
`fireflies : a yixing/myungsoo writing contest - winners announced


april 2, 2014

one. okay, as some of you may have noticed, taylor had to go on an extra long hiatus due to life and gave full reigns of this contest to me, but nothing will change and the prizes will stil be just as they are, as long as i have enough people doing this contest.  

two. i just want to see how many of you guys are doing the contest or have something in mind and plan on finishing a story by the deadline (which is august 7, so you all get an extra month and a few days to write), because as of right now, i only have a few that have taken genuine interest in this and i rather not host a contest with 5 people writing, especially when i'm giving out awesome prizes. (i'm expecting at least to actually enter and finish their stories so i can actually do the prizes that i said i would give, because i think it's kind of unfair to only get 5 people to finish something where all 5 get a prize, whether it's karma or the top two prizes, almost as if this was a giveaway instead of an actual contest. because if you want giveaways, then go to tumblr or the thousands of other giveaways on this site.) (so comment if you're still going to write for this contest, because as of right now, i'm really tempted to have only one grand prize and one second and third place winner instead of the two for each category.)

three. so chatty style hasn't updated their line in months, so i'm debating if i should go to another kpop merch store or if i should just do something like giving two albums away instead of either exo or infininite with a budget of 40$ on kpoptown for the grand prize instead of a t-shirt and album combo that i have down.) i know replayreplay is quite popular and has some great stuff, but as someone that's been waiting 2+ months on an order, i'm pretty sure you don't want to wait months for a t-shirt, so i'm thinking about just doing the dual albums if the amount of people partaking in this contest allows it. (i need at least people to finish writing their fics by the deadline for me to keep prizes as they are, otherwise i'll be going down to one grandprize and second and third place prizes like other contests. it's not often that 2 winners have the chance to win actual cool stuff, so i really want more people to take part in this.)

four. since this contest is so cool, it would be great if you guys could spread the word to your friends and get more people in on this. especially since i'm more likely to add other prizes and stuff if enough people join. if i get 50+ stories, i'll up the second place winners to a mini-album of their choice, so really, it pays to write for this pairing and getting more people in on it. 

april 10, 2014

one. thanks for the feedback guys, it's really appreciated and gives me hope that this contest will continue to be awesome. 

two. make sure you guys are reading the rules, especially the word length, the pairing (whether it's bromance/romance, people really shouldn't get this wrong), and what you can and can't do. if i don't specify something or i leave something out, then you can most likely write it, but if i make note of it and it isn't followed, then the story doesn't pass the preliminary round of who can possibly get prizes. so make sure you guys are reading those rules, especially since those rules are important and must be followed to even be in the running to win something. 

three. keep on telling your friends about this contest and convincing them to write because the prizes are really awesome and the possibility of more prizes being added is something that should make you want to get a few more people involved, since the chance of winning something can be even higher. most contests only have about three people winning, while this one can have six, with four people actually winning physical prizes if there is actually enough people to do that. so yeah, get your friends in on this and challenge yourselves and possibly win stuff.

july 7, 2014 --> deadline is now august 20th (final deadline, extensions may be given based on need)

okay, so far there is barely over ten entries, and of those entries, two are supposedly finished and this is before i do a last minute check to see if they have followed all the rules and can be judged, which doesn't really give me much hope. and i know i don't update this every day or every week, but i am busy and i can't always update this, but there is like 100 people subscribed to this and while i hope that a good amount of you are still joining and are just waiting to finish your stories up before you enter, it still to see only a few people entering so far and even then, there is the possibility that some of you won't even finish your stories or have forgotten all about this contest. (but there is still a month and half or so left and that is more than enough time to still write something or finish what you guys have been writing for this contest.) 

but as of right now, with how many entries i'm getting and how many people are generally interested in this contest and are doing their best to commit to it, i'm going to limit prizes to have one grand prize winner and then a second and third place winner. if more people end up joining and finishing their entries by the deadline, surpassing at least 25 finished entries (the goal i had set up in the beginning), i will do what i had before with having two first place winners again. but until then, i'm going with only having one first place winner and two runner ups, and this is not me trying to be mean, but due to the content of the prizes, i really thought i was going to get some more interest in this and if everyone is getting prizes, then there really is no competition and no point for those that win. (i'm sure some of you aren't thinking this, but take a moment and step into my shoes and you'll probably understand why i'm doing what i'm doing.) 

