We're Even Now

Shaving Cream Pranks
Baekhyun has an idea.
A really evil good idea.
It had all started when Baekhyun had ventured into the kitchen for a late night snack.
Spotting the whipped cream can on the counter, he'd gone straight for that, expecting to receive some of the glorious fluffy creaminess in his mouth as he directed the nozzle towards his face.
Instead, he was only met with air spraying into his mouth, causing him to cough.
Well, great.
"Thanks for leaving me whipped cream, whoever ate it all" Baekhyun whispered loudly at the bundles in the living room.
However, looking at the whipped cream can, he was reminded of a certain prank he'd been wanting to try for a while.
The shaving cream prank.
And just who was Baekhyun going to prank?
The tall guy had been asking for it all throughout the movie, grabbing Baekhyun at scary moments and whispering creepy things in his ear.
Baekhyun had even woken up a little earlier to Chanyeol hovering over him with a creepy grin, marker poised over his face.
Which was why Baekhyun was now sporting a "I love Channie" message on his face.
In bright pink marker.
Surrounded by a big heart.
Baekhyun's a heavy sleeper.
Fortunately, so is Chanyeol.
So now we're back to Baekhyun standing over Chanyeol's sleeping body, a grin very similar to Chanyeol's across his face.
Baekhyun leans down, grabs Chanyeol's arms, and starts pulling.
'This might be a little harder than I thought' Baekhyun huffs in his mind when he's halfway down the hallway to his and Chanyeol's room. He freezes when the sleeping boy's head knocks against his shin, eyes wide in the darkness, but Chanyeol simply sighs in his sleep and then goes limp again.
Arms crying out from exertion, Baekhyun finally makes it to their room, maneuvering Chanyeol's limp, lanky body to the center before releasing his wrists.
'It would be even better if I can get him on the bed' Baekhyun mutters in his head, partially filled with excitement for his prank and partially with dread at the thought of lifting Chanyeol again.
But Baekhyun's a determined person, so he rolls up the sleeves of his pajamas and gets behind Chanyeol.
Sliding his hands under the younger's arms, Baekhyun shuffles towards the bed, Chanyeol in tow.
Thankfully their beds are low to the floor, so Baekhyun climbs on backwards, lifting Chanyeol's torso from the ground up onto the bed. 
Squeezing out from under the sleeping boy's back, Baekhyun hops back to the ground and heaves Chanyeol's lower half onto the bed as well.
Smiling maniacally, Baekhyun scampers off to the bathroom, giggling as he grabs a can of shaving cream from the sink (while avoiding looking at his marked face in the mirror) before running back out into the bedroom.
Chanyeol's still sleeping soundly on the bed, and Baekhyun arranges his hands, palm up, on either side of him.
He then gently squirts a whole palmful of shaving cream into both of Chanyeol's hands (he doesn't know which one Chanyeol will use) and steps back to admire his work.
"I got you good this time, Channie" Baekhyun whispers, his face only half illuminated in the light from the bathroom.
But now Baekhyun needs a feather of some sort to start his prank.
Looking through his stuff, he lets out a small "aha" when he finds a pen with a fluffy end to it.
It even glows, too.
Baekhyun wants Chanyeol to wake up to his victorious face hovering over him, just like Baekhyun did earlier with the marker prank, so, avoiding Chanyeol's hands, he gently straddles Chanyeol's stomach.
Holding his breath to prevent himself from laughing, Baekhyun brushes the glowing, fluffy pen to Chanyeol's nose.
Chanyeol simply turns his head and continues breathing.
'This will work' Baekhyun thinks determinedly, before tickling Chanyeol's nose again, faster this time.
'Bingo' Baekhyun grins as he sits back and watches Chanyeol bring one hand up to scratch his nose.
And then plop it down on his face.
The shaving cream splatters all over Chanyeol's face and he cringes.
But he's still only half awake.
That is, until he brings the other hand up to his face with a groggy "What the-" and promptly splatters that handful of shaving cream on his face as well.
Baekhyun can't hold in his cackles of joy as Chanyeol's eyes fly open, his entire face covered in shaving cream.
Unfortunately, when Chanyeol woke up, all he could see was the silhouette of someone sitting on top of him, some glowing instrument waving around in the person's hand, and feeling like he was being smothered in a cloud.
"Aghh!" Chanyeol cries out, twisting on the bed and sending them both toppling to the floor.
Thankfully, Baekhyun had thought of this happening and laid down blankets and pillows on the ground next to the bed.
It still sends the breath out of his lungs, however, when Baekhyun lands on the blanket/pillow pile on his back, followed by his shaving-cream-covered friend landing on top of him.
But that doesn't stop the giggles that erupt from Baekhyun's small body as he thinks of Chanyeol's face when he'd splattered not one, but two handfuls of shaving cream on his own face.
"Baek? What is this-is this shaving cream?!" Chanyeol splutters out, wiping at his face.
Baekhyun just laughs harder, but suddenly stops when he's pinned to the ground, looking back up at Chanyeol's grinning face.
"It probably would have been better if you'd run when you'd had the chance" Chanyeol says, still grinning.
"No, Channie, come on, we're even now" Baekhyun gasps out, suddenly aware of the turn of events.
Now he's the one pinned to the ground, a crazy, shaving cream covered giant hovering over him with plenty of shaving cream at his disposal.
"That's just too bad, Baek" Chanyeol continues, and Baekhyun whimpers underneath him.
'This is my prank! I can't lose!' Baekhyun thinks frantically in his mind, breaths coming faster.
But then Chanyeol makes his move.
He releases Baekhyun's wrists and promptly drags his hands, still slightly covered in cream, all over Baekhyun's face. 
