have around three or so colours on them. When on land, their hair is slightly shorter but still left out and braided. Their tattoos become fairly invisible and nearly all that remains are the webs between their tingers and toes and the gills on their neck. The gills on their ribs disappear.

Mermaids are one of the more promiscuous creatures and have no qualms about who they sleep with as long as their ual needs are sated.
Sirens: Sirens are like a mixture between a succubus and a mermaid. They're astonishingly beautiful and their voices have a hypnotising effect when they sing. Occasionally, female sirens will use their voices to attract potential ual partners, but male sirens have unnaturally strong self control.
Naiads: Naiads are the spirits of the water.
Selkies: Like a mermaid and a shapeshifter but when in water, change automatically to a seal skin.

Shapeshifters: Shapeshifters are normal humans but just happen to be able to shapeshift. There are two types of shifters; ones who shift into other people, and ones who shift into animals.
Witches: Normal humans who are able to cast spells, either mentally or physically; meaning they either think the spell or it requires bodily movement. Witches are all female
Warlocks: Exactly the same as witches but sometimes require runes and are all male.
Skinwalkers: Like shapeshifters, but must first have skin contact with the person or animal and 'absorbing' some of ther essence before changing into it. Skinwalkers are identified when changing, as their skin seems to ripple and 'walk' before the change is complete.
Dreamwalkers: Normal humans but can enter people's dreams.


Song Ji Min.
16 years old.
Rogue Beta.


Krystal Jung.
18 years old.


Lee Tae Min.
18 years old.


Kim Jong In (Kai)
17 years old.


Lead Pack of Seoul.
12 members.
2 Alphas.
From ages 17 to 23.
(Note; 4 members went rogue from a Chinese pack and were subsequently picked up in Seoul.)
Wolf pelts range from black (Kai, Kris) to browns (Baekhyun, Chen, D.O, Lay, Suho) to grey (Luhan, Chen) to orange/tan (Chanyeol, Tao) to white (Sehun).


Kim Tae Yeon.
20 years old, physically. 123 years old, biologically.
Academy President.


Tiffany Hwang.
19 years old.
Academy Vice President.


Other KPop Artists.


Established: Krystal/Taemin



Mr Cho

Mr Kim

Mr Kim/Jongwoon

Miss Park







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lucky9606 #1
Chapter 3: i really am looking forward to the fight
lucky9606 #2
please update^^
its been too long
lucky9606 #3
Chapter 3: thanks for the update
lucky9606 #4
Chapter 2: I really like this story... interesting plot so far
I cant wait to read more... please update
Chapter 1: ok nice... tbh i really liked the old version of this story but the improvement is ok too... whatever floats your boat as long as theres updates XD but is she still gonna bond with all of them cos i really liked that about this story and it was cute. awww shes no alpha now :( anyways cant wait for more! ^^
Lily_gurl221 #6
Chapter 1: Aaaah finally!! She's not badass anymore (~.~)