however, due to me limiting the amount of prizes (this is for the time being, if i ended up getting a lot more finished entries by the deadline, this will change back to how i had it), i have decided to give those that finish their stories, following all the rules too, by the deadline will get a karma point bonus for finishing their fics. it'll most likely be between 25-50 karma points, but hopefully it gives people more of an incentive to finish their fics or start their fics and finish them by the deadline. 

also, i think instead of the t-shirt thing, i'm going to give the first place winner the option of getting two albums (infinite/exo related of course) up to a price of 40$, which i think is a decent substitute for you all. plus, karma points for second and third place winners have gone up as well. 

so now that you're all caught up, go on and write. 

august 14, 2014 --> deadline is august 20th - extension is to september 5th

so the entry page has been updated, with improved links and everything since aff updates caused a few of the links to be lost! and i'm excited to see a lot more people join, so that's awesome (and of those that have competed their fics already, they are looking pretty good, so keep up the good work you guys), but please do your best to finish your fic if it's still incomplete. the deadline is august 20th, so try to get done by then, you have about seven days to do so, but if you really need an extension, you have until the 5th of september to get your fic finished (if it's not finished by then, then you can't compete for a prize as that's the final day of this contest, so get it in before then). if an extension is needed, just drop a comment, telling me that you need one, and you'll automatically be given one.


august 21, 2014 --> those of you that have asked for extensions you have until the 5th to get your stories in.

crossed out entries are those that didn't follow the rules (i've mentioned these many times, so it's not my problem if you can't follow them. i may sound a bit harsh, but the foreword has the rules in it and if you were unclear about any of them, you should have asked me before the deadline date.) or did not ask for an extension and have an incomplete fic. other than that, those that have extensions, you have until september 5th to get them in.   


october 10, 2014 --> winners announced + interested in joining another contest?

i just want to thank everyone that participated in this contest and did their best at writing. i really enjoyed reading all the stories and definitely found a few more authors to check out, so thanks. winners have received their karma points, honorable mentions received 75 karma points a piece, and those that completed the contest have gotten 30 karma points. :) but great job to those that entered, i hope you guys had fun. 

but onto the next thing, would anyone be willing to join an infinite based contest focusing on the genres: action/adventure/fantasy/sci-fi/mystery? you'll be able to write about whatever infinite member or pairing you want with it. oc fics are also allowed. comment below if it interests you. (karma points and an album prize will most likely be the prizes again.) 

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I am almost done judging, results should be up within the next week or so.


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Chapter 6: omg i'm so late but honorable mention! yay! thank you so much for the oppoturnity :)
obsolete_account #2
this is the first contest i've ever really entered so i'm super proud!! (i knew i wouldn't beat heidi BUT THAT'S A GIVEN ANYWAYS S O)
thank you thank you thank you for hosting this contest! it was lovely writing for it :D
Chapter 6: Congratulations :)
Chapter 6: IM................??????????? ;_________;
oh god, i don't even know what i should say??;;;;
cause i'm just really thankful that i was placed so high despite the length of my fic compared to some of the other entries fidsagkl like that was one of my biggest fears with this omg i'm a little overwhelmed right now!!! ;A;
on a side note though, i really wanted to say that this contest was a good experience for me as a writer since it was a huge step out of my comfort zone and it helped me experiment with technique as well as layout and characterization. i've never really wrote an exo/infinite fic before so everything was really new and i'm glad you liked it!
i'll pm you right now with the details c': fjdklasjg! thankyou so much for hosting such an interesting contest! it was definitely a first :)
Chapter 6: ohmygosh I didn't think I'd win anything (I didn't) but HONORABLE MENTION YAY! tenk q ;; congrats to the winners!
and thanks for running the contest :D
Chapter 6: congrats to all the winners!
Chapter 6: Congratulations to the winners ^^. I seriously wish my dad hadn't lent out my laptop at such a crucial time - I might have been able to finish my entry ;A;. Anyway, I would definitely be interested in participating in an infinite based contest :D.... though only if the deadline is sometime next year. I don't think I'll have time to participate otherwise >_>...
I know I'm dead. and I will forever cry because of this. but please, just the chance for my work to be read is enough for me. JEBAAAAAAL~ OTL