Baekhyun can't stop laughing as Chanyeol then proceeds to tickle him, but he remembers where he kept the shaving cream can.
So Baekhyun squirms as far as he can with Chanyeol on top of him and grabs the can, spraying more shaving cream in Chanyeol's face.
Chanyeol sputters, and Baekhyun flips them over, spreading more shaving cream into Chanyeol's hair.
Chanyeol's hands grab at Baekhyun's waist, tickling his stomach, and Baekhyun starts to tear up from all the laughing.
Chanyeol's laughing, too, from tickling Baekhyun, and then from being tickled himself.
Baekhyun tickles Chanyeol's neck and his victim cries out in laughter, tears starting to stream down his face as he gasps for air.
"Ok, ok, Baek, you win, good--prank" Chanyeol gasps out, literally shaking with laughter.
Baekhyun collapses on top of the taller, breathing hard and covered in shaving cream, too.
As they catch their breath amidst giggles, Baekhyun remembers the shaving cream they're covered in and rolls off of the taller.
Chanyeol seems to be thinking the same thing as he glances at Baekhyun.
Then he takes off his shirt.
Baekhyun's eyes widen and he's thankful for the darkness in the room to hide his sudden blush.
He had not seen that coming.
Chanyeol takes his pajama shirt, which had shaving cream on it, and turns it inside out. 
"I'm too lazy to take a shower now, so is this ok?" Chanyeol asks, seemingly oblivious to Baekhyun's sudden silence.
He wipes himself off with the shirt and then scoots closer to Baekhyun, who'd apparently nodded to the previous question.
Baekhyun closes his eyes as Chanyeol wipes off his face, and then doesn't even breathe when the shirt wipes down his neck. The shirt stops in its progress, and Baekhyun opens his eyes.
"You've got some shaving cream on your shirt too, Baek," Chanyeol says, some expression flitting across his face before Baekhyun can make it out.
"W-what, no I don't" Baekhyun stutters out, scooting away from Chanyeol on the floor.
But then Chanyeol grins, and Baekhyun knows he's not going to get away so easily.
"Come on, Baek, you don't want to sleep in shaving cream, do you?" Chanyeol says teasingly, and Baekhyun yelps and scrambles to his feet.
But he's no match for Chanyeol's long legs, which he quickly finds out when the doorway is blocked by the grinning giant.
"Come on, Channie, it's fine," Baekhyun pleads as Chanyeol advances towards him.
But Chanyeol's not letting up now. He's liked Baekhyun for a while now, and taking off his shirt in front of Baekhyun had been a test.
A test which Baekhyun just passed.
Since Baekhyun went quiet and blushed (oh yes, Chanyeol noticed that) Chanyeol knows that Baekhyun feels something for him.
And he's going to find out what, right now.
Baekhyun gulps when he feels the wall press against his back, and then Chanyeol pounces.
He can't stop the laugh that comes from his mouth as Chanyeol tickles him while ing his pajama shirt at the same time. 
Baekhyun manages to slip away from Chanyeol, pajama shirt half ed, and he sprints for the door.
But Chanyeol grabs him before he even makes it four feet and they go tumbling onto the pillow/blanket pile Baekhyun had set up.
They wrestle with the pajama shirt, both giggling once again as they try to tickle each other.
Baekhyun gasps as he feels the cold air ghost across his bare torso following Chanyeol's success.
And then gasps even more when Chanyeol kisses him.
Chanyeol pulls back and scrambles to his feet, looking like he's going to run for the door just like Baekhyun did.
"I'm sorry, Baek, I didn't mean to--I just wanted to know if you liked me back" Chanyeol says quickly, not sure what to do now that he's kissed Baekhyun.
But Baekhyun's scrambling to his feet too, looking at Chanyeol with a hopeful expression on his face.
"Liked you back?" Baekhyun says, starting towards Chanyeol who's backing towards the door.
"Yeah, I kind of like you, but I don't think-" Chanyeol mutters, but he's cut off as the door handle presses against his .
'Well isn't this a strange turn of events' Chanyeol thinks, eyeing Baekhyun warily as the other draws closer to him.
Chanyeol opens his mouth as if to say something, but then his mouth is occupied as Baekhyun kisses him.
Chanyeol's eyes widen in surprise before he responds, wrapping an arm around Baekhyun to pull him closer, pressing skin against skin.
Baekhyun's breath hitches when Chanyeol turns them around, pressing him against the wall, and Baekhyun wraps his legs around Chanyeol's hips to give him more leverage to kiss the other boy.
Chanyeol groans a little into Baekhyun's mouth and Baekhyun smiles into the kiss.
Not breaking away, Chanyeol walks towards the bed, Baekhyun's legs still wrapped around him. 
Only when they reach the bed do they break away, and Chanyeol gently deposits Baekhyun on the blankets before crawling in as well.
Wrapping the blankets securely around their bare torsos, Chanyeol drapes his lanky arms around Baekhyun, grinning down at the smaller.
"I guess we feel the same, then?" Chanyeol whispers, and he's met with a quick kiss before they both fall asleep.
One more side story to go...phew!:) hope everyone enjoyed this very fluffy (literally too, haha) Baekyeol story!! Please bear with all this fluffiness...I'm starting to feel over fluffed;);) But anyways...off to Krismin!!
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Princess_lee #1
Chapter 1: I guess you could say that it's been written in Baekhyun's face all along. Jk~ this is a very cute story. I like the fact that you made them like bros, and boys who wrestle each other. All in all, everything is fluffy
Chapter 1: Aww cute Baekyeol~ <3
Chapter 1: Aww :D but they are still full of shaving creme, right? :